
State v. Gary Mitchum Reeves – Episode 3 – In Memory and Shadow



July 24, 2017 / After Gary Reeves was sentenced to life at hard labor for the murder of his common-law wife, the State’s star witness recanted her testimony, and says instead that she never saw Gary kill her mother. But her memories and Gary's memories of who did pull the trigger seem impossible to reconcile. (Photo: Gary Reeves while incarcerated after his conviction.) Episode scoring music by AnimalWeapon and Blue Dot Sessions, Thank you to our sponsors! Start framing your photos or art today by going to www.framebridge.com/undisclosed to get an additional 15% off your first order! Stamps.com has a special offer including 4-week trial + postage + digital scale by going to www.stamps.com. Clickon the microphone at the top of the homepage and type in Undisclosed! Get all the important news and information you need to start your day in 5 minutes or less by signing up at www.theskimm.com/undisclosed and you’ll be entered to win a $250 Visa gift card! #undisclosed #garymitchumreeves