Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

How the Water in Your Body Stores Unresolved Trauma and Affects Your Healing



Have you ever asked yourself “Why am I sick?” or have you ever thought maybe being sick had a deeper meaning than the cells going haywire? Could breast cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, eczema, or even the coronavirus have an energetic purpose for being there? Could there be an energetic cause behind every disease?  Could there be a purpose that is driving each separate cell to alter itself in accordance with changes in energy in your environment? Then what would happen if you were able to communicate with the core of those cells, the cytoplasm, the special water that makes up most of your cells? Could you heal this cytoplasm, and therefore heal your disease? Is it possible that our present medical way of thinking, the body has made a mistake in creating a disease, is seriously flawed? Therefore the treatment of cutting, burning, and poisoning as the only therapy available to a doctor, instead of healing you, be actually causing more trauma to your cells? Instead, could a horrific energetic shift in your