Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Get grounded and feel better fast w/Clinton Ober



Almost everyone now suffers from an inflammation-related health disorder. There are several common inflammation related health disorders ranging from fibromyalgia to diabetes to MS to Alzheimers just to name a few.  Chronic inflammation is a causative factor of pain and aggravating factor for virtually all chronic and aging-related diseases. The primary Earthing hypothesis is that connecting the body to the Earth will quickly enable free electrons from the Earth’s surface to spread throughout the body, where they exert powerful antioxidant/anti-inflammatory/analgesic effects. For those who ground themselves to the earth; the results are self-evident, the pain subsides, and within minutes the internal electrical stability of the body is restored, calmed, and the immune system begins to repair the damage and maintain health. Join me as I speak with Clint Ober, author of “Earthing, The Most Important Health Discovery Ever!” who has promoted over twenty peer-reviewed and published (Find the on PubMed) research