Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 382:36:00
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Join Spiritual Medicine guru, Dr. Karen Kan, holistic physician and energy healer for this radio show so you can learn how to manifest health, happiness and prosperity and express your Soul's Mission, and in doing so, increase the Light and Love in the Universe! Dr. Karen interviews experts in energy healing, spiritual awakening, nutrition, Chinese medicine, Law of Attraction, prosperity and Consciousness. Dr. Karen's fans, students, and clients are Light Warriors - they are sensitive, loving souls, like Indigos, Crystals, Starseeds, Empaths, Hybrids, Walk-ins, and Earth Angels. Once a month, Dr. Karen does a free healing show where you can call in live (or use the chat) to get a mini-reading or mini-healing.


  • Phototherapy Patches for Prostate Health Care and Support

    05/04/2021 Duration: 01h51min

    Prostates in men, especially elder men, need more testosterone and less estrogen, and that is because androgens such as testosterone keep the prostate functioning normally while estrogens cause prostate enlargement. To accomplish the support of prostate health, use Aeon, Silent Nights, and SP6C patches to reconfigure hormone patterns, and Glutathione (GSH) patches to reduce inflammation and pain. The X39 patch also increases GSH, reducing inflammation and pain. Aeon increases DHEA, the mother hormone to the sex hormones. Silent Nights increases melatonin, known to prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen that occurs in middle-aged and elderly men, and the SP6C patch acts on the satisfaction/ reward system to curb craving, theoretically thru the endorphins, which regulate hypothalamic and pituitary hormone release. The Alavida patch regulates epithalamin release from the pineal, which in turn influences the Limbic System and balances endocrine hormones via Limbic regulation of the hypothalamus and p

  • Living Grounded, Connected, and Aligned to your Divinity with Nicole Thibodeau

    29/03/2021 Duration: 01h32min

    Do you consider yourself a DivineHuman? Living as a DivineHuman is easier than anyone can think. Many people already use their divine gifts in their daily life unconsciously. Or others say it is only natural for them to do that but unsure of how it happens. The fact is that most people are afraid of what they will discover when they tap into their divine energy and divine power. There are so many years, lifetimes even of belief systems that are carried within us and add to that the ones carried down from one generation to another. Some of those belief systems may have worked at some point to protect you but not anymore. Living as a DivineHuman helps get you out of the maze of emotions, the hurdles repeating patterns and bringing down the walls you encounter when a blockage is activated. In this episode, I interview Nicole Thibodeau, Oracle of Divine Transmissions. As a Channeler and Mentor, she assists spiritually evolving gentle souls to have more clarity, peace and live their divinity Through her progra

  • Total Body Transformation with DL Walker

    22/03/2021 Duration: 57min

    Are you over 40 and falling apart?  Research has shown that things like sensory function, muscular strength, and cardiovascular endurance begin to decline at middle age. Concurrently, our bodies begin to manifest the wear and tear of time. Fitness programs and sports that served us in our 20’s and 30’s are no longer appropriate and potentially harmful. It is a critical time to take action and avoid the medical merry-go-round, where our lives revolve around doctor's appointments, surgeries, and medications. Middle age is an ideal time to incorporate safe appropriate strategies to undo the atrophies of aging, so our bodies remain stable, sturdy, and sound to serve us through the second half of life.  A study in 2018 by Johns Hopkins claims that more than 250,000 people in the U.S. die every year from medical errors. Other reports claim the numbers to be as high as 440,000. Medical errors are the third-leading cause of death in the United States after heart disease and cancer. Roughly 12,000,000 Americans

  • Nourishing your Multidimensional Body with Cathy Hohmeyer

    15/03/2021 Duration: 01h41min

    During this episode, I interview my good friend and colleague, Cathy Hohmeyer who began her career in Washington D.C. as an Occupational Therapist. Although, deep down, she always knew there was more to healing than her professional training had led her. In fact, this inner-knowing led her to take a chance by following her “Life's Mission”, and took over a small resort called The Lake Clear Lodge. Now, 30 years later, she has transformed it into a property dedicated to healing, nourishment, and so much more! She has also written a cookbook called Common Roots.  Cathy will share with us what she calls The 9 Levels of Healing and why creating communication between them is imperative to our body, mind, and soul's health. She will explain why you need to pay attention the nourishment, in relation to how the organic energies are different than the “inorganic” energies, and the importance of how it relates to the human blueprint. Cathy will teach a quick alignment and resonance exercise at the beginning of the sh

  • From Hell to Happiness with Dylan Hunter Olson

    08/03/2021 Duration: 01h25min

    The tabloids and media platforms of our modern society have been inundated with words like “toxic masculinity” and “patriarchy,” almost always pointing out the detriments of the collective masculine without any sort of an inkling of a healthy solution. It goes without saying that we have all witnessed the bearings of a man who is lost unto himself - isolated, abusive, violent, withdrawn, and in a great deal of pain. It isn’t just men who experience this sense of overwhelming disconnect from themselves; it has become a very common ailment in our day and age. As it becomes more and more about what is “fast” and “easy” and less about what is true, difficult, and right, more human beings are feeling beset by their very own programming and conditioning. This is particularly true for men—young and old—who are operating out of the same programs their fathers and grandfathers passed down to them. But where does this behavior come from? Why do so many subscribe to such an archaic form of humanship? IS THERE ANOTHER

  • Phototherapy Patching for Bladder Pain, Frequent Urination, and Prostate Health

    01/03/2021 Duration: 01h35min

    Phototherapy patches can be used to mitigate symptoms of bladder pain, irritability, and frequent urination when placed on certain acupuncture points. We will finish the patching protocols for the Bladder and include information about patching for prostate care. Prostates in elder men need more testosterone and less estrogen. To accomplish this, use Aeon, Silent Nights, and SP6C patches to reconfigure hormone patterns, and Glutathione (GSH) patches to reduce inflammation and pain. The X39 patch also increases GSH, reducing inflammation and pain. Aeon increases DHEA, the mother hormone to the sex hormones. Silent Nights increase melatonin, known to prevent the conversion of testosterone to estrogen that occurs in middle-aged and elderly men, and the SP6C patch acts on the satisfaction/ reward system to curb craving, theoretically thru the endorphins, which regulate hypothalamic and pituitary hormone release. The Alavida patch regulates epithalamin release from the pineal, which in turn influences the Limbic S

  • Eliminate Fear & Doubt, Increase Confidence, & Live Life on your Own Terms

    22/02/2021 Duration: 01h38min

    We have all been searching for it -- and have been looking for it in the wrong places.  We show you The Ultimate Answer -- where it lives -- and where it has always been…  It's so simple and so obvious -- that we have all missed it…  Until NOW! … You may think that you have seen it all --  You have read the books, watched the movies and learned from many teachers,   But... there is more to the story... You were provided ideas, concepts, science, and some basic tools,  but where do you go from here?  The Answer ... is inside Discover Joshua Bloom’s latest #1 Best Selling Book, The Ultimate Answer ...Is Inside™ with forward by World Renowned Scientist and Best Selling Author - Bruce H. Lipton, PH. D and many others. He shares how the top scientists and transformationalists from his book can take you to your next level of possibility. Listen in on this show to discover The Ultimate Answer: Discover the paradigm shift that’s about to take the world by stormQuantum Energy Transformation™ and how is it d

  • The Difference Between CBD & CBG with Ashley Reynolds

    15/02/2021 Duration: 01h15min

    Endocannaba-What?! Maybe you’ve heard about the latest trend of CBD or Cannabidiol,  the hemp-derived dietary supplement sweeping the wellness industry.  What quality assurance do you need to look for to pick the right product for you. How do you know what product to start with? Throw an even bigger wrench into that decision, now we have CBG or Cannabigerol, the next greatest Cannabinoid. Should you include this new cannabinoid in your wellness toolbox? Tune in with your cannacuriosity turned all the way up! On this show, you'll hear from CBD, TED talk expert Ashley Reynolds as we cover: Science of the benefits of CBDWhat is CBG and why should we pay attention to it?Some companies are touting the benefits of nano - CBD for better effects. Is it hype?How do people know how much to use, including how much to use on the skin?Are there contraindications?What does it mean if you don't "feel anything"? Honestly, I used to have shelves full of supplements. Some people have a microwave shelf, I had a supplement sh

  • 5 Steps to Mastery with Ayse Hogan

    08/02/2021 Duration: 01h08min

    It is amazing how we have been conditioned to think that playing small, and not living up to our potential is acceptable: to “settle” in our lives is acceptable, to not make an impact, and to not leave a legacy.  It is equally amazing how we think it is ok to deny ourselves our basic needs. The same needs that every human on this planet requires, despite your “status” in life: certainty, security, connection, meaning, love, and ultimately, contribution. Let’s imagine that we can have ALL of that and fulfill our own mission in life from a place of true fulfillment.   Listen to the episode of Light Warrior Radio where I interview, Ayse Hogan where we discuss the 5 Steps it takes to step into your Mastery! Ayse’s mission in life is to guide you to your mission! She does this in a very unique and authentic way! We each have a different mission; a purpose, a goal, and it’s Ayse's purpose to get you there, and she doesn’t do this alone! Find out what she has created to satisfy her mission during the pandemic.

  • LifeWave Patching for Bladder Pain and Frequent Urination

    01/02/2021 Duration: 01h58min

    LifeWave patches can be used to mitigate symptoms of bladder pain, irritability, and frequent urination when placed on certain acupuncture points. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), frequent urination is called Damp-Heat in the Bladder and Damp Cold in the Bladder. The Damp or accumulation of water is Heat when it presents as burning urination when the urine is dark yellow when the urine is turbid, and/ or when the urine contains blood. The Damp is considered Cold when there is a feeling of heaviness in the urethra, and when the urine is pale and/ or turbid. So, either Damp-Heat or Damp Cold in the Bladder may cause bladder pain and frequent urination. Applying LifeWave phototherapy patches on certain acupuncture points can alleviate all of these symptoms. The effectiveness of the relief from bladder pain, irritability, and frequent urination depend on which LifeWave patches and acupuncture points are combined in strategies congruent with energy medicine and TCM. During this Ask The Doctors Li

  • Fascia Decompression - The Missing Link in Self-Care with Deanna Hansen

    25/01/2021 Duration: 01h07min

    Fascia is gaining a lot of attention yet to many it is a mystery. This system affects everything from how we age, how we move, how we process emotion, and how we heal. Keeping the fascia healthy, fluid, supported, and aligned will take you to new levels of health and awareness in your body.  What if you had a different perspective on how to keep your body fit, how to keep your size and shape in a healthy range, how to manage and eliminate your chronic pain and how to ensure your systems are working at their best for you. It is through understanding how the force of gravity and unconscious posture and breathing add up over time to create compression, and how we can reverse this to free the body of pain and adhesions -- and actually melt scar tissue from injury and surgery. During this episode, I will be interviewing Deanna Hansen, Founder of Block Therapy who has spent over twenty years and 50,000 hours diving into the fascia and has developed a self-care system to teach people what to do for themselves, wha

  • The Unlimited Possibilities of Healing the Body with Dipal Shah

    18/01/2021 Duration: 01h08min

    What is keeping the body from healing naturally? Do you know anyone that doesn't have some form of illness, ailment, disease? According to WHO, the top 3 diseases in the world are cardiovascular disease, cancer, and respiratory disease. And it all starts with mental and emotional distress. The body becomes overwhelmed by our external environmental stressors and creates blockages energetically and physically within certain areas of the body and these blockages can become diseases.  Most people just learn to manage their disease or stress about them daily. Many people are constantly googling what is wrong with them and telling their doctors their own diagnosis. This has caused many to become addicted to finding a diagnosis rather than spending time on themselves and healing through self-care. What if you could learn to heal your own body? What if there was an alternative method of healing? What if you are investing so much time and energy into trying to find a cure for your disease and because Western Medici

  • Tense Mind, Tense Hips with Christine Koth

    11/01/2021 Duration: 01h17min

    In a world full of too much sitting, too much stress, too much of just about anything, we are all faced with a multitude of reasons to develop tension in our core. At the deepest layer, our hip flexor muscles take the brunt and we develop long-standing tightness that not only affects the hips, back, and rest of the body, but also affects the mind. Today we will talk with Christine Koth, a Holistic Physical Therapist and the creator of the Hip Hook. As a practitioner for over decades, author, and inventor, she is thrilled to share her passion for resolving muscle tension for good and why that is so important. Her business, Aletha Health, provides tools that take a different angle on pain. Her innovative inventions and philosophy is helping thousands recover from chronic pain, all over the world. In this show, we will discover: How muscle tension relates to the mind The best method for relieving muscle tension Why the hips and neck are the most common locations of muscle tension Why releasing thi

  • LifeWave Patching for Itching: Grasping the Wind

    04/01/2021 Duration: 01h45min

    LifeWave patches can be used to mitigate symptoms of itching when placed on certain acupuncture points. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), itching is known as a form of Wind or movement, which may be internal (yin) or external (yang). The Wind creating the sensation of itching is usually associated with Heat, known as Wind-Heat, or Damp, known as Wind Damp, or Heat and Damp is known as Wind Damp-Heat. Wind-Heat presents as itchy, dry skin. Wind Damp presents as itchy swollen areas. Wind Damp-Heat presents as itchy, swollen, and red areas that feel warm. Applying LifeWave phototherapy patches on certain acupuncture points can alleviate all of these symptoms. The effectiveness of the relief from itching depends on which LifeWave patches and acupuncture points are combined in strategies congruent with energy medicine and TCM. During this Ask The Doctors LifeWave Radio Show, Dr. Dennis and I will be discussing how to patch particular acupuncture points of interest including examples such as the Wi

  • Aligning Your Work and Career with a Deeper Soul Calling with Rhys Thomas

    28/12/2020 Duration: 01h37min

    You finally make your mind up to leave the job you have had for years and do what feeds your soul! Or want to give your personal business that has plateaued a makeover or energy infusion that is more in alignment with your inner self that has been evolving spiritually. But you are caught not being sure how to make that shift and don’t want to find 10 years from now that you made the wrong choice again. You can feel you have a destiny that is calling you to what you should be doing in the world, but also feel a fear of failure that doubts your inner callings and goes for safety instead.  What if you could be absolutely sure of what your purpose and destiny are? How it will look when you see it, and how will you best express it? Do you think knowing that would help with making the shift from to let go of your past and step into a new future?  If you are ready for a new adventure in business or life and you need some great practical advice and guidance on how to do it, look no further.  In this episode, Rh

  • Walk-in’s, Soul Types, and Cosmic Origins with Sheila Seppi

    21/12/2020 Duration: 01h15min

    Sheila is a soul exchange walk-in who entered into the body as an awakened, multidimensional soul. Sheila’s entire life instantaneously changed when she found herself a stranger in a new body on planet Earth with a pre-existing family.  Throughout the ages, across the world, innumerable spiritual explorers have stated that our souls are eternal and grow through the experiences they accrue in an ongoing sequence of incarnations. The soul, a persistent, conscious essence, will take one form after another, to fulfill a given purpose each time, and thus contribute to a collective evolution of the conscious, spiritual essence of existence itself. The natal soul, the original soul to a body, becomes anchored into the body at birth and typically experiences a wide range of emotions and life stages until death. But for various reasons, one soul may make an agreement with another soul to trade forms. When we think of this in the human context, we call these people ‘walk-ins’. Not all souls need to undergo the births

  • Lifetime After Lifetime, You Are Your Mandala

    14/12/2020 Duration: 01h29min

    If you are having unusual 6th senses activate or even amplify, and wondering if it is part of your spiritual awakening journey, then my guest, Buddhist author Von Galt is here to explain this phenomenon.  In her latest book, Buddhist Mandalas: Explore Parallel Realities with Sacred Geometry, Von explains how everyone is energy as seen in sacred geometry. We are souls having a human experience. Von will explain what 5th-dimensional awareness is and what some 6th senses people may see as the Earth moves further into the 5th dimension. Some common 6th senses are energy healing, weather modifications, clairaudient, clairsentient, channeling, telepathy, empathy, reality shifts, and many more. Von got her Bachelor's degree from the University of Washington and her Master's degree from Westwood College of Technology. Aside from writing books, she works in IT and lives in Seattle with her husband and 2 young kids. To learn more about Von, please visit

  • Five Element Paradigm for LifeWave Patches and Review of What Each Patch Does

    07/12/2020 Duration: 01h48min

    LifeWave phototherapy patches can be used to regulate and support the energy of the life force known as qi in the acupuncture meridians. In order to help LifeWave distributors and product users better develop a strategy for knowing when to apply patches, Dr. Dennis classified our LifeWave patches into Five Element categories. We will discuss the logic behind this classification. The Five Element paradigm gives us an additional overlay for decisions about when to use particular patches based on purpose, intent, and Asian medical physiology. Relative to the Five Element perspective, we will also review what each patch is designed to do and how it interacts with the energy and spirit of each acupuncture point. During this Ask The Doctors LifeWave Radio Show, Dr. Dennis and I will be discussing how to patch particular acupuncture points of interest including examples such as the yin and yang pairs Sp 6 with St 36, P 6 with SJ 5, Lv 3 with GB 41, Tianwei (stop craving point), CV 12 (front Mu point for St), CV 3

  • Correcticise™ - The New Way to Reverse Age and Restore Your Mojo

    30/11/2020 Duration: 01h16min

    DL Walker has over 20 years’ experience in physical therapy, exercise physiology, massage, neurophysiology, athletic training, and alternative medicine. She holds 2 Bachelor of Science degrees majoring in Physical Therapy and Fitness/Cardiac Rehab respectively and a Master’s Degree in Exercise Science. She has been credentialed as a Health Coach and Certified Functional Manual Therapist. Now, she is going to let you in on a secret that most Physical Therapists know but are too polite to say anything (plus we would lose business). 99% of the population, including professional athletes, are exercising improperly, on poorly aligned bodies, and actually doing harm. Think about it, you would never drive a car for any distance that has a flat tire. Yet there are people who are running, jumping, moving with a body that is the equivalent of 4 flat tires and a broken axle. It is not your fault and there are many reasons, including a lack of knowledge. In fact, she was a licensed Physical Therapist for 3 years befo

  • Mistaken Identity with James Sinclair

    23/11/2020 Duration: 01h27min

    Modern science progressively verifies what ancient knowledge has recorded - that each person is intrinsically connected to a higher power within containing limitless potential.  The only thing that holds people back from experiencing and expressing more of it, is the limiting beliefs we learned.   Often, with the best of intentions, we learned limiting concepts about life and who we are from people who didn't know much about their own potential, let alone ours.  Especially from the ages of 0 to 6, these concepts were absorbed by the subconscious mind like a sponge and became deep beliefs that are still running and ruling our lives today. These limiting beliefs formed an image of who we think we are.  Although in truth, this small self-image is false, it dictates every aspect of our lives, and we will never outperform the programmed image we hold of ourselves. Quantum physics demonstrates how every person, place, time, thing, event, our entire reality, is a reflection of what we subconsciously believe about

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