Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 382:36:00
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Join Spiritual Medicine guru, Dr. Karen Kan, holistic physician and energy healer for this radio show so you can learn how to manifest health, happiness and prosperity and express your Soul's Mission, and in doing so, increase the Light and Love in the Universe! Dr. Karen interviews experts in energy healing, spiritual awakening, nutrition, Chinese medicine, Law of Attraction, prosperity and Consciousness. Dr. Karen's fans, students, and clients are Light Warriors - they are sensitive, loving souls, like Indigos, Crystals, Starseeds, Empaths, Hybrids, Walk-ins, and Earth Angels. Once a month, Dr. Karen does a free healing show where you can call in live (or use the chat) to get a mini-reading or mini-healing.


  • From Inner Turmoil to Inner Peace with Ann Hince

    23/05/2022 Duration: 50min

    When Ann Hince was 19, the trajectory of her life dramatically changed after finding her mother, who had unexpectedly passed away.   Twenty years later, as a software engineer, the tears from that trauma were still just under the surface. Ann found a simple technique that helped her release these emotions - but she went further and can now put her awareness inside her body - and has changed the bone structure of her skull and has grown ½ an inch at age 55. Ann has found that seeking out our truth, what we truly feel, and accepting those feelings, is the key to inner peace.    Ann’s story is a quest for inner peace. Which resulted in optimal mental health, physical health, and an expansion of awareness that she did not know was possible – and had not heard others talk about.    Ann used two techniques at different levels of awareness along her journey. Early on it was EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique, or Tapping). Then we will continue along Ann's journey, explaining how awareness expands from words to e

  • Recovering My True Self with Melissa Mayer

    16/05/2022 Duration: 46min

    Would you donate an organ to a loved one in need?  During this episode, I have the pleasure to interview Author and Holistic Physical Therapist, Melissa Mayer, as my guest for my LIVE Light Warrior Radio Show. Melissa will discuss her journey of donating her kidney to her husband and the associated transformation she experienced that became the centerpiece of her book, ‘Recovering My True Self”.  As a Holistic Physical therapist, Melissa knows healing. She has experienced it firsthand and channels it to those looking for wellness, connection, and deeper healing.      Melissa is also a student of A Course in Miracles and utilizes her connection to Spirit in her work as a healer and a writer.   Melissa combines her 15+ years of physical therapy with her background in yoga, meditation, Buddhism, and Spirituality/metaphysics to give patients the best the eastern and western medical models have to offer! Her book, ‘Recovering My True Self’ is available on Amazon, and wherever books are sold. Her work has bee

  • The Divine Feminine Way with Elé de Posson

    09/05/2022 Duration: 01h05min

    During this episode, I interview, Elé de Posso who was oncehappily married and a mother of one. She shares that upon returning from India to expand herself, she was shocked to find her husband asking for a divorce. While healing from divorce is when she realized the abuse and manipulation she went through during her marriage. She learned energy healing and developed The Self-Healing Spiral™ and although this method was found to be effective she still felt out of alignment.  She found another way of living by aligning with our Divine Feminine energy that we can unlock our sovereignty, and magnetize magic and wealth in our business. This work is deeply transformative at a physical and soul level, and Elé believes it is part of building the New Earth. She will share how to reclaim our Feminine power and sovereignty so that we can run an abundant business with ease, alignment, and magnetism. Tune in to learn: Patriarchy “rules” and how they’ve affected women Why women have been functioning like men in busines

  • Phototherapy Patch Q & A with Dr. Karen Kan & Dr. Dennis Lobstein

    02/05/2022 Duration: 02h04min

    Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I will air LIVE on Light Warrior Radio Podcast on the first Monday of each month starting at 12 noon Eastern in order to help customers, distributors, and users from around the world get the most out of their phototherapy patches.  Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain, to detoxification, and addressed almost every organ in the entire body. You can find the archives by searching for the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and sharable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and I will be fielding questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. Recently I had to bow out of one of my own Facebook groups due to time constraints and Facebook censorship inconveniences. So if you miss "seeing" me in that group, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! Folks that call in live, or post their question in the chat will be the first priority in our Q & A

  • Infinite Possibilities: Experiencing Complete Freedom with Jeff Gignac

    25/04/2022 Duration: 01h30min

    One of the reasons why I love April is because my healer colleague and friend, Jeffrey Gignac offers a sale each year. It is an opportunity for my tribe to receive the benefits of the Life Response Frequencies at a heavily discounted rate. I bought Life Response Frequencies a long time ago, and I still use them to this day! Jeff is taking $100 off and bundling up the Energetic Support Services (monthly subscription to get weekly healings from his Guide Group based on your written intentions, live healing events, and sound healing sessions for 12 months) for just $22!  During this episode, Jeff tells us where Life Response Frequencies came from, why he is not the guardian of these frequencies, and why he got the nudge to uplevel it to include new frequencies, including the Field of Infinite Possibilities.  Tune in to learn: How to harmonize with the Field of Infinite Possibilities and its gifts of complete freedomHow balancing your “Four Wheels of Life” to ease suffering“The Secret Skill” of success and ha

  • Discover Your True Self Through Centering Prayer with Rich Lewis

    18/04/2022 Duration: 56min

    During this episode of Light Warrior Radio, I will be interviewing Rich Lewis, author, speaker, and coach who focuses on centering prayer as a means of inner transformation. He teaches this method in both his local and virtual communities and even offers one-on-one coaching. ​ Rich’s story began with dabbling in silent prayer, a term that’s often used synonymously with centering prayer. He heard and read that silence was transformative and wanted to experience this inner transformation too. He began his journey by sitting in silence to test how long he could be in stillness. With time (and patience with himself) he developed a revolutionary mindfulness practice himself that he now feels led to share with others.   Unfortunately, silence and silent prayer are counter-cultural. They can be very challenging to cultivate because everything in our society seems to point in the opposite direction. However, it is in silence that we can find the profound transformation that most of us are searching for.  Rich’s ho

  • Redefining Masculinity: The Role of Highly Sensitive Men

    11/04/2022 Duration: 59min

    Over 30% of the world’s population has a personality trait called Sensory Processing Sensitivity. People with this trait are often referred to as highly sensitive people or HSPs. Most of the world considers HSPs too sensitive. Sensitive people often react emotionally or temporarily shut down to a quiet place. However, what may seem to be a disorder is actually a gift. HSPs are often the wise counselors, advisors, compassionate, and nurturing people who are here to sense when things are awry and aid the rest of humanity with cautious and thoughtful advice. There has never been a better time in history for HSPs to rise and fulfill their duty to humankind than right now. During this episode, I interview William Allen, author, and Highly Sensitive Men expert. As an author of two books on being a highly sensitive man, he brings his years of life experience and research to help highly sensitive men to embrace this wonderful trait. For HSP men, it is often difficult to admit to being sensitive. Most of this is

  • Learn the Five Elements Detoxification Protocol with Q & A

    04/04/2022 Duration: 01h55min

    Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I will air LIVE on Light Warrior Radio Podcast on the first Monday of each month starting at 12 noon Eastern in order to help customers, distributors, and users from around the world get the most out of their phototherapy patches.  Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain, to detoxification, and addressed almost every organ in the entire body. You can find the archives by searching for the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and sharable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and I will be discussing the Five Elements Detoxification Protocol along with fielding questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. Recently I had to bow out of one of my own Facebook groups due to time constraints and Facebook censorship inconveniences. So if you miss "seeing" me in that group, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! Folks that call in live, or post their q

  • Brain Patterning and Procrastination with Adele Spraggon

    28/03/2022 Duration: 49min

    Have you tried to “force” yourself to do something because you thought you should? Or procrastinated and felt horribly guilty for it later? Or maybe feeling inundated with everything going on and just overwhelmed? I hear you. Been there. Done that. But what if there was a way to “delete” the brain patterns that were set in place when you were a child that causes all these problems? Wouldn’t that be cool? During this interview, we’ll be covering: Why anxiety and overwhelm patterns is rampant in highly sensitive peopleWhat procrastination is really about, and why you don’t need the guiltHow you can release things like sugar addiction with brain repatterningThe difference between trying to muscle your way to your goals and effortlessly manifesting themHow brain patterns are like an old operating system that doesn’t really work and how you can delete them and create a new operating system that does Adele is an award-winning author, thought leader, international speaker, and trainer. She was awarded the 2020 Wo

  • ET Contact: Message from Reptilians with Ken Rohla

    21/03/2022 Duration: 01h51min

    Do you have a trusted friend who has actually talked to aliens? I do. And what is particularly interesting is that much of what they told him, I was also “told” by Source to be true as well. Growing up, I loved the show Star Trek, but there were a few episodes that scared me. One of those episodes was when Captain Kirk had to fight a strong reptile alien. Fast forward to a couple of years ago, I became enamored with a Netflix series called Grimm. The costumes and CGI technology were incredible, the characters and heroes were interesting and believable. One of the “bad guys” had a snake-like head and was a ruthless wealthy businessman. The hero, the Grimm, had to take him out. So what’s with this Reptilian persona of being the bad guy? Is this Truth or Fiction? Is it a story we are told to make us scared and intimidated? If Reptilians or other aliens exist, are they all “bad”, “harmless”, or could they be a mix of both? Join me during this interview with my friend, Ken Rohla where he will be sharing his r

  • Escape from Canada: Waking up the World with Susan Standfield

    14/03/2022 Duration: 01h09min

    I’m from Canada. My parents moved from Hong Kong to Canada to escape the violent communist protests in the 1960s. I grew up in a “mosaic”, a peaceful country that honors diversity. A country where most oppressed people would love to move to. When backpackers go to Europe, they will often put Canadian flags on their backpacks because of how well many Europeans treat Canadians. Canadians were known to have freed countries after the Nazi occupation.  However, there has been something brewing in Canada for quite some time, something I was unaware of until the last year and a half. While learning more about what’s happening around the world through f r e e d o m activists on Instagram, I came across She is a Canadian mom who, through her own experience of being a mom and being persecuted by her own government for refusing to release her children’s medical records to them, sounded the alarm early in 2020 on what was really going on in this peaceful country. When I heard she decided to move

  • Phototherapy Patch Q & A with Dr. Karen Kan & Dr. Dennis Lobstein

    07/03/2022 Duration: 01h48min

    Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I will air LIVE on Light Warrior Radio Podcast on the first Monday of each month starting at 12 noon Eastern in order to help customers, distributors, and users from around the world get the most out of their phototherapy patches.  Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain, to detoxification, and addressed almost every organ in the entire body. You can find the archives by searching for the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and sharable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and I will be fielding questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. Recently I had to bow out of one of my own Facebook groups due to time constraints and Facebook censorship inconveniences. So if you miss "seeing" me in that group, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! Folks that call in live, or post their question in the chat will be the first priority in our Q & A

  • The Science Behind the Healing Power of Pyramids with Ken Rohla

    28/02/2022 Duration: 02h00s

    Ever since my mentor, Marcus Bird taught me the pyramid meditation for rapid manifestation in Fiji a number of years ago, I’ve been fascinated by pyramids. I found out that the Pyramids in Giza are actually octahedrons! And that sitting inside a pyramid is one of the safest places you can be - negative energy can't harm you there! During this episode of Light Warrior Radio, I interviewKen Rohla about his pyramid experiences and the science behind their healing properties. He says they are scalar wave antennae that can produce amazing healing effects from even deadly illnesses. They can also offer EMF protection, improve plant growth, and, as I already experienced, accelerate the manifestation of thought into reality. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years Ken worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health field, includin

  • The Forgotten Core: Neck & Pecs with Christine Koth

    21/02/2022 Duration: 01h02min

    Tension in 2 key areas of the body, the neck, and the hips, are the root of issues all over the body. Not only can this tension create pain and issues up and down the chain, but this tension affects our ability to handle stress and emotions. Tightness in these areas is, unfortunately, standard in the modern human, yet stretching isn’t enough to resolve it.  In this episode, Christine Koth, a physical therapist with 20+ years of experience, will shed light on this epidemic and what can be done about it. Her muscle release inventions, the Hip Hook and the NUCKLE have helped resolve chronic pain for over 60,000 people in under 2 years. We will discuss her discovery about neck tension in particular and why she is determined to eradicate it. James, my hubby, loves his new NUCKLE. He finds that after an especially tough workout, releasing the head and neck tension is just heavenly! I like working on my pecs because I tend to hunch a bit when I sit in front of the computer. After working as a Physical Therapist f

  • Where Religion Divides, Love Unites with Juan Lee

    14/02/2022 Duration: 01h07min

    What do you do when your local store owner chooses to do something unlawful and harmful because someone in the government told them to do so, but is asking you to comply because they don’t seem to feel it is a big deal?  Do you support their business? What do you do when your Facebook friend admonishes you for openly welcoming visitors to your town because you are risking the health of the community via the spread of a communicable disease? Do you keep that Facebook friend? What would Love do? We often hear that phrase, but what does it really mean? If Love is something everyone can agree on, why is it so hard for us to act out of Love or act from Love? Who is right and who is wrong? Or is there such a thing? What if there was a way to discern all your decisions and to know that you’re acting from Love and not some superficial understanding of Love? Would that change your life? During this episode, I interview Juan Lee, author and a teacher on the powerful principle of love. He is the author of the bo

  • Phototherapy Patch Q & A with Dr. Karen Kan & Dr. Dennis Lobstein

    07/02/2022 Duration: 01h42min

    Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I will air LIVE on Light Warrior Radio Podcast on the first Monday of each month starting at 12 noon Eastern in order to help customers, distributors, and users from around the world get the most out of their phototherapy patches.  Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain, to detoxification, and addressed almost every organ in the entire body. You can find the archives by searching for the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and sharable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and I will be fielding questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. Recently I had to bow out of one of my own Facebook groups due to time constraints and Facebook censorship inconveniences. So if you miss "seeing" me in that group, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! Folks that call in live, or post their question in the chat will be the first priority in our Q & A

  • Atlantis: The Lost Continent Finally Found

    31/01/2022 Duration: 01h39min

    Thousands of books and papers have already been written on Atlantis since its reality was first disclosed by the great philosopher Plato, some two and a half millennia ago. Hence, one may well wonder whether a new theory on the subject is really needed. Can anything new actually be said about Atlantis? The answer is a most categorical yes. After all, the riddle of Atlantis has never been satisfactorily solved so far. Our theory is an attempt by a reputed scientist (the late Prof. Arysio Nunes dos Santos, Ph.D.), to scientifically compare and refute, perhaps for the first time ever, the various existing theories on Atlantis' location and reality. Prof. Santos marries the most recent results and techniques of Modern Science to the sacred and folklore of all the peoples of the world, knitting humanity together in a solution to the riddle of Atlantis that neatly ties together the vast scientific and traditional evidence which was always there but never before seen by other researchers. Whether you are a scientis

  • ORMUS and Scalar Energy: Magical Alchemy for Transformation and Healing

    24/01/2022 Duration: 02h03min

    In November 2021, I visited my brilliantly-smart friend, Ken Rohla, and saw firsthand how he is growing his own food, charging his water, and living an extremely healthy Wi-Fi-free existence in Florida. He and his wife cooked an incredibly nutrient-dense vegetarian meal for me and my husband and we loved every second of our visit! You could tell by the energy of the home, environment, and plants, that this is how we as humans are meant to live - in harmony with our environment. Ken’s outdoor garden was growing like a wildfire using ORMUS. I didn’t know too much about ORMUS so Ken explained how it is made, its incredible properties, and the fantastical nature of monoatomic minerals. Did you know that monoatomic gold is a metal that can hold its form through different dimensions? Did you know that if you take toxic metals like mercury and lead and break them down into monoatomic counterparts that they become healing elements?  Mind blown! What happens when you swirl minerals in a magnetic field? You get hea

  • Mass Hypnosis, False Beliefs, and the Power of Intuition

    17/01/2022 Duration: 01h00s

    What happens when you give your power away to all the outside “voices”? Whether to mainstream media, school, family, church or anything else? Some would argue, you get exactly what is happening right now in the world. Why does the current state of the world feel so wrong? Are people thinking? Are they just following the rules and authority? Should we be feeling instead? And what happens if we do? Are people too scared to trust their gut? How does intuition work, where does it come from, and how can it help us navigate the “craziness” of this world?  The question is: Are we going through Mass Hypnosis globally? If so, how does that actually work? Maybe these are things you’ve never even thought of, as you go about your daily business - yet they can be fundamental to a transformative shift in your life. Many people have found relief from fears, trauma, anxiety, and health issues through hypnosis, and in particular through Past Life and Life Between Lives Spiritual Regression; where they come to recognize thei

  • Manifesting Secrets Revealed: Connecting with Your Body to Reprogram Your Mind

    10/01/2022 Duration: 59min

    Do you find that your "monkey mind" is constantly overpowering your inner knowing and intuition? Do you have subconscious negative emotions and trauma affecting your ability to fully step into your authenticity? Do you deeply desire to access the depths of your feelings, but you find yourself blocking and limiting your ability to truly feel and experience all that life has to offer? If you answered yes to any of the above, you are not alone! We have been programmed to believe that the mind is KING when in actuality, the mind was designed to support our inner knowing. The majority of the time, this largest nerve ending in our body directly communicates to the brain, NOT the other way around. The exciting news is that through the vagus nerve, we can easily rewire the brain. When we connect to our body and allow ourselves to transmute stuck emotions stored within magic, ease, and flow begin to happen. During this episode, I will interview Lindsay Marten Ellis women's transformation and healing coach and fe

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