Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 382:36:00
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Join Spiritual Medicine guru, Dr. Karen Kan, holistic physician and energy healer for this radio show so you can learn how to manifest health, happiness and prosperity and express your Soul's Mission, and in doing so, increase the Light and Love in the Universe! Dr. Karen interviews experts in energy healing, spiritual awakening, nutrition, Chinese medicine, Law of Attraction, prosperity and Consciousness. Dr. Karen's fans, students, and clients are Light Warriors - they are sensitive, loving souls, like Indigos, Crystals, Starseeds, Empaths, Hybrids, Walk-ins, and Earth Angels. Once a month, Dr. Karen does a free healing show where you can call in live (or use the chat) to get a mini-reading or mini-healing.


  • Overcoming Challenges in Parenting a Highly Sensitive Child

    29/06/2020 Duration: 54min

    Parenting a sensitive soul feels like a huge responsibility. We can’t make the world safe for our child, even though we want to, and we want them to reach adulthood with their gifts intact and available to them as much as possible, even as these gifts seem to be making life difficult for them. It’s gut-wrenching to watch them struggle.  It’s easy to feel helpless. The challenge is to be supportive without being codependent.  This requires a lot of self-care.   Johanna Messer, author of Manual for Living Your Own Life and Freedom to Change, shares her courageous journey of raising a highly sensitive Starseed child and some of the tools she’s learned along the way. In this enlightening and inspiring interview with Johanna Messer, you’ll learn: What kinds of challenges (including ex-spouses and the “establishment”) you might face raising a highly sensitive childWhat to do if your child sees ghosts, spirits or other things you can’t seeHow to let go of codependent patterns that can interfere with happiness Emai

  • The 7 Types of Rest: Why Types of Rest Are You Missing?

    22/06/2020 Duration: 51min

    Have you ever felt so exhausted that you wanted to just lay on the ground and do nothing? Have you been to the doctor for your fatigue and had a bunch of lab tests done that all came back normal? Do you wake up groggy and tired even after 8 hours of sleep? Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith is an internal medicine doctor who was at the top of her game: seeing patients in the ER and ICU, writing books, doing television interviews, and speaking engagements. From the outside looking in, she was the picture of success: she had the happy kids, the happy spouse, the big house, a successful career, etc. But the truth was, she was exhausted beyond belief. Being a doctor, she knew how to research her symptoms. She ran batteries of medical tests. All came back normal.  She tried to sleep more.  It didn’t work. She was perplexed. What could be wrong? That’s when she discovered that there are seven different types of rest. She calls it Sacred Rest.  If you have been feeling tired and don’t know why you might be missing one or m

  • Is Sugar the Original Gateway Drug to Other Drugs?

    15/06/2020 Duration: 01h07min

    Thirty years ago, Mike Collins struggled with drug use, and he sought help when his addiction affected his family.  During his meetings, Mike discovered that people would use sugar as a means to cope with the withdrawal symptoms and saw how the sweet substance could be a gateway drug in itself.  Michael Collins, founder of​ and the ​Quit Sugar Summit​, as well as the Board Chairman of ​Food Addiction Institute​, and has been completely sugar-free since he kicked his substance-use habit.     He raised his two kids on a sugar-reduced diet from the womb to six years old.  After years of only having sugar once a month, they are doing well. On today’s show, Mike and I will discuss how sugar addiction is present in our culture, as well as how you can recognize it.  We will also venture into the realm of sugar detoxes and why they can make cravings worse.  Finally, we will dive deep into the Keto-Flu and what you can expect during your change in direction. During this interview, you will learn

  • Staying Healthy in an Era of 5G Wireless and Biowarfare

    08/06/2020 Duration: 01h59min

    Are you concerned about the health effects of 5G? COVID-19? Chemtrails and geoengineering? Join me during this pre-recorded interview with engineer, physicist, inventor, and wellness teacher, Ken Rhola as we discuss these very important matters. Ken just isn’t a regular inventor, he is a highly conscious one. Using a whole-brain approach, the best parts of the left logical brain, and the right intuitive brain, Ken has been able to invent devices to counteract the negative frequencies of man-made negative technologies including biowarfare. In this inspiring and empowering interview, you’ll learn about: Electroporation and the two bands of frequencies used by 5G that could be harmful to human health What the purpose of chemtrails are and what you can get for your home and property to disperse these chemicals for 75-mile radius.  The reality of biowarfare and what his friends at the NSA and military have to say about it. How consciousness is the #1 protection to all these negative energies! The 3D tools yo

  • [LifeWave] Acupuncture Points for Neutralizing Fear and Nervousness

    01/06/2020 Duration: 01h42min

    Fear is nothing new. In fact, it is an incredibly useful energy to get us moving from a place of danger to a place of safety. Unfortunately, momentary fear is very different biologically than chronic ongoing fear. With the COVID-19 virus pandemic and forced social distancing rules, fear and panic has spread throughout the world. Some experts feel the spread of fear is much more harmful than the spread of the virus! Chronic fear means chronically activating the sympathetic (fight, flight or freeze response) arm of our nervous system. That can lead to inflammation and a host of other significant mental, emotional and physical dis-ease.  Join me and my colleague Dr. Dennis Lobstein on Monday June 1st for the Ask the LifeWave Doctors segment of Light Warrior Radio as we share how to use phototherapy patches on specific Chinese Medicine acupuncture points/meridians to neutralize the negative effects of chronic fear and nervousness symptoms.  Dr. Dennis will review, in depth, the Chinese Medicine theory, and then

  • Are You an Unmanaged Empath? Developing Gifts of Empathy and Energy Management

    25/05/2020 Duration: 02h00s

    When embarking on a spiritual journey of self-healing, chances are you have come across the term “Empath,” but do you really know what it means to be one? With so many new-age labels and spiritual buzz words flying around, it is easy to get confused as to what really applies to your life. If you are a highly sensitive individual and have been seeking clarity as to why you may feel different from those around you, you may resonate with the term “empath.” But what does it mean if you are an empath? What do you do with it?  First, let’s identify, what exactly is an empath? The ability to connect with the energetic consciousness of other beings, whether it be animals, crystals, plants, aliens, environments or other humans (just to name a few)Emotions and psychic senses that are to be used as tools to understand and translate/transmit energetic informationSome even have the ability and soul mission to educate, support and heal those they connect withSo what happens when an empath is unaware of their gifts? An Un

  • Medical Intuition with Wendie Colter Pre-Event Show

    18/05/2020 Duration: 50min

    During this episode of Light Warrior Radio, I plannedto interview Medical Intuitive, Wendie Colter. She as going to = share her personal story about childhood intuition and experiences where she successfully assessed and undercovered the root causes of challenging medical problems for those around her. However, we couldn't reach Wendie, so Dr. Karen just did Q & A with the audience about Divine Muscle Testing and other topics.  Wendie has been a professional medical intuitive for 20 years and is the leading trainer for healthcare professionals. Based in Los Angeles, she has effectively taught doctors, nurses, psychologists, therapists, energy workers and health professionals how to use medical intuition in their practices. If you would like to learn more about Wendie or her work you can visit her website or find her on Facebook!

  • Signs & Synchronicity: How to Hear the Messages from the Universe

    11/05/2020 Duration: 01h00s

    The Universe is talking to you . . . but are you listening?  The Universe, your angels, guides and loved ones in Spirit are always talking to you! Join me with Tammy Mastroberte, author of The Universe is Talking to You: Tap Into Signs and Synchronicity to Reveal Magical Moments Every Day and founder of Elevated Existence Magazine, as she shares: An exercise to jumpstart signs from the Universe and loved ones3 ways synchronicity shows up in our livesClues to notice signs and synchronicity when they happenA 5-step process to ignite the flow of signs in your life...and more! Get ready for your life to change from a series of chaotic and random events to everyday magic and miracles! To learn more about understanding signs from the Universe, order your copy of Tammy's new book by clicking here!

  • [LifeWave] Natural Protocols for Thinning Hair with Dr. Dennis Part 2

    04/05/2020 Duration: 01h33min

    In this episode, we are continuing patching protocols for hair thinning. If you missed part 1, you can find it here. Part 2 of 2: Review and the continued saga of how the same acupuncture points that tonify Kidney energy and Liver blood for fertility and longevity, also support the health of head hair. LifeWave patches may be used to help head hair with anti-aging effects. There are acupuncture points that harmonize the Kidney meridian and tonify the Liver blood, and Kidney energy and Liver blood are reflected in the health of the head hair. LifeWave patches support the health of internal organs, endocrine, vertebrae, joints, and sense organs – all under the influence of Kidney energy and Liver blood, as reflected in the health of the head hair. During this episode of Ask The Doctors LifeWave Radio Show, Dr. Dennis and I will be discussing further how to apply LifeWave patches on certain acupuncture points to harmonize meridians and energy that affect the health of the Kidney qi and Liver blood, hence head

  • Autoimmune Healing Secrets for Highly Sensitive People Masterclass Replay

    30/04/2020 Duration: 01h38min

    In this Autoimmune Healing Secrets Masterclass Replay, you'll discover why highly sensitive people have a tendancy to suffer from autoimmune and allergy symptoms more than the average person.  Taught by Dr. Karen Kan, this masterclass includes healing activations, mini-readings and mini-healings. When you listen in, you can make the intention of receiving the healing frequencies. In this program you'll learn: the 6 different autoimmune types Dr. Karen has discoveredyour 3 primary immune systems you'll want to keep tabs on daily during a pandemicwhy your doctors and healers might not understand why you're still symptomaticabout the 4 healing types so you can understand why you're healing takes so long Receive the Cell Membrane Magic™ activation For a limited time, you can join the Autoimmune Healing Secrets - Feel Fantastic Formula™ and receive the divine Design Training/Healing program free ($497 Value).

  • How to “Create” a Healthy Heart with Laurie Morse

    27/04/2020 Duration: 59min

    Listen in during this episode as I interview Laurie Morse, the author of Reverse Heart Disease Naturally: The Woman's Guide to Not Die Before Your Time  While rising cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and inflammation may be common, it’s not natural. It’s not the original design for a human being. So we ask, “Why are the statistics rising rather than falling with medical technology for the heart being as advanced as it is? Even some cardiologists admit that there’s more to a healthy heart than they can offer. As one leading cardiologist says, “Each heart has a biography, language, and method of revealing its truth if we know how to listen.” Some of the language of the heart includes a story, image, symbol, creativity, and/or meditation, and importantly, being witnessed. Every heart has a story and woven into that story is the unique personal medicine for each heart to heal. It’s never too late to start thinking about your heart health. Even though the most important components of heart health aren’t

  • Put Your Best Feet Forward with Structural Reflexology®

    20/04/2020 Duration: 01h14min

    During this episode, I will be interviewing Geraldine Villeneuve, the author of the book Put Your Best Feet Forward; Exploring the Causes and Cures of Foot Pain with Structural Reflexology. If your feet hurt or you have chronic pain in other parts of your body this episode will offer simple answers to understand why and what you can do about it. You’ll feel completely inspired and relieved to hear about non-surgical actions you can take for better health.  You’ll understand why feet, in large part, are in charge of the overall health of the entire body and why the body can become inflamed when feet become impaired. Many people, exhausted from their search to resolve their pain, rush into surgical procedures because they are desperate to feel better, however many of these procedures alter the integrity of feet and their function and often fail to address the cause of the problem, leaving them with scar tissue and other complications.  But there is hope! Even for those who have opted for surgery to regain p

  • Scalar Light - A Solution for Pathogenic and Parasitic Disease with Tom Paladino

    13/04/2020 Duration: 01h07min

    Scalar energy is the fundamental life force found everywhere in the world, space, and universe. It originates from the sun and stars. Chi, prana, OM, mana, life force, pyramid energy or zero-point energy are synonymous terms for scalar energy. It is able to break down the molecular bonds that hold together viruses, bacteria, and fungi.  Therefore, Scalar Light offers a solution (cure) for pathogenic disease. Tom Paladino has developed Scalar Light instruments that accomplish this function thereby offering to the world the solution (cure) for pathogenic disease.  Scalar Light has proven to eradicate viruses such as herpes, HIV, Epstein-Barr, hepatitis, Ebola, cytomegalovirus, etc. The implications of Tom’s ground-breaking research are far-reaching.    Tom envisions a global healing ministry that will serve to eradicate pathogens and parasites in a safe and effective fashion. He began his research with scalar energy during his undergraduate years. Inspired by various scientists, especially Nikola Tesla (a ge

  • [LifeWave] Patching Protocols to Support the Immune System

    06/04/2020 Duration: 01h51min

    Wellness of the Wei qi field. The Wei qi is the protective or defensive field of the body’s immune system. Wei qi is made in the Middle Jiao from grain and water, and Wei qi is spread by the Lung qi while being supported by the Kidney qi. LifeWave patches boost the health of the Middle Jiao, Lung qi, and Kidney qi, thus tonifying the immune system. During the next Ask The Doctors LifeWave Radio Show Monday, Dr. Dennis and I will be discussing how to apply LifeWave patches on certain acupuncture points to harmonize meridians and energy that affect the health of the Middle Jiao, Lung, and Kidney. We will illustrate the congruence of Western immune physiology with the art and science of Traditional Chinese Medicine that lead to understanding principles of immune system tonification, and understanding which acupuncture points to patch and understanding which patches to use, such as Y-Age and X39, to optimize the effects of the acupuncture points. We will discuss how to do LifeWave patching based on the spirit of

  • The Buteyko Breathing Method - How to Heal Asthma and Sleep Apnea Naturally

    30/03/2020 Duration: 57min

    Listen to learn: 1. Why it is harmful to breathe through your mouth 2. One thing you can do at night to stop the cycle of over-breathing 3. How you can "test" yourself to see if you are over breathing I have thought for many years that deep breathing through the belly was THE way to breathe. The science doesn't support this advice. Now, granted, breathing into your lower belly is much better than in your chest, Dr. Buteyko discovered that people breathe too often, taking in a larger volume of air than they actually need. What happens when we do that? Glad you asked :). When we breathe frequently and take in a large volume of air repetitively as most people do, whether they breathe into their chest (not so good) or their bellies (good), our carbon dioxide levels drop too low. When that happens, the oxygen we carry around in our hemoglobin doesn't detach from the molecule to feed our cells! Since reading Patrick's book, Close Your Mouth, I've told several huffing and puffing athletes to try closing their

  • What is Conscious Language™ with Robert Tennyson Stevens

    23/03/2020 Duration: 01h28min

    Conscious Language™ is a systematic approach to understanding the causative power of our spoken language and inner self-talk. He has developed a unique curriculum of empowerment technologies designed to support you in manifesting, sustaining, enjoying and living your heart’s desires.  Our language shapes our world and reveals where we are in our consciousness. What we say to others with our spoken word and to ourselves with our inner speech affects what we manifest in our life. Language changes are extremely powerful. When we can learn to upgrade our language to speak only what we choose to come into manifestation we can bring forth quantum levels of ever-expanding success Bob discovered 4 decades ago that our subconscious is literal. Scripture has greatly expanded his understanding: Decree a thing and it shall be established unto you By your words, you shall be justified and by your words you shall be condemned. Life and death are in the power of the tongue. The word becomes flesh. The purpose of Bob’

  • How the Water in Your Body Stores Unresolved Trauma and Affects Your Healing

    16/03/2020 Duration: 02h01min

    Have you ever asked yourself “Why am I sick?” or have you ever thought maybe being sick had a deeper meaning than the cells going haywire? Could breast cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, or even the coronavirus have an energetic purpose for being there? Could there be an energetic cause behind every disease?  Could there be a purpose that is driving each separate cell to alter itself in accordance with changes in energy in your environment? Then what would happen if you were able to communicate with the core of those cells, the cytoplasm, the special water that makes up most of your cells? Could you heal this cytoplasm, and therefore heal your disease? Is it possible that our present medical way of thinking, the body has made a mistake in creating a disease, is seriously flawed? Therefore the treatment of cutting, burning, and poisoning as the only therapy available to a doctor, instead of healing you, be actually causing more trauma to your cells? Instead, could a horrific energetic shift in your

  • Block Therapy: 3 Natural Healing Strategies to Release Pain, Fat, and Fatigue

    09/03/2020 Duration: 01h00s

    When I came across Deanna Hansen's story it really resonated with me. For years she struggled with her weight, anxiety, depression and chronic pain. It sounds so similar to my own struggles with fibromyalgia years ago! She has have spent over 20 years and 40+ thousand hours working in people’s tissue, and have created an easy to follow system that you can do in the comfort of your own home. It's called Block Therapy.  Listen to this episode to learn:  The reason weight loss programs often fail, and the secret you need to succeedThe reason our tissue ages and the steps you can take to not only prevent aging but also reverse agingHow creating space lost in tissue over time can support old patterns of pain, movement, and emotional conditioning being releasedAn understanding of how stress in your cells translates to stress in your life, and the solution Deanna Hansen is a Certified Athletic Therapist and founder of Fluid Isometrics and Block Therapy, a bodywork practice that is therapy, exercise, and meditation

  • [LifeWave] Natural protocols for thinning hair with Dr. Dennis Part 1

    02/03/2020 Duration: 01h35min

    Part 1 of 2: The tale of He Shou Wu or “The Black Haired Mr. Wu and the acupuncture points related to the energetics of Chinese vine Polygonum multiflorum, one of the most highly prized of the Chinese herbs because it tonifies Kidney energy and Liver blood for fertility and longevity. LifeWave patches may be used to help head hair with anti-aging effects. There are acupuncture points that harmonize the Kidney meridian and tonify the Liver blood, and Kidney energy and Liver blood are reflected in the health of the head hair. LifeWave patches boost the health of internal organs, endocrine, vertebrae, joints, and sense organs – all under the influence of Kidney energy and Liver blood, as reflected in the health of the head hair. During this episode of Ask The Doctors LifeWave Radio Show, Dr. Dennis and I will be discussing how to apply LifeWave patches on certain acupuncture points to harmonize meridians and energy that affect the health of the Kidney qi and Liver blood, hence head hair. We will illustrate the

  • Turning Harsh Judgments into Blessings with Selina Maitreya

    24/02/2020 Duration: 01h21min

    Selina Maitreya is a teacher of Practical Spirituality. In her work, she empowers her students to increased consciousness through the use of their daily life experience. In this episode, Selina will share with us how we can use the harsh judgments we hold of ourselves, of others and of situations as a tool to bless ourselves and others. If you find yourself judging yourself harshly and taking others along for the ride, and you would love to not only lose this practice but be able to bless yourself and others, living in the frequency of kindness! To learn more about Selina and her mission, you may do so by visiting her website, Facebook or Instagram!

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