Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Heal Childhood Trauma Permanently with Liz Mullinar



For us to truly create the lives we deserve, lives where we fulfilled and empowered to share our sensitive gifts with the world without self-sacrificing or burning out, we must heal the wounds of our childhood. Despite our best intentions, unhealed trauma is often at the root of immense suffering in our daily lives, suffering that many sensitive types are particularly prone to. From addictions, to unhealthy and abusive relationships, low self esteem to self sabotage, many of the repetitive, painful issues that can make us feel so trapped and hopeless can be traced back to trauma - either in our own lives, or in the lives of our family members and ancestors.  On the podcast, Liz will: Help you understand childhood trauma, how it affected the way your brain developed, the way you think, feel and behave. Share a proven technique to immediately reduce intense feelings of anxiety, shame, fear and anger.  Liz Mullinar is a survivor of childhood trauma and a globally renowned trauma recovery expert.  20 years a