Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 382:36:00
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Join Spiritual Medicine guru, Dr. Karen Kan, holistic physician and energy healer for this radio show so you can learn how to manifest health, happiness and prosperity and express your Soul's Mission, and in doing so, increase the Light and Love in the Universe! Dr. Karen interviews experts in energy healing, spiritual awakening, nutrition, Chinese medicine, Law of Attraction, prosperity and Consciousness. Dr. Karen's fans, students, and clients are Light Warriors - they are sensitive, loving souls, like Indigos, Crystals, Starseeds, Empaths, Hybrids, Walk-ins, and Earth Angels. Once a month, Dr. Karen does a free healing show where you can call in live (or use the chat) to get a mini-reading or mini-healing.


  • Seeking Truth During the Great Awakening with Jason Shurka

    16/08/2021 Duration: 01h03min

    As you may know, I was booted off Facebook three times, and then was christened a Conspiritualist by my new friend and co-conspiritualist, Denby, after being cen-sored on YouTube. As a medical doctor, I didn’t realize that I wasn’t allowed to talk about informed consent publicly, let alone provide free downloadable resources to give people essential information about inoculations that they may be offered.  I do my best to not be anti-anything. Instead, I prefer being pro-healing, pro-informed consent, pro-freedom, pro-transparency... I like staying in the energy of curiosity rather than conformity. During this episode, I will be interviewing Jason Shurka, an author, entrepreneur, and truth-seeker, who has made a big splash in the spiritual leadership arena with his compassionate and cutting-edge videos with non-mainstream spiritual and wellness leaders (whom I will not name).  Publisher of the Pyramid Code, Jason and I speak the same language. We both resonate with Unity and Harmony rather than Division an

  • Grounding for Your Health with Harmony 783

    09/08/2021 Duration: 58min

    During this episode, I will interview Sharon Whiteley, CEO and a co-founder of a new grounding footwear company, HARMONY783, which was recently launched in November 2020. The word “HARMONY” embraces the symbiotic relationship between all living beings and our planet. It’s a reminder that we are as much a part of nature as plants, birds, flowers, streams, and everything in between. In fact, being connected to nature is vital to our wellness, and obstacles that interfere with this harmonious design can be detrimental to our health. The “783” in their name is a tribute to the Earth's Schumann Resonance, 7.83 Hertz, which makes everything on our planet possible. We already know that science shows us that our brains, along with every other cell in our body, operate at the most optimal state when in contact with this harmonious frequency.  While there are many ways for people to re-establish this interdependent connection with the earth, HARMONY783 is focused on the simple, oh-so-human act of walking. Their comf

  • Phototherapy Patch Q & A with Dr. Karen Kan & Dr. Dennis Lobstein

    02/08/2021 Duration: 01h54min

    Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I will air LIVE on Light Warrior Radio Podcast on the first Monday of each month starting at 12 noon Eastern in order to help customers, distributors, and users from around the world get the most out of their phototherapy patches.  Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain, to detoxification, and addressed almost every organ in the entire body. You can find the archives by searching for the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and sharable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and I will be fielding questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. Recently I had to bow out of one of my own Facebook groups due to time constraints and Facebook censorship inconveniences. So if you miss "seeing" me in that group, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! Folks that call in live, or post their question in the chat will be the first priority in our Q & A

  • The Secret to Foundational Beauty with Dr. Kellyann Petrucci

    26/07/2021 Duration: 30min

    I recently bumped into a number of friends that I hadn’t seen since before the lockdown. What struck me was that almost everyone looked different to me. What I noticed most was that their skin was missing the youthful glow I was used to seeing. There was one exception - my friend who makes and drinks a lot of bone broth. Could that be the elixir of youth? In this episode, my guest is a naturopathic doctor who has made drinking bone broth an international sensation. Her name is Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, author of multiple NY times books, including the famous Bone Broth Diet. It’s taken my team well over a year to get her back on the show, and this time, she’s going to be sharing her wisdom on how to look gorgeous from the inside out - the secret to foundational beauty. Dr. Kellyann is going to go beyond bone broth, and it’s going to get raw and real, especially when she explains how she hit burnout after she became an international star. In fact, she ended up on the floor of an airplane, passed out. She gives u

  • The F.I.X. Code: Ancient Technology Remembered with Stacey Nye

    19/07/2021 Duration: 57min

    Do you feel happy, calm, and peaceful every single waking minute of the day? I don’t know of any humans who do, at least not just yet. We know from the laws of manifestation that our predominant resonance or energy “attracts” similar energies, which is why the Law of Attraction teachers have always taught us to be happy. Is there something that is bugging you, even just a bit? Do you fear the unknown of your future that keeps you up at night? Do you fear not having enough money? During this episode, I will be airing a recently pre-recorded interview with Stacey Nye, a Master Trainer for The F.I.X. Code, a five-minute technique that dramatically “extracts” threads of parasitic codes from your consciousness, even if you’ve experienced hundreds of negative situations that have brought it up in the past.  When I had my session with Stacey, I first released “feeling spread out”. I wasn’t feeling any negative emotion per se, but we went back to when I was around age 6. Somehow it started there. Once released,

  • The New Healthcare: Energetic Osteopathy™ with Dr. Jess Bell

    12/07/2021 Duration: 01h55min

    Dr. Jess Bell is on a divine mission to change healthcare. As a pain management specialist and osteopathic physician, she knows the effect that physical and emotional pain has on the lives of its sufferers. She also knows how limiting the traditional models are in offering long-lasting solutions to healing at root levels. By combining her 20-years of experience and treating physical and emotional pain with her energy healing gifts, she has developed the ability to illuminate, transform, and liberate dense energies within the body. These energies separate the sufferer from their divine source of healing and are the real root cause of dis-ease.  We are all designed to self-heal and we hold the keys to our own self-healing and Dr. Jess stands behind the truth that healing is a divine partnership between the healer, client, and divine source. And her work is to be that bridge that reunites the client to their own healing divinity. During this episode, you will learn: How she is able to “see” where the disturba

  • Phototherapy Patch Q & A with Dr. Karen Kan & Dr. Dennis Lobstein

    05/07/2021 Duration: 02h01min

    Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I will air LIVE on Light Warrior Radio Podcast on the first Monday of each month starting at 12 noon Eastern in order to help customers, distributors, and users from around the world get the most out of their phototherapy patches.  Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain, to detoxification, and addressed almost every organ in the entire body. You can find the archives by searching for the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and sharable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and I will be fielding questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. Recently I had to bow out of one of my own Facebook groups due to time constraints and Facebook censorship inconveniences. So if you miss "seeing" me in that group, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! Folks that call in live, or post their question in the chat will be the first priority in our Q & A

  • Relationship Magic: Waking Up Together with Guy Finley

    28/06/2021 Duration: 01h03min

    Are you unhappy in your relationship, but stay anyway? Are you in constant disagreements with your significant other? Have you attracted your opposite and struggle to find common ground?  During this episode, I will be interviewing bestselling self-help author Guy Finley who says that it’s easy to love a partner who is doing everything you want. But loving and growing your love when there are difficulties between you - that’s relationship magic. He believes most couples take one of two damaging paths when conflict arises. They either fight or stuff down their feelings - a temporary fix that often results in an explosion later. He will share a new way to use conflict to understand yourself and your partner better, leading to growing compassion and lasting resolutions based on love.   According to Guy, “People need evolved tools today for their relationships - as they can be a mirror for our spiritual growth. Everything you need to know about the higher self-knowledge that transforms any unwanted moments int

  • The Fatigue-Gut Connection with Dr. Ailina Ismail

    21/06/2021 Duration: 58min

    Many people have had profound changes to their health by changing their diet. But why? How long does it take? What is molecular mimicry and autoimmune disease? What does the skin have to do with the gut? What’s the difference between a dietician and a nutritionist? Why should some people stop eating gluten even if they are negative for celiac disease? If you’d like to know the answers to these questions, listen to this pre-recorded interview with Dr. Ailina Ismail, medical doctor and Fatigue Decoder, about the gut-fatigue connection. In this interview you’ll learn: The top two dietary changes Dr. Ailina recommends for anyone suffering from fatigue.How to tell which foods are addictions not nutrition for your kidsWhat the gut has to do with your immune systemHow long it takes to notice a difference in your health with these changesWhy you don’t have to go all out on a strict diet to get results So many people are suffering from fatigue, brain fog, and body aches and pains. Wouldn’t it be great, if you kn

  • Let Your Light Shine with Kim O'Neill

    14/06/2021 Duration: 01h05min

    The Let Your Light Shine Movement aims to inspire and empower everyone on the planet to shine their light and be more of their authentic, beautiful self. In doing so, collectively, creating "Heaven on Earth". It's about choosing to be more of who you authentically are and allowing that to be seen and felt by the world around you.  Like a diamond, we are all fractals of the same radiant light. Every person alive is light. Is love. Some of us see our own light and we are excited to be who we are and shine that light. Some of us feel our light but are afraid to shine it. Some of us don’t see or feel our own light at all. It’s time for all beings to rise to the calling of their soul’s true nature! It's time to shine! During this episode, I will be interviewing Kim O'Neill, creator of the Let Your Light Shine Movement, a Confidence Coach, and the Host of the Every Day is a New Day Show. She will share how to be all of who you are and how that creates an inspiring, empowering ripple effect for others to sh

  • The Life of a Sensitive Soul Truth Seeker

    08/06/2021 Duration: 56min

    Listen to this special interview with Nicholas Veniamin, a sensitive soul who became “awake” before his twenties, realizing that the world was controlled by an evil Cabal. He didn’t think he could make a difference back then, so he went to law school. But COVID happened and as he dug deeper and deeper into understanding what was really happening in the world, he discovered that many truths were hidden from the public. He developed a passion for research and began interviewing whistleblowers and those connected to them to learn more. Realizing that the education system was part of the negative paradigm, he is devoting his time to revealing the truth to the masses. He has now become somewhat of a phenom. His popularity stems from his gentle, grounded, style of interviewing. This Light Warrior stays in the vibration of Love, even whilst being exposed to information relating to the deep corruption that has been part of our reality for centuries. I’m thrilled to air this interview with Nicholas where we discuss:

  • Phototherapy Patch Q & A with Dr. Karen Kan & Dr. Dennis Lobstein

    07/06/2021 Duration: 02h02min

    Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I go LIVE on my Light Warrior Radio Podcast on the first Monday of each month starting at 12 noon Eastern in order to help customers, distributors, and users from around the world get the most out of their phototherapy patches.  Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain, to detoxification, and addressed almost every organ in the entire body. You can find the archives by searching for the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and sharable. During this episode, Dr. Dennis and I will be fielding questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. Recently I had to bow out of one of my own Facebook groups due to time constraints and Facebook censorship inconveniences. So if you miss "seeing" me in that group, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! Folks that call in live, or post their question in the chat will be first priority in our Q & A monthly

  • Create Your Perfect Partnership and Ideal Relationship For Sensitive Souls

    31/05/2021 Duration: 01h52min

    For so many of us, having a relationship partner who is a great match is really important. Especially as a Sensitive Soul, we desire someone who truly really fits and understands us. Do you often wonder if your ideal match is even out there? And wonder how to find him or her? Do you ever wonder if who you're with is the best person for you?  The answer to these questions is what Paul calls an Inner Shift. From this inner shift, we find we can create exactly the partnership we want. During the next Light Warrior Radio episode, I will have the pleasure to have Paul 'Fabulous' Gasztold, Relationship Creation Expert and Energetic Channel, who will share with us: How to find the perfect partner, FASTER! (If you are single)How to transform your current partner into the perfect match for youHow to awaken your relationship's SUPERPOWER as a Sensitive SoulHow to experience an inner shift that will help you create the relationship you really want. As a Light Warrior, you understand that your own relationship superpo

  • How to Naturally Restructure Your Face, Teeth, and Jaw using Orthotropics

    24/05/2021 Duration: 01h11min

    Do you ever wish that as you age, you could retain that nice beautiful jawline and lifted cheekbones? Or maybe you wish that sagging face and jowls could go away without facelift surgery? Or whether oral surgery, including wisdom teeth extractions, could be avoided if we could change the shape of our face and jaw? Or that you could have a beautiful smile no matter if you are age 39 or age 99? You’re in for a treat if you said YES to any of the above. In this episode, I interview Dr. Mike Mew who is a lecturer and lead clinician at the London School of Facial Orthotropics. His interest is in the growth and development of the face, identifying the effects of changes in posture, function, and muscle tone and its relationship to orthodontic problems. Dr. Mike Mew uses the orthotropics system to reverse the underlying conditions that lead to crooked teeth, sleep apnea, snoring, and TMD, amongst a range of other symptoms. He is researching to investigate how to improve these systems, using modern technology and

  • Tools for Living in Alignment with Jani Roberts

    17/05/2021 Duration: 01h08min

    In 1986 there was a 24-year old woman at the peak of her entertainment career. This triple threat Warrior had found her way from a small farm in the mountains of Pennsylvania without funding and minimal education to her dream. While traveling home from a gig one late November evening a young man ran a red light, hit the Warrior's car and she was ejected through the rear windshield, thrown into the middle of the highway, and flatlined. As a result of this gift, 14 reconstructive facial surgeries, and a tremendous amount of physical therapy she joins us today. Jani Roberts is the Owner of Alignment Essentials, The Living in Alignment Podcast, and the 365-day course for Living in Alignment.   She is an expert at teaching people how to EMBRACE THEIR CONTRAST. She has spent the last 40 years developing the tools to help people live more in Alignment, in other words, experiencing more of what they want and less of what they don't. After all, you gotta know hot to now cold! To begin your journey, please visit

  • How to Access More Abundance by Aligning your Business to your Personality Type

    10/05/2021 Duration: 01h23min

    Do you own your own business and find yourself working all of the time to make a living? If you are like most business owners, feelings of uncertainty, overwhelm, and a “need to work hard” probably feels like a natural part of the process. It’s true that most entrepreneurs work all of the time - often more than they would if they had a job. While this may have been necessary at the start, many continue to operate this way far after they’ve achieved their original goals. They become victims of their own success with a business that drains them while they neglect the important things (like their health) to try and keep up. It can be frustrating because you started your business to create more freedom and more impact, so simply working less in an attempt to balance life can't be the answer, because you just end up helping fewer people and making less money. But there is a better way! During this episode, I interview Trey, entrepreneur and consciousness explorer, who helps coaches, healers, and business owners

  • Phototherapy Patch Q & A with Dr. Karen Kan & Dr. Dennis Lobstein

    03/05/2021 Duration: 01h55min

    Dr. Dennis Lobstein and I go LIVE on my Light Warrior Radio Podcast the first Monday of each month starting 12 noon eastern in order to help customers, distributors, and users from around the world get the most out of their phototherapy patches.  Over the last several years, we've spoken about topics ranging from spirituality to pain, to detoxification, and addressed almost every organ in the entire body. You can find the archives by searching the for the topic you are interested in. The content is all free and sharable. Starting this month, May 2021, Dr. Dennis and I will be fielding questions from you about almost everything and anything phototherapy-related. Recently I had to bow out of one of my own Facebook groups due to time constraints and Facebook censorship inconveniences. So if you miss "seeing" me in that group, here is your chance to ask your questions LIVE on the show! Folks that call in live, or post their question in the chat will be first priority in our Q & A

  • Journey Back to Wholeness: From Unworthiness to Love with Dr. Jean Marie Farish

    26/04/2021 Duration: 42min

    Living in love is a challenge. We’ve learned some things about ourselves that are not the truth of who we really are. Our beliefs about worthiness are tied to external sources including material possessions, perceptions of beauty, and having the right social connections. Our perceived failure to achieve based on external standards and also deep-conditioned fear-based beliefs are met with feelings of unworthiness. How we feel about ourselves impacts key areas of our lives including, Personal Development, Spiritual, Health and Fitness, Family, Romance, Finances, Business and Career, Fun and Recreation, and Social.  Worthiness is our divine birthright. It is time to break free, create a new Love story, and a new vision for our life.  During this episode, Dr. Jean Marie Farish will share the Wholistic Model of Love to inspire conscious loving, strategies for self-care, and empowering resources. Dr. Farish is VoiceAmerica World Talk Radio Empowerment Show Host, LOVE-LIGHT, award-winning bestselling author of Liv

  • The Future of Education with Saskia Wienholz

    19/04/2021 Duration: 01h07min

    What do I as a parent or teacher have to pass on to my children before I die/before they take off and are on their own? Is there some sort of manual on how to make the most of our being human?  It can be quite challenging and are not so easy to answer. The answer can be varied as well, which makes it even harder to find out. Yet, as soon as we have figured out this one, we have a great compass for making decisions regarding our children. Be it at home, be it at school.  When thinking about what we want to pass on to the next generation, we can start by looking at what it is that we wish for them. And these wishes are quite similar all over the world. It actually already begins when you are pregnant and you feel that life growing inside you. Can you remember? And you know what parents-to-be tell you all over the world when they are being asked what they are wishing for their children? It is good health and the rest will be fine. Tune in on the show if you'd like to: Become clear of your individual aim for e

  • Trauma as a Spiritual Path to Awakening with Dr. Lin Morel

    12/04/2021 Duration: 01h33min

    Has trauma got you down? Did you know that:  Trauma is the leading cause of death in individuals under 45?Five out of every ten women have suffered trauma leading to post-traumatic stress?50% of all women have at least one traumatic event, frequently sexual abuse, or childhood sexual abuse?Symptoms of trauma include emotional numbness, flashbacks, feeling isolated, separated, hopeless, and helpless? The Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) study confirmed that children suffering trauma are more likely to have unhealthy coping behaviors? The more trauma the greater the chance of mental illness.  There is a way to change all of this! The willingness to deal with the emotional impact of trauma by transmuting the pain into positive emotions is one way. Learn about the six emotional strengths that will help you transform your life, your health, and your relationship with yourself and others. During this episode, Dr. Karen interviews Dr. Lin Morel, a masterful healer, 5th-degree black belt, and intuitive with dec

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