Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 382:36:00
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Join Spiritual Medicine guru, Dr. Karen Kan, holistic physician and energy healer for this radio show so you can learn how to manifest health, happiness and prosperity and express your Soul's Mission, and in doing so, increase the Light and Love in the Universe! Dr. Karen interviews experts in energy healing, spiritual awakening, nutrition, Chinese medicine, Law of Attraction, prosperity and Consciousness. Dr. Karen's fans, students, and clients are Light Warriors - they are sensitive, loving souls, like Indigos, Crystals, Starseeds, Empaths, Hybrids, Walk-ins, and Earth Angels. Once a month, Dr. Karen does a free healing show where you can call in live (or use the chat) to get a mini-reading or mini-healing.


  • Phototherapy Patch Q & A with Dr. Karen Kan & Dr. Dennis Lobstein

    03/01/2022 Duration: 01h52min

    Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I will air LIVE on Light Warrior Radio Podcast on the first Monday of each month starting at 12 noon Eastern in order to help customers, distributors, and users from around the world get the most out of their phototherapy patches.  Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain, to detoxification, and addressed almost every organ in the entire body. You can find the archives by searching for the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and sharable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and I will be fielding questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. Recently I had to bow out of one of my own Facebook groups due to time constraints and Facebook censorship inconveniences. So if you miss "seeing" me in that group, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! Folks that call in live, or post their question in the chat will be the first priority in our Q & A

  • Ordinary to Extraordinary: Messages from Beyond the Stars with Fay Vale

    27/12/2021 Duration: 01h06min

    Have you ever seen something unusual that you cannot explain?  Maybe something that changed your perspective and opened up a new way of being?  If so, Fay Vale’s story will intrigue you. Mysterious lights, UFO’s and visions of strange beings trigger an obsession that withdraws. From religious-looking depictions to intricately costumed beings and unusual animals. Fay’s drawings come daily from what she describes as ‘channeled’ sources. Artists, ufologists, and the spiritually minded have been drawn to Fays' unusual work. A collection of hundreds of drawings, messages, and consequently a book and ‘healing’ cards make Fay’s story one of wonder and delight. In Fay's words, she was an ordinary housewife and mother of three. Late one night she had an experience that changed her life forever. She was never interested in the paranormal or otherworldly beings until one night she had an encounter with a mysterious light in the road which she cannot explain. Since then she has had contact with ETs for the past fourte

  • Healing in a Toxic World with Lyon G. Zonamyari

    20/12/2021 Duration: 01h15min

    I see it all the time these days. The minute someone gets a scratchy throat, a sniffle, or a cough, they immediately think, “Uh-oh, did I just catch C?” Here’s the thing, we’ve been taught from grade school that viruses are nasty germs that you “catch” from other people and that it’s now necessary to mask and sanitize to avoid getting sick. What if that paradigm is incorrect, or at best, inadequate? What if viruses live inside our bodies all the time without making us sick? What if the germ theory from Louis Pasteur isn’t as accurate as the terrain theory from Antoine Beauchamp, and we’ve been “treating” people inadequately all these decades? Why is it that some people get sick when “exposed” and others don’t? I’m going on a deep dive about all these questions in an interview with my friend Lyon G. Zonamyari who is an Intuitive Holistic Healer and Names Doctor expert. He has been helping people heal from all sorts of chronic and debilitating conditions for decades. Flying a bit under the radar, he uses a

  • The Divine Code of Abundance: Tapping into Your Legacy with Jennifer Watson

    13/12/2021 Duration: 01h33min

    Abundance has become a “buzzword” and a bit “elusive” to many. Although, everyone wants it! And accessing it can shift every aspect of your life, including your wellness.  We have all seen people around us that seem to have abundance. Who seems to have the “key” to accessing success in the things they want to be abundant. Research shows there are similarities among these people, an equation to access your abundance consistently & powerfully.   Abundance does not have to be “elusive,” overwhelming, or inaccessible. You have the tools inside you to create your abundance now. It starts with accessing your Wellness. The science behind creating more powerful Wellness is advancing every day. But how we translate our Wellness to other areas we desire to be abundant in, how we bridge the gap of Wellness to abundant life is still often misunderstood. But science is here too! We want to help you access your Wellness, in particular, your Emotional + Spiritual Wellness to crack the code of Abundance in your life.

  • Phototherapy Patch Q & A with Dr. Karen Kan & Dr. Dennis Lobstein

    06/12/2021 Duration: 02h13min

    Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I will air LIVE on Light Warrior Radio Podcast on the first Monday of each month starting at 12 noon Eastern in order to help customers, distributors, and users from around the world get the most out of their phototherapy patches.  Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain, to detoxification, and addressed almost every organ in the entire body. You can find the archives by searching for the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and sharable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and I will be fielding questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. Recently I had to bow out of one of my own Facebook groups due to time constraints and Facebook censorship inconveniences. So if you miss "seeing" me in that group, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! Folks that call in live, or post their question in the chat will be the first priority in our Q & A

  • The Life of a Sensitive Soul Truth Seeker

    29/11/2021 Duration: 56min

    Listen to this special interview with Nicholas Veniamin, a sensitive soul who became “awake” before his twenties, realizing that the world was controlled by an evil Cabal. He didn’t think he could make a difference back then, so he went to law school. But COVID happened and as he dug deeper and deeper into understanding what was really happening in the world, he discovered that many truths were hidden from the public. He developed a passion for research and began interviewing whistleblowers and those connected to them to learn more. Realizing that the education system was part of the negative paradigm, he is devoting his time to revealing the truth to the masses. He has now become somewhat of a phenom. His popularity stems from his gentle, grounded, style of interviewing. This Light Warrior stays in the vibration of Love, even whilst being exposed to information relating to the deep corruption that has been part of our reality for centuries. I’m thrilled to air this interview with Nicholas where we discuss:

  • Technological Weather Magic with Ken Rohla

    22/11/2021 Duration: 01h59min

    Are you concerned about the health effects of 5G? COVID-19? Chemtrails and geoengineering? Join me during this pre-recorded interview with engineer, physicist, inventor, and wellness teacher, Ken Rohla as we discuss these very important matters. Ken just isn’t a regular inventor, he is a highly conscious one. Using a whole-brain approach, the best parts of the left logical brain, and the right intuitive brain, Ken has been able to invent devices to counteract the negative frequencies of man-made negative technologies including biowarfare. In this inspiring and empowering interview, you’ll learn about: Electroporation and the two bands of frequencies used by 5G could be harmful to human healthWhat the purpose of chemtrails are and what you can get for your home and property to disperse these chemicals for a 75-mile radiusThe reality of biowarfare and what his friends at the NSA and military have to say about itHow consciousness is the #1 protection to all these negative energiesThe 3D tools you can use beside

  • What's Your Wealth Dynamics Profile with Trey Stinnett

    15/11/2021 Duration: 01h23min

    Do you own your own business and find yourself working all of the time to make a living? If you are like most business owners, feelings of uncertainty, overwhelm, and a “need to work hard” probably feels like a natural part of the process. It’s true that most entrepreneurs work all of the time - often more than they would if they had a job. While this may have been necessary at the start, many continue to operate this way far after they’ve achieved their original goals. They become victims of their own success with a business that drains them while they neglect the important things (like their health) to try and keep up. It can be frustrating because you started your business to create more freedom and more impact, so simply working less in an attempt to balance life can't be the answer, because you just end up helping fewer people and making less money. But there is a better way! During this episode, I interview my now business coach and mentor Trey Stinnett, entrepreneur and consciousness explorer, who h

  • Detox for Empaths That Want to Lose Weight with Wendy Myers

    08/11/2021 Duration: 55min

    Are you a sensitive soul who has noticed significant weight gain in the last few years, seemingly out of the blue? Have you been ‘swelling’ uncontrollably? I know a thing or two about that! Sensitive people have a great talent for feeling and sensing energies outside of themselves. Sometimes these energies cause a stress reaction in the body which can contribute to excess weight. Other times, the weight can be due to a healing reaction, as our mind and bodies clear negative low vibrational energies with greater speed, thanks to Ascension upgrades. Profound healing often comes with temporary excess water weight. Regardless of whether you’re at your ideal weight or not, it’s important to know how to detoxify yourself, both physically and energetically. Join me and my guest, Wendy Myers, detox expert, and functional diagnostic nutritionist, as we discuss the various ways in which we can support empaths and sensitive people slim down through physical and energetic detoxification. We’ll dive into some real-worl

  • Phototherapy Patch Q & A with Dr. Karen Kan & Dr. Dennis Lobstein

    01/11/2021 Duration: 01h48min

    Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I will air LIVE on Light Warrior Radio Podcast on the first Monday of each month starting at 12 noon Eastern in order to help customers, distributors, and users from around the world get the most out of their phototherapy patches.  Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain, to detoxification, and addressed almost every organ in the entire body. You can find the archives by searching for the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and sharable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and I will be fielding questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. Recently I had to bow out of one of my own Facebook groups due to time constraints and Facebook censorship inconveniences. So if you miss "seeing" me in that group, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! Folks that call in live, or post their question in the chat will be the first priority in our Q & A

  • Fascia Decompression: The Missing Link in Self-Care with Deanna Hansen

    25/10/2021 Duration: 01h07min

    Fascia is still a mystery to many. This system affects everything from how we age, how we move, how we process emotion, and how we heal. Keeping the fascia healthy, fluid, supported, and aligned will take you to new levels of health and awareness in your body.  What if you had a different perspective on how to keep your body fit, how to keep your size and shape in a healthy range, how to manage and eliminate your chronic pain and how to ensure your systems are working at their best for you. It is through understanding how the force of gravity and unconscious posture and breathing add up over time to create compression, and how we can reverse this to free the body of pain and adhesions -- and actually melt scar tissue from injury and surgery. During this episode, I will be interviewing Deanna Hansen, Founder of Block Therapy who has spent over twenty years and 50,000 hours diving into the fascia and has developed a self-care system to teach people what to do for themselves, what she did in the treatment room

  • The Toggle Effect: The Next Leap in the Mind-Body Connection

    18/10/2021 Duration: 01h03min

    During this episode, I interview Natural Therapeutic Specialist, Laurie Heusinger who has discovered a shortcut to transforming emotional stress using a simple three-step mental focus process she calls Cognitive Polarity Therapy that she calls, The Toggle Effect.  This process reveals a polarity dynamic in the emotional system that can be utilized and converted to improve mental and physical health. The process quickly improves cognitive function, health, and relieves pain. Using Traditional Chinese Medicine, this simple process can be applied to specific emotional stresses so you can directly improve health issues. Pain is also used as an indicator of the need for emotional shifts. By adding the pulse monitoring technique, one has a biofeedback tool that can be used anywhere and at any time.  Because of the direct connection, Laurie has made between the Chinese 5-Element process and Cognitive Polarity Therapy (CPT), Laurie has been approved to teach this process to the Acupuncturists at a national level. 

  • Soul-istic Medicine with Angie Ates

    11/10/2021 Duration: 01h26min

    Are you a Health Professional? Are you challenged with how to integrate your intuitive talents? During this episode, I interview an Integrative Practitioner, Angie Ates who has trained over 10k practitioners and will being sharing tangible tools to implement in your clinical practice. Whether you are trying to figure out how to “talk” about the intuitive, energetic side of what you do, or trying to manage the clinical pitfalls of client care, you will love Angie as she brings “real” experience to the interview. Soul-istic Medicine is all about aligning your work with your purpose fueled by your passion for helping others.  She will discuss the simple 4 pillar blueprint of an effective wellness plan protocol and how your intuition can shift the results. This blueprint is remarkable to use regardless of your clinical experience or practice model.  As we harness our intuition in our clinical practice, we all have had those moments when we wish we had another colleague to “lifeline” call. Many professionals ar

  • Phototherapy Patch Q & A with Dr. Karen Kan & Dr. Dennis Lobstein

    04/10/2021 Duration: 02h05min

    Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I will air LIVE on Light Warrior Radio Podcast on the first Monday of each month starting at 12 noon Eastern in order to help customers, distributors, and users from around the world get the most out of their phototherapy patches.  Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain, to detoxification, and addressed almost every organ in the entire body. You can find the archives by searching for the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and sharable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and I will be fielding questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. Recently I had to bow out of one of my own Facebook groups due to time constraints and Facebook censorship inconveniences. So if you miss "seeing" me in that group, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! Folks that call in live, or post their question in the chat will be the first priority in our Q & A

  • Power Matters with Christian de la Huerta

    27/09/2021 Duration: 01h10min

    During this episode of Light Warrior Radio, I interview Christian de la Huerta, a 30-year sought-after spiritual teacher, and personal transformation coach veteran who is a leading voice in the breathwork community. He has traveled the world offering inspiring and transformational retreats combining psychological and spiritual teachings with lasting and life-changing effects. An award-winning, critically acclaimed author, he has spoken at numerous universities and conferences and on the TEDx stage. His new book, Awakening the Soul of Power: How to Live Heroically and Set Yourself Free, was described by multiple Grammy Award–winner Gloria Estefan as “a balm for the soul of anyone searching for truth and answers to life’s difficult questions” and has received a Nautilus Book Award and a Nonfiction Book Award.  During the interview we will discuss: What is Soulful Power What healthy Masculine Power looks likeThe cost of people “selling out” their powerPersonal Soul Power practicesSteps to take on the journey of

  • Bringing Meditation to Life with Claude AnShin Thomas

    20/09/2021 Duration: 01h05min

    There is so much talk about meditation that it can make your head spin. And it can lead to misunderstanding, for instance, meditation is meant to give you peace and stress reduction. However, the point of an active meditation practice is to become aware and awaken. Any preconceived ideas and expectations get in the way of experiencing what meditation can be. Meditation is about the experience. Life experience. It’s not about theorizing, wishing, or conceptualizing.  Claude AnShin Thomas traveled from the horrors of the battlefields in Vietnam, struggling with drug addiction, depression, and violence when he returned to the US, to living for 26 years now as a fully ordained Zen Buddhist monk. He is intimately acquainted with suffering and knows how to learn to live in a different relationship with one’s suffering. Claude AnShin is the guiding teacher at the Magnolia Zen Center in Mary Esther, Florida, and the founder of the Zaltho Foundation, a nonprofit organization that promotes meditation and nonviolence

  • Luminous Life: How Light Unlocks the Art of Living

    13/09/2021 Duration: 01h07min

    I’ve been surprised by how many Sensitive Souls have significant vision problems. Their psychic abilities are more pronounced than others (inner vision), but their “outer vision” seems compromised. Some even have significant eye diseases. When I asked Source why my vision hasn’t spontaneously improved (not that I’ve been doing specific healing on it), I got the answer “habit”. As is often the case, the Universe presented to me a teacher who can give us IN-SIGHT to the whole vision problem. Through one of my TOLPAKAN™ Healing Certified Practitioners, Diana, I found out about Dr. Jacob Liberman. He “cured” his own near-sightedness. I bought one of his books and knew I had to get him on my Light Warrior Radio show so he could share his wisdom with the tribe. During this EnLightening interview, Dr. Liberman reveals How his eyesight spontaneously cleared after wearing glasses for many years and has remained clear for 45 yearsWhy it is so common that eyesight deteriorates over time for most peopleWhy wearing one

  • Phototherapy Patch Q & A with Dr. Karen Kan & Dr. Dennis Lobstein

    06/09/2021 Duration: 01h59min

    Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I will air LIVE on Light Warrior Radio Podcast on the first Monday of each month starting at 12 noon Eastern in order to help customers, distributors, and users from around the world get the most out of their phototherapy patches.  Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain, to detoxification, and addressed almost every organ in the entire body. You can find the archives by searching for the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and sharable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and I will be fielding questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. Recently I had to bow out of one of my own Facebook groups due to time constraints and Facebook censorship inconveniences. So if you miss "seeing" me in that group, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! Folks that call in live, or post their question in the chat will be the first priority in our Q & A

  • Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible with Caroline Cory

    30/08/2021 Duration: 01h00s

    In this episode of Light Warrior Radio, I have the pleasure of interviewing Caroline Cory, the creator of the film Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible Film. Superhuman is a provocative award-winning documentary that provides tangible evidence for the powers of the human mind over matter. Through ground-breaking scientific experiments and real-life demonstrations, viewers will find themselves connecting the dots about the relationship between mind and matter and discover whether they live in a simulated matrix or if they can have any control over their physical reality. Caroline shares some of the most exciting bits with us on this show! It's incredible and miraculous. Caroline Cory is an award-winning filmmaker, futurist, and the visionary author of best-selling books on Consciousness and Energy Medicine, topping the charts of Consciousness Science and mystical literature. As a child and throughout her life, Cory has had numerous E.S.P (extra-sensory) and pre-cognition experiences, which led her to become

  • Quantum Healing Through the Akashic Records with Lisa Barnett

    23/08/2021 Duration: 01h34min

    Do you ever feel confused, unclear, or even fearful about life? Do you ever feel stuck and like your life is lacking a true purpose? What if I told you that you can create a life that your heart desires, right now?  If you resonate with those questions, during this episode, I interview Lisa Barnett, Founder of Akashic Knowing School of Wisdom where she specializes in teaching you to access personal soul wisdom and guidance to transform your life, working directly with your soul and support of the Akashic Record Keepers. She believes our soul has a plan and a purpose. And when we know this plan, not only in our head but in our body, our soul has an infinite amount of wisdom to assist us in releasing all uncertainties. She also believes we are here to fully embody who we are and what we came here to do. When we do that, we transform all fear and discover the ability to make new choices and take bigger chances! She shares how you can call upon this internal knowledge and transform your life.  During thi

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