Nehma Ministries Podcast

Not worthy - Just2 | لا أستحق - دقيقتين_بس



Do you feel under stress and lonely? Have you crossed the line and committed a big mistake with your personal life or took the wrong decision, I want you to know that you are still on Jesus' mind. You may be thinking: "Yeah, that's nice but I don't feel I'm worthy to be a daughter again / a son again". And that reminds me with the story of the Prodigal son who did all kind of stuff and took very bad decisions but he decided to come back home and this is what he said in his well prepared speech to his father: "Father, I'm no longer worthy to be called your son...") لوقا 15:19 وَلَسْتُ مُسْتَحِقًّا بَعْدُ أَنْ أُدْعَى لَكَ ٱبْنًا. اِجْعَلْنِي كَأَحَدِ أَجْرَاكَ. And that speech is so funny because he didn't deserve to BE a son in the first place, he was BORN a son, so how he is saying now that he is not worthy to be called a son.!!! You don't become a son by worth but by birth. If you want to be a son of God you have to born of God, that's why Jesus said to Nicodemus: "You MUST be born again" يوحنا 3:7 ل