Partakers Christian Podcasts

Bible Thought - WOW Factor of Jesus Christ - Part 22 - Peter and Jesus



Apostle Peter’s Jesus Today we are going to look at another person who was one of Jesus’ closest friends – the man we know as the Apostle Peter. Peter, whose name was originally Simon, but given the name Peter, by Jesus (Matthew 16:18). Peter, the great Apostle and some say the greatest Apostle! With John and James, one of the three people closest to Jesus and had seen Jesus transfigured and glowing with glory on the Mount of Transfiguration! Peter, a fisherman, was commanded to go with Jesus with the simple words “Follow me, and I will make you fish for people!” Peter, who several times was rebuked by Jesus. Peter, who was the first disciple to confess Jesus as the Christ – the long waited for Messiah! Peter, who had watched his friend, Jesus, executed. Peter, who with the other disciples, went into hiding after Jesus’ death on the cross. Peter, who publicly denied three times ever knowing Jesus of Nazareth. Peter, who showed his love of Jesus of Nazareth – h