Mom At 41 With Dr. Karen Osburn

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 42:41:15
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Mom at 41 is a Podcast for Moms that feel that being a mom is hard, and think its about time we started talking about it!  Your Host, Dr. Karen Osburn, an Adoptive Mom  to 2 young boys will share her vulnerable, raw, and honest challenges and struggles of becoming and being a mom, and the life lessons along the way.  Each episode will inspire, touch your heart, and remind you that you are not alone.


  • 112: Thank You and Goodbye

    13/08/2015 Duration: 16min

    The Mom at 41 Podcast has had a good run, and I am so thankful for you listening over this past year.  But expansion is happening in my life, and I have decided to end this podcast. In this FINAL Episode I discuss:  WHY I decided to end Mom at 41 what triggered me in making this decision what I’m now doing instead, and feel inspired and called to do the details of my NEW podcast: Women Wanting More Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 110: Take Responsibility For Your Life!  Episode 109: Vulnerability is THE Way Episode 98: Don’t Forget About Your Marriage Resources  SUBSCRIBE to the Women Wanting More Newsletter to get all the latest updates of the new Women Wanting More Podcast that launches on August 24, 2015. Warrior on Fire Podcast: Subscribe and listen, and share with EVERY man you know. The message is that important.  Really. Wake Up Warrior: watch this video of Garrett J. White’s message.  Goosebumps. Mom at 41 Facebook Page Like the Mom at 41 Facebook Page here and read my posts of Inspiration an

  • 111: It Has Nothing to Do With Discipline

    04/08/2015 Duration: 11min

    Is it all about being a disciplined person when it comes to being successful?  Do you have to have motivation FIRST, in order to BE a disciplined person?  Or it there something else that matter MORE?   In this Episode I discuss:  how getting what you want in life has NOTHING to do with discpline  what the real determining factor is in creating success what I do each day to stay on task in fulfilling my Core 4 as taught by Garrett J. White from Wake up Warrior Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 110: Take Responsibility For Your Life!  Episode 106: No More Vanilla Episode 104: Are you Growing or Dying?  Episode 103: I’m Not Enough and Other Lies I Used to Tell Myself Resources  The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results by Gary Keller and Jay Papasan “You don’t need to be a discplined person to be sucessful.  In fact, you can become successful with less discipline than you think, for one simple reason: success is about doing the right thing, not about doing everything ri

  • 110: Take Responsibility for Your Life!

    31/07/2015 Duration: 13min

    Does Life just happen to you?  Do you blame other people for who and where you are?  Or do your OWN your choices and where you are in your Life right now? In this Episode I discuss:  the STORY that we often tell ourselves as to why our Life is the way it is why we need to really QUESTION this limiting belief how my husband Ed has taken responsbility for a diagnosis of Crohn’s disease from 2009, and has realized after his experience at Warrior Week that his STORY of being a sick man was bullshit why I believe that taking Responsibility for your actions, choices, and decisions is the ONLY way for change to come about in your Life Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 109: Vulnerability is THE Way Episode 106: No More Vanilla Episode 107: You Are a Product of Your Environment Resources  My recent Facebook Post about my husband’s experience at Warrior Week (and watch the mini-documentary made about it)  Momma Action Step Where do you need to take some responsibility for where you are RIGHT NOW in your Life? Mom a

  • 109: Vulnerability is THE Way

    24/07/2015 Duration: 15min

    Vulnerability shows weakness?  Vulnerability shows strength? Which one do you believe? In this Episode I discuss:  how vulnerability has been a KEY component in allowing me to become who I am today how people often see vulnerability as a sign of weakness (and boy, are they wrong!) my journey over the last 2 decades to become comfortable with being vulnerable why I think you should consider becoming more vulnerable, and the ONE THING it will create for you in your Life Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 106: No More Vanilla Episode 104: Are You Growing or Dying?  Episode 3: Kai’s Story: The 36 Hour Roller Coaster Ride to Becoming a Mom Again Episode 2: First Time Mom: Tyson’s Story Resources  Warrior on Fire Podcast (not just for men, however, I highly recommend you also share this podcast with the men you know in your life) Momma Action Step Be vulnerable about ONE thing today.  A conversation with a friend, a post on Facebook, or whatever you can do to be more real and honest TODAY. Mom at 41 Facebook Pag

  • 108: Life Before Kids, Date Nights, and Finding Your Tribe with Mom at 41 Listener Nuala Kelly

    19/07/2015 Duration: 42min

    What an absolute honour and pleasure it was to have an intimate converation about Motherhood with avid Mom at 41 Listener, Nuala Kelly! In this episode Nuala and I discuss:  the longing that we sometimes have for our life before Kids how vital it is to have special Date Time with your partner, and why many people frown upon couples who put their Marriage first the stigma on Moms who take time for themselves away from the kids the painful experience of miscarriage with her first pregnancy and the heartbreak that she went through at that time how ovarian cancer at a younger age and the strength she gained from that experience helped her through her miscarriage why you need to Find your Tribe as a Mom, and connect with Moms other Moms Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 103: I'm Not Enough and Other Lies I Used to Tell Myself?  Episode 98: Don't Forget About Your Marriage  Episode 91: The Honest Struggle of Career and Kids Tally Abecassis from First Day Back Podcast Episode 35: I Almost Had a Daughter How Can y

  • 107: You Are a Product of Your Environment

    09/07/2015 Duration: 13min

    Do you ever see yourself changing into something you do not want to become? Do you feel you're losing who you are? Are you the YOU you want to be, or are you simply a product of your environment? In this Episode I discuss:  some awful memories that resurfaced from when my husband had emergency surgery in 2010 the person I saw him starting to become again leading up to a recent medical procedure that he had done the realization that what I was seeing was Ed becoming a product of his environment (sick people in a hospital)  the power you have to change a situation you may be in if it's not allowing you to be who you are Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 106: No More Vanilla Episode 103: I'm Not Enough and Other Lies I Used to Tell Myself Episode 82: Top 5 Reasons to Stop Being So Hard on Yourself Momma Action Step Take some time to journal and reflect on WHAT in your environment (a job, relationship, where you live, etc.) is holding you back from being who you want to be? Then ask yourself these questions: 

  • 106: No More Vanilla

    22/06/2015 Duration: 09min

    Who and what experiences told you to stop to being LESS of you? In this Episode I discuss:  the epiphany I had recently listening to a Podcast that made me realize I’m been less of ME for the last several years the connections I now see with some recent very tough life experiences  the importance I feel in expreessing ALL of me, to not hold back, and which I hope will also inpsire you to do the same! Resources School of Greatness Podcast Episode: What Makes of Breaks an Entrepreneur with Darren Hardy Shit’s About to Get Real (The Facebook post that inspired this Podcast Episode) Burpees How To Video Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 104: Are Your Growing or Dying?  Episode 103: I’m Not Enough and Other Lies I Used to Tell Myself Momma Action Step Where in your life have you toned down YOU? Been less of you for fear of rejection, to blend in better with the herd, or to be accepted by more people? And what can you do to start TODAY to begin getting back to the REAL you? Take some time to journal, think, tal

  • 105: Creating Your Own Definition of Having it All With Yogipreneuer Racheal Cook

    08/06/2015 Duration: 48min

    What if you could really have it all?  What if you could design the life you want to live, with meaningful work, a wonderful marriage, and have kids, too? In this Episode Racheal and I discuss:  the debilitaing anxiety she has as a consultant that led to adrenal fatigue and panic attacks how yoga, mindfulness and personal development helped her find a new path how she learned how to make her business work for the life you want to have, and started teaching this to other mommy entrepreneurs that the greatest gift you can give others in your life is to be responsible for your own Happiness how having clearly defined boundaries is necessary in her life the importance of giving up things that don’t matter for the things that do, and that learning how to say ‘No’ is a muscle Resources What if you could really have it all? (blog post by Rachael) Racheal’s Website The Fired Up and Focused Challenge (Racheal’s FREE Challenge!) Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 93: The Honest Struggle of Kids and Career with Tally

  • 104: Are You Growing or Are You Dying?

    04/06/2015 Duration: 13min

    Are you evolving as a woman, mom, human being?  Or is it just the same old, same old? In this Episode I discuss:  what inspired me to kick myself in the butt with my health and get back to how I looked and felt just before I turned 40 the podcast that woke me up and inspired me to start growing again the realization that I was just ‘getting by’ in life, and the decision I’ve made to start making steps to get the body back I had 6 years ago at 40, and to create an even better and stronger physically and mentally me  Resources Warrior on Fire Podcast Episode 69 My Facebook Post about my WHY behind my 100 Burpees daily for 100 Days  Burpees How to Video  Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 103: I’m Not Enough and Other Lies I Used to Tell Myself Episode 95: Are You Afraid to Let Go?  Episode 84: Do These Jeans Make my Butt Look Big?  Momma Action Step Head on over to the Mom at 41 Facebook page, and make your public declaration. Post to the wall what ONE thing you can to do grow. TODAY. Make whatever you are d

  • 103: I'm Not Enough and Other Lies I Used to Tell Myself

    26/05/2015 Duration: 08min

    Do you ever feel like you’re Not Enough as a Mom?  What Mom doesn’t, right? In this Episode I discuss:  the 4 Limiting Beliefs I used to have as a Mom  the moment I snapped and decided to let these all go  that I would encourage you to examine your own lies you tell yourself as a Mom, and start owning up to the fact that Yes, you ARE Enough!  Resources “Wholeheartedness. There are many tenets of Wholeheartedness, but at its very core is vulnerability and worthiness; facing uncertainty, exposure, and emotional risks, and knowing that I am enough.” ― Brené Brown, Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 98: Don’t Forget About Your Marriage Episode 82: Top 5 Reasons to Stop Being so Hard on Yourself Episode 62: How to Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself Momma Action Step Take a moment and think: what lie you are telling yourself right now? What limiting belief is holding you back? Does it serve you anymore? Perhaps you

  • 102: 10 Easy Ways to Use Essential Oils

    17/05/2015 Duration: 15min

    Are you wondering exactly HOW to use Essential Oils?  Are you crunched for time and feel that using Essential Oils is just another thing to add to your growing your to-do list? In this Episode I'm sharing:  10 Easy Ways to use some of the most commonly used Essential Oils that starting with ONE Essential Oils is the best way to begin your Essential Oils journey that you will find that once you get the hang of using your Oils, it will be as routine as brushing your teeth!  Resources 10 Easy Ways to Use doTERRA Essential Oils  *Note: links to all Oils listed below* Add 1-2 drops of Lemon in water first thing in the morning to cleanse and detoxify (make sure to ALWAYS use a glass one, and not plastic). Put 1-2 drops of Lavender on your pillow at night before bed to promote a restful sleep. Diffuse Lavender at night to help calm and relax and have a more restful sleep (can also rub a few drops onto feet). Rub 1-2 drops of Peppermint onto your feet upon waking to start the day with Energy, and/or if you are fee

  • 101: Saving the Lives of Youth From the Inside Out With A Human Project Founder Wesley Chapman

    15/05/2015 Duration: 01h04min

    Have you heard of A Human Project founder Wesley Chapman?  If not, you will not forget him, his story, and how he shares his greatest life's  mission in this interview: creating a world of Hope. In this Episode Wes and I discuss:  how he tried to commit suicide for the first time at 4 1/2 years old, and became a medical anomaly that at 7 years of age, he was told he would never amount to anything in life how his adoptive Mom was the first person to give him Hope and helped him to begin feeling that he mattered that there is a simplicity in the solutions working with youth  that youth today really need to be part of a Commuity how A Human Project was created, is helping to save the lives of Youth,  and how YOU can help be a part of this mission Resources Go HERE to Donate to a Human Project (just $25/month will sponsor one youth...that's less than $1/day!) A Human Project Founders Video Entrepreneur on Fire Podcast Episode 666: Wesley Chapman on Creating A Human Project A Human Project Website  The Human Po

  • 100: How To Be a Mom in Control with Heather Chauvin

    08/05/2015 Duration: 45min

    How do you really want to FEEL in your parenting? And would you like to feel more about what it means to be a Mom in Control? In this Episode Heather and I discuss:  how her past ‘big emotions’ used to get in the way of her parenting  that having kids is like personal growth on steroids how Heather and I agreed to disagree on this notion of Having it All why you need to live in alignment with what your Soul Truly Craves why she loves to give the Moms she works with Hope and Responsibility What it truly means to be a Mom who is in Control Resources I Miss the Village (Huff Post article) Mom is in Control FREE Challenge Mom is in Control Mastermind Group  Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 92: Having It All is a Lie (the episode Heather and I talk about….and disagree about!) Episode 7: Is it Healthy to Be the Martyr?  Episode 51: The Beautiful Mess Called Life and Parenting with Heather Chauvin How Can you Connect with Heather?   Heather’s Website Facebook Mom at 41 Facebook Page Like the Mom at 41 Facebook

  • 99: Essential Oils Tips for Healthy Digestion

    07/05/2015 Duration: 15min

    Do you ever have challenges with digestion?  Are you looking for natural and safe ways to help your body with this without potential side effects? In this Episode I’m sharing:  the 3 best Essential Oils to assist with healthy digestion, and how to use them One simple supplement that EVERYONE should take daily to get the most nutrition out of your food why a Cleanse is a great start to helping to detox and create a better foundation for digestion Resources DigestZen Essential Oil  Peppermint Essential Oil Ginger Essential Oil  Terrazyme Digestive Enzyme Complex Cleanse and Restore Kit: email me ( for the Pre-Cleanse and Cleanse Protocol!) Dr. Karen’s Essential Oils Facebook Page–daily tips, recipes and stories posted daily! Register for my Essential Oils Newsletter and be entered in a draw to win a FREE Essential Oil each month PLUS I’ll send you the 101 Uses for Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint Essential Oil Guide as a special gift! MANY of the Essential Oils mentioned above are available

  • 98: Don't Forget About Your Marriage

    04/05/2015 Duration: 06min

    It's so easy to put the needs of our Kids before our Marriage, isn't it? Have you forgotten about your Marriage altogether?  Taken it for granted?  Listen to why I think you need to make it THE most important thing in your life! In this Episode I discuss:  how my Marriage has had some more recent tough times my realization that I needed to stop taking putting my Marriage aside for our Kids and re-Connecting back with my husband my commitment back to Date Nights and putting the work in to make my Marriage succcessful and happy my hope that you will follow my lead to do what's best for you, your honey, AND for you kids!  Resources Wake up Warrior Podcast (warning: F-bombs, raw and real conversations about Marrriage, Business, Sex and creating an Amazing Life!) The Lie and Truth About Marriage, Momastery blog post by Glennon Doyle Melton Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 13: How Does Marriage Change With Kids?  Episode 60: Top 5 Reasons to Never Give Up Momma Action Step Give yourself permission to schedule w

  • 97: The Power of Thank You

    02/05/2015 Duration: 09min

    Do you say Thank You throughout your day?  It’s easy to be grateful when life is ‘good’, but how about when you’re going through a tough time? Do you still say Thank You in those dark days? In this Episode I discuss:  the story of a New Patient that recently came in to my office that inspired this Episode, and reminded me of the Power of saying Thank You that we tell our kids to say Thank you, but do we do the same?  how Gratitude and saying Thank You is a Practice Resources “Three things in human life are important. The first is to be kind. The second is to be kind. And the third is to be kind.”-Henry James Because Gratitude is a Practice: “[I] never talk about gratitude and joy separately, for this reason. In 12 years, I’ve never interviewed a single person who would describe their lives as joyful, who would describe themselves as joyous, who was not actively practicing gratitude.”-Brene Brown Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 89: The Top 5 Reasons I Am Still Doing the Mom at 41 Podcast Episode 64: The G

  • 96: Why You Need to Try Oil Pulling with Essential Oils

    26/04/2015 Duration: 12min

    I know you’ve heard about oil pulling, and probably think it’s some crazy fad….I did, too! But then I started doing it and noticed such amazing benefits.  Listen to this podcast episode to hear all about it. In this Episode I’m sharing:  the Benefits of Oil Pulling how to do it which Essential Oils you can use (and my two personal favs!) Resources Peppermint Essential Oil OnGuard Essential Oil Clove Essential Oil Basil Essential Oil OnGuard Toothpaste (to use afterwards to brush your teeth) Should You Try Oil Pulling?  Why I’m in Love with Oil Pulling (and Why You Should be Too) Dr. Karen’s Essential Oils Facebook Page-daily tips, recipes and stories posted daily! Register for my Essential Oils Newsletter and be entered in a draw to win a FREE Essential Oil each month PLUS I’ll send you the 101 Uses for Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint Essential Oil Guide as a special gift! MANY of the Essential Oils mentioned above are available in great Starter Kits from doTERRA.   My favorite is the Natural Solutions Kit: 

  • 95: Are You Afraid to Let Go?

    11/04/2015 Duration: 09min

    Are you afraid of change? Are you afraid to let go of a belief system?  And is the thought of change more painful than staying where you are in your life right now? In this Episode I discuss:  what inspired me to record this episode  letting go of a belief is scary, it’s the unknown, and people often resist it one simple step you can do TODAY to begin to let go of something in your life that is no longer serving you  Resources The Chiropractic Philanthropist Episode 123 Jack Canfield: The Success Principles Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 92: Having It All is a Lie Episode 76: Decide to Rise Episode 72: Why are We So Afraid to Feel Pain?  Episode 22: Saying No to SuperMom Momma Action Step Take action on something in your life you want to change. Big, small, doesn’t matter. Just take the first step towards letting go of a belief or something you wish to change in your life. Then go to the mom at 41 FB page and declare your action step, and I and the other great Mommas here will hold you accountable to it

  • 94: How to Make DIY Peppermint Essential Oil Foot Lotion

    04/04/2015 Duration: 14min

    Spring is almost here, and the socks are coming off....time to take care of your feet again! Would you also like to know exactly what you are putting onto the largest organ of your body...your skin?  Plus save money? In this Episode I'm sharing:  how to make your own Peppermint Essential Oil Foot Lotion the resources to get all your ingredients Resources ***Recipe for Peppermint Essential Oil Foot Lotion to download! *** Voyageur Soap and Candle (Canada) Amazon (US): for Beeswax, Shea Butter, and Mango Butter. Organic=best! Peppermint Essential Oil Melaleuca Essential Oil Dr. Karen's Essential Oils Facebook Page-daily tips, recipes and stories posted daily! Register for my Essential Oils Newsletter and be entered in a draw to win a FREE Essential Oil each month PLUS I'll send you the 101 Uses for Lavender, Lemon and Peppermint Essential Oil Guide as a special gift! MANY of the Essential Oils mentioned above are available in great Starter Kits from doTERRA.   My favorite is the Natural Solutions Kit: 19 Esse

  • 93: The Honest Struggle of Kids and Career with Tally Abecassis from First Day Back Podcast

    24/03/2015 Duration: 41min

    Do you struggle with going back to work after having  kids?  Do you wonder how to juggle work and kids, and does any Mom really ‘do it all’? In this Episode Tally and I discuss:  why she, as a documentary filmmaker, decided to do a podcast  why podcasting is the kind of storytelling she wants to do now this notion of Moms ‘having it all’, and is it really possible? how the death of her Mom may have been a catalyst to being the possible voice of Stay at Home Moms, and why that’s still confusing for her why Society is not set up to have 2 working parents in a full capacity how Flexibility may be the solution to this Work Life Balance challenge Resources First Day Back Podcast Lean In:Women, Work and the Will to Lead by Sheryl Sandberg The Complicated Origins of  ‘Having it All’, New York Times article (Jan 2, 2015) Why Women Still Can’t Have it All, Huff Post article (June 23, 2012) Related Mom at 41 Episodes Episode 92: Having It All is a Lie Episode 71: Why Balance is a Constantly Moving Target with Tenaci

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