Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

What It's Like to Connect With Your Guardian Angel



Have you ever experienced a moment when you thought, “I could use some angelic help”? My friend and colleague, Keith Leon S. has nearly died eight times. Angels saved his life more than once. Keith will share his story and inspire listeners to tap into their inner guidance system and their guardian angels.   I’ve had some amazing interactions with my angels, but I have to say, when I read about how Keith was in a car accident with his friend, died, and then experienced a reversal of time, such that the car undamaged afterward, I was astounded! And, that reversing of time didn’t happen just once! Check out his book Walking With My Angels: A True Story for more details. My mission is to help highly sensitive people harness their gifts as a superpower and Keith is a highly sensitive soul who has experienced amazing superpowers.