Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 382:36:00
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Join Spiritual Medicine guru, Dr. Karen Kan, holistic physician and energy healer for this radio show so you can learn how to manifest health, happiness and prosperity and express your Soul's Mission, and in doing so, increase the Light and Love in the Universe! Dr. Karen interviews experts in energy healing, spiritual awakening, nutrition, Chinese medicine, Law of Attraction, prosperity and Consciousness. Dr. Karen's fans, students, and clients are Light Warriors - they are sensitive, loving souls, like Indigos, Crystals, Starseeds, Empaths, Hybrids, Walk-ins, and Earth Angels. Once a month, Dr. Karen does a free healing show where you can call in live (or use the chat) to get a mini-reading or mini-healing.


  • The Divine Order of Prosperity and Manifestation with Jeff Gignac

    16/11/2020 Duration: 01h26min

    Jeffrey Gignac started his journey at an incredibly young age as one of the youngest people ever to be certified as a practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming at the age of 15. He studied psychology at the University of Windsor before becoming a clinical hypnotherapist and licensed Master Practitioner of NLP and a World-Renowned expert in Brainwave Stimulation and Entrainment. Jeffrey is a published author, speaker, and coach as well as one of today’s most prolific content creators in the personal development space. His love for helping others transcend limitations and live their best lives has made him a fan-favorite in the industry. Join us during this episode of Light Warrior Radio where we will be discussing his amazing new Energetic Support Services and how to increase prosperity and manifestation!   During this episode, you will learn: How to download Jeffrey’s free SM7 app with loads of great content to support your happiness, peace, prosperity, and health.Learn why timing is everything - how

  • How to find the Calm in the Chaos of Motherhood

    09/11/2020 Duration: 01h08min

    Motherhood is an incredibly beautiful, rewarding, yet challenging journey. It's easy to see how busy moms trying to do it all, can become lost in parenting, careers, and the neverending to-do lists. Inevitably they become lost within themselves. A common feeling as 90% of moms experiences guilt and anxiety. This guilt is exacerbated when moms begin to compare themselves to others.  Most moms suffer silently feeling like they are the only ones feeling this way. They feel they are failing, not good enough, overwhelmed, and scared to reach out for help for fear of judgment. Reaching out for help is not a sign of weakness but one of strength and courage. This can be hard and scary to do alone. As Warrior Mamas Raising Leaders they guide moms inward to fully connect with themselves mind, body, and spirit. No longer do women feel guilty, overwhelmed, and confused but are lead towards feeling radiant, resilient, and relaxed. Myriam, Leslie & Kriste with Sweaty Successful Moms have discovered that when you fu

  • LifeWave - Tribute to Dr. Steve Haltiwanger

    02/11/2020 Duration: 01h03min

    In this special segment of Ask the LifeWave Doctors, CEO and inventor, David Schmidt will be joined by Kathy Arnaud, Christine Fisher, Dr. Dennis Lobstein, Dr. Quila Rider and I as we do a tribute show for our friend and colleague, Dr. Steven Haltiwanger, who passed away October 4, 2020.  We'll be overviewing the LifeWave technology and Dr. Steve's important role as medical director of LifeWave as well as sharing funny and warm anecdotes and stories about Dr. Steve.  Please join us in this celebration of a legend, who will be missed greatly, not only for his amazing clinical acumen and brilliant mind, but for his incredible sense of humor.

  • How to Create and Promote a Successful Online Wellness Business from Scratch

    26/10/2020 Duration: 01h04min

    Are you a wellness practitioner who wants to know how to expand your business online but are lost as to what to do first? Maybe you don’t like “tech” or you are inundated with “how to get online” training programs from people who don’t specialize in wellness and healing, and their advice just doesn’t align without values. I’ve got some great news for you! My personal coach and mentor, Marcus Bird, Wellness Leadership Mentor, and Wellness Futurist, agreed to share with my subscribers the pitfalls of the 1-to-1 model of wellness care and how more than ever before, wellness professionals need to utilize the online space to share their wisdom and magic with people who desperately need it. In this interview, we touch on the mindset needed for wellness professionals to succeed on and offline as well as how you can get a copy of Marcus’ blueprint of how to set yourself up for online success right away as a wellness practitioner. Whether you’re a naturopath, chiropractor, Reiki Master, energy healer, massage therap

  • Badass Beat the Bulge Using the Metaphase Method of Weight Loss

    19/10/2020 Duration: 01h19min

    Do you have trouble with weight loss or keeping it off? We get to a certain age and it just seems that much harder. Even though we do everything right, everything just seems to go wrong. No matter what we do we just don’t seem to get the results we're looking for. Don’t you find it interesting that the weight loss industry is a multi-billion dollar industry? There are so many diets and exercise plans out there and they should work - but they don’t. All we hear is trust the process and you’ll be fine. It's very frustrating and quite depressing.  Most people just give up and eat all the food and drink all the wine. That makes us feel like failures on so many levels. Wouldn’t it be great to do a plan that works to use your hormones and metabolism as your superpowers instead of your burden? To truly understand how you as an individual lose weight.  Nutritionists are actually trained in doing the wrong thing for women. Most food plans are done for women by men (weird right?) or done by people who have never had

  • Wisdom: Now and Always with Miguel Mendonça

    12/10/2020 Duration: 01h15min

    Why are we allowing ourselves to be controlled, manipulated or overpowered? How have we not learned to be totally free? Me too movement, black lives matter….we are still fighting an endless series of battles for “I am worth what everyone else is worth.” Is it insane that our smart society is still doing dumb things? The pandemic has given us an opening to do deep work on ourselves. Not all will choose to see this opportunity. We have a unique opportunity to grow from this years’ events. What is wisdom, and how can we cultivate it? Bestselling author Miguel Mendonça has explored these questions in great depth and breadth in fascinating, illuminating discussions with an extraordinary group of 25 highly accomplished writers, teachers, scientists, artists, and activists. They take us into the key experiences and relationships which helped develop their sense of what wisdom is and how each of us can develop it. Representing three generations, they come from 11 countries across five continents and have travele

  • LifeWave Patching: Emotional Rebalancing to Support Relief of Grief and Sadness

    05/10/2020 Duration: 02h00s

    LifeWave patches can be used to regulate the energy of the life force known as qi in the acupuncture meridians. According to Asian medical physiology, emotional stress and trauma affects the Corporeal Soul or Po, which is housed in the Lungs and is subject to grief and sadness. Grief and sadness constricts Po causing Lu qi stagnation. Such stagnation in the chest qi may result in lump or tumor formation. Emotional patterns of energy are best addressed in Asian medicine by the Five Element system or Wu Xing in which the Lungs are the yin phase of the Metal Element. So, to deal with grief and sadness issues, we discuss how to use LifeWave patches to support Metal. During the next Ask The Doctors LifeWave Radio Show Monday, Dr. Dennis and I will be discussing how to patch particular acupuncture points of interest including Lu 7, Lu 3, and CV 17, which unbinds the chest qi or disperses qi stagnation in the chest.

  • AquaSync - Software You Can Use to “Program” Energy Healing Water

    28/09/2020 Duration: 01h13min

    Get in the flow. AquaSync software programs run on Quantum technology that bridges the gap between science and consciousness. From simply boosting your energy to manifesting a miracle, AquaSync charges your water with targeted frequencies to help change every aspect of your life for good. This long-awaited program includes 6 different water charging programs! And you can access it from any device, not just a PC.  MAC users have been waiting years for this new platform which Peter built from the ground up. It is powerful. Check out some of the benefits: Remove old frequency patterns that have been standing in the way of achieving optimum health, happiness, and financial freedom. And replace them with harmony, joy, and confidence.Improve all aspects of your life. We are holistic beings, no aspect of ourselves operates in a vacuum. When you embark on the journey to improve any aspect of your life, they are all boosted in turn.Find balance. In our day-to-day interactions with others, we're in a constant state of

  • The Impending Fall of America and Global Government with Dr. Richard Ruhling

    21/09/2020 Duration: 01h28min

    Health is wealth, especially as we get older, but medical care is not healthcare. It’s actually a leading cause of illness and death due to adverse drug reactions. In this episode, I will interview Dr. Richard Ruhling who understands this better than most physicians. Dr. Ruhling is a retired physician who was board-certified in Internal Medicine and had a Cardiology Fellowship before teaching Health Science at Loma Linda University. He applies what’s happening in healthcare to America in general, saying that all major systems are broken. Education gets a failing grade; preachers are responsible for the bad shape things are taking and the government is no longer working--as John Adams, 2nd US President cautioned re the Constitution. We are seeing huge forces pushing the US to a global government/bad idea. During this episode, you will learn How medical care is the leading cause of death,Why medical care is a rip-off,What healthcare actually looks like,and much more!  Learn more about Dr. Richard Ruhling by v

  • Declutter with Purpose with Lianne Hofer

    14/09/2020 Duration: 01h11min

    In our homes, we see clutter stacked on counters. We see clutter stuffed behind cabinet doors and piled in closets. All that stuff is dragging us down. It is weight keeping us held in one place like an anchor at sea. When we release that clutter, that stuff, we are allowed to grab the wind, find the current to sail on with the wind in our hair, under our wings, and experience the wonder life has in store for us.  It can be scary. Scary to let that stuff that is holding us in place. Staying in place is safe, we know what to expect. It is also stagnating our growth. It is keeping us from moving forward. Removing clutter allows us to be who we want to be.  Working through clutter also means we may have some feelings, memories, and unresolved “stuff” the work through.  Lianne Hofer has seen the effects of clutter first hand growing up with a “clutterbug”, her mom. Her mom suffered from depression and piles of stuff. Lianne spent her childhood trying to relieve her mom’s unhappiness by tending those piles. As a

  • LifeWave Patching for Burning Discomfort in the Chest and Stomach

    07/09/2020 Duration: 01h58min

    LifeWave patches can be used to regulate the energy of the life force known as qi in the acupuncture meridians. According to Asian medical physiology, Stomach qi normally flows downward in the Stomach Meridian. However, when certain energy becomes imbalanced, Stomach qi can flow upwards. The upward flow of Stomach qi referred to as rebellious St qi creates dizziness, nausea, vertigo, gastric reflux, and the feeling of burning in the chest and stomach. Regulation of qi means the qi is influenced to correct its imbalance and flow in a healthy direction. So, in the case of St qi, regulation means returning the qi flow in the downward direction, thereby eliminating rebellion and its discomforting consequences such as burning in the chest and stomach. One of the simplest ways to regulate St qi is to place a LifeWave Glutathione patch on CV 12, the front mu point for the St meridian. Other approaches include calming the Liver qi so Wood does not attack Earth, and we will discuss protocols for doing this as well as

  • How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome and Turn Your Passions into Profit

    31/08/2020 Duration: 01h21min

    As a Conscious Leadership Expert, Sarah Rose guides spiritual messengers, lightworkers, and coaches to fully own their gift and step fully into their power + purpose as a leader so they can make a global impact with their gift and answer the call they are feeling to be of divine service. Sarah teaches her clients how to come into complete Soul alignment and build their purpose-driven business so that it scales their impact and influence on the front end but also their time on the backend so they can not only align with their mission but their desired lifestyle goals as well. She sees a lot of healers and lightworkers trading time for money and dollars for hours and at the end of the day, best-case scenario, they are helping people but not as many people as they could and they are burned out.  Women also are attracted to Sarah when they are just getting started with their business and they just know they want to build something from the start that is in complete Soul alignment but they just aren’t sure how

  • You are Superhuman! Interview with Caroline Cory

    24/08/2020 Duration: 01h00s

      In this episode of Light Warrior Radio, I have the pleasure of interviewing Caroline Cory, creator of the Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible Film which is now available to the public. I was able to watch this film during the pre-launch and I absolutely LOVED it. It is a must-see for anyone on the consciousness path that really wants to open their minds and hearts to their innate talents and gifts. Extra-sensory perception (ESP) is not something only certain people are born with. Ground-breaking scientific experiments are presented in this film and Caroline shares some of the most exciting bits with us on this show! It's incredible and miraculous. Caroline Cory is an award-winning filmmaker, futurist, and the visionary author of best-selling books on Consciousness and Energy Medicine, topping the charts of Consciousness Science and mystical literature. As a child and throughout her life, Cory has had numerous E.S.P (extra-sensory) and pre-cognition experiences, which led her to become deeply connected

  • Frequency Minded Music - The Future of Healing Music

    17/08/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    Music is both mathematical and magical. It can touch so many different people in so many diverse ways. In this episode, I will be interviewing Ian Morris, the Sound Alchemist and Founder of Listening to Smile. Listening to Smile is a unique sound healing company developed with the purpose of improving mental, emotional, and physical wellness for people of all ages. They achieve this through the use of Frequency Minded Music that is composed utilizing chakra frequencies, planetary frequencies, Schumann resonances, and the Solfeggio frequencies. Along with the frequencies, they incorporate many different styles, genres, and tempos of music for meditation, sound immersions, and movement meditations. Ian will explain what is Frequency Minded Music and how you can utilize it to heal at home.  Frequency Minded Music is a conscious intention to introduce you to a consistent frequency or tone that has proven to be useful in facilitating a certain mood, feeling, or brainwave state. Unlike traditional sound therapie

  • Medical Intuition with Wendie Colter, CMIP

    10/08/2020 Duration: 58min

    Join me during this episode of Light Warrior Radio as I interview Medical Intuitive, Wendie Colter. She will be sharing her personal story about her childhood intuition and experiences where she successfully assessed and undercovered the root causes of challenging medical problems for those around her.  Wendie has been a professional medical intuitive for 20 years and is the leading trainer for healthcare professionals. Based in Los Angeles, she has effectively taught doctors, nurses, psychologists, therapists, energy workers, and health professionals how to use medical intuition in their practices. If you would like to learn more about Wendie or her work you can visit her website or find her on Facebook!  

  • [LifeWave Radio] Patching For Calm in a World of Chaos

    03/08/2020 Duration: 01h48min

    Chaos is not random. Chaos actually has a central attractor, which organizes the pattern. The biofield of the body also has an organized pattern, which may appear chaotic. So, the biofield may be a relatively organized coherent pattern, or it may be incoherent and chaotic. Living in a world of stress due to chaos and inverted logic can make the biofield incoherent, while calm increases the coherence of our biofield. According to Asian medicine, the yin anchors the yang qi, and when the yin is damaged it can not anchor the yang qi very well and the yang scatters incoherently creating what appears to be chaos – but the central attractor remains the yin. Yang scatter can result in psychological imbalances known as shen disturbance including emotional instability such as neuroticism, anxiety, irritability, sleep disturbance, anger, and fear. LifeWave patches can be used to calm shen by increasing coherence of the biofield. During this Ask The DoctorsLifeWave Radio, Dr. Dennis and I discuss how to apply LifeWave

  • Intentional Money Mastery Class with Janna Arsenault

    27/07/2020 Duration: 01h16min

    Have you ever thought to yourself, “Why am I always struggling with money?”. Maybe you’ve been sick and conventional medicine hasn’t helped you and you’ve reached out to acupuncturists and holistic doctors, only to realize that you “can’t afford” their services. Maybe you’ve thought to yourself, “Why doesn’t insurance pay for holistic medicine?” or even “Why do healers charge so much?” or “Why can’t it be free?” I’m so thrilled to be inviting back Janna Arsenault, one of my fabulous Wellness Leadership Academy mentors, to share her vast personal and professional experience around money blocks with my tribe. You see, it wasn’t long ago that I had lots of money beliefs that blocked me from manifesting more money in my life. You’d think that becoming a doctor would have solved them all. Doctors earn a lot of money, right? Well, usually they do. But because of my money thermostat, I subconsciously self-sabotaged my money success.  Lucky for me, I was willing to face my money blocks head-on. What I discovered

  • The Gen-Touch Holistic Fertility Method™ for Couples Who Want a Baby

    20/07/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    During this episode, I will be interviewing Genevieve Siegel, Holistic Fertility Empowerment Expert, creator of the Gen-Touch Holistic Fertility Method™, she guides those who are having challenges trying to conceive and feeling frustrated, stressed and crazed on a transformational journey to feeling calm, confident and in control of their fertility journey.  And what Genevieve is really passionate about is empowering these women to feel their whole and happy selves again.  Many people don’t realize it, but there are many women and couples who have that strong desire and are trying to have a baby but are struggling to conceive. That desire to have a baby can feel so strong and primal, that it is tough to explain to others what it feels like. And it’s tough for others to understand this pain or suffering unless they’ve been through it. And honestly, it doesn’t matter if there is a global pandemic going on, that strong desire to have a baby is still at the forefront of a woman’s mind, body, soul, and emotions.

  • The Magical You: Balancing Your World From the Inside Out

    13/07/2020 Duration: 01h37min

    In this episode, I interview Joshua Bloom, Emotional Freedom Master: Author, Speaker, Movie Producer, Master Facilitator, Trainer, and the host of "Emotionally Free TV”. As a sensitive soul or empaths, you have information coming at you from all directions and tend to become overwhelmed. Especially now with the CoronaVirus pandemic, empaths are overloaded even more. Our world is in the midst of a shift and sensitive souls and empaths are feeling this shift more than most people. Many of us shut down as a way to protect ourselves, but it makes everything worse instead of offering protection.  Joshua will show you how you can fully get into your body and experience an even deeper ground than an hour of yoga. He'll show you how to release the overload and let go of other people's stuff and teach you the basic steps to Quantum Energy Transformation™ so you can release and let go of heavy and stagnant energies in your body that consistently plagues you and bring you down. All in less than 2 minutes! Now is the

  • [LifeWave Radio] Can LifeWave Help With Spiritual Transformation?

    06/07/2020 Duration: 01h30min

    Have you ever wondered how the Tesla antennae really work with the LifeWave patches?   Or what about how to thread energy needles through the patches?  Have you heard that ancient alchemists used crystal technology to reinforce energy transformations?   Do you ever wonder how we walk on water every day?   If these questions intrigue you, you will be interested in this episode of Ask The Doctors LifeWave Radio Show. During this episode, Dr. Karen Kan and Dr. Dennis Lobstein will discuss the spiritual applications of LifeWave patches. Dr. Dennis will also share how he uses LifeWave patches to practice spiritual medicine, along with some of the results that will only be amazing to those who are limiting themselves to conventional allopathic medicine.  

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