Independent Underground Radio Network (iurn)

Guest: Adam de Angeli-Should voters reject MI 1% Sales Tax Increase 2/12 @ 9pmET



Welcome to Independent Underground Radio LIVE (IURL) - MICHIGAN'S TOP POLITICO PODCAST - Aired each Tuesday & Thursday at 9pm ET.    On Today's Show: Director of the Concerned Taxpayers of Michigan organization Adam de Angeli stops by to discuss details behind Michigan's 1% Sales Tax Increase May 5, 2015 ballot proposal. Should state voters be very leary of trusting Lansing politicans to do anything promised with an increase in taxpayers revenue like fixing our roads or improving K-12 education? And Michigan Dir. of Wolf PAC Eric Hart will stop by the show at in the second hour to talk about the groups initiative to get big money out of politics and upcoming visits to the Michigan Democratic & Republican Party Conventions.  Host Monica RW is an owner/writer for the popular Independent Underground News website, media consultant for ROJS Media LLC, a experienced grassroots and elected local political leader, and brings her researched Independent opinions to the political issues of the day. With