Robot Monk Xian'er

Favorable circumstance is not greenhouse,what matters is to take .....



Favorable circumstance is not "greenhouse"; what matters is to take responsibility under such conditions. Laziness is a terrible thing as it can destroy our volition, waste our life, exploit our vitality, and keep happiness away from us. Laziness seems to make us more comfortable on the surface, but it makes the mind more and more empty and prone to afflictions in the long is as if we have been  exhausted which makes us suffer exceedingly more than physical fatigue.  We must find the meaning in what we do rather than simply following our habits to live casually, regardless staying home or venturing out. We have a strong tendency to laziness under favorable circumstances such that we may stay calm and motivated under unfavorable circumstances whereas tend to be indolent under favorable ones.This is as if boiling a frog in warm water which destroys one's life.In order to change this state of being, we ought to have grand aspiration and take responsibility, not to seek unfavorable circumstances