Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Living From The Soul with Alena Chapman



Join me during this episode of Light Warrior Radio, where I will interview two-time international bestselling author, speaker, and spiritual teacher, Alena Chapman. She is all about soul wisdom and growth. Known for her joyful nature and vivacious personality, Alena works her “magic” by meaningfully integrating the wisdom of age-old mystical, spiritual modalities with scientific research to bring clarity, ease, flow, and positive lasting growth to those seeking to better understand their place and in a world that often seems out of touch and overwhelming. Alena Chapman referred to as the "Soul Curator," offers us ways past the prison of our inner critic & through any toxic relationships, addictions, & self-sabotage through activating our soul’s manifesto – which is always to heal. During this episode, we will discuss: How to live without worry, anger, doubt, insecurity, and fearWhat living with the Soul or Divine Feminine looks like What is the Soul? Why short-cut spirituality won’t have lasting eff