Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

How To Prevent Chronic Disease with Ancestral Diets w/Chris A. Knobbe, M.D.



Most of us have been really close to someone with a chronic disease, like heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, or even age-related macular degeneration. However, have you ever thought or believed that a Westernized diet is the driving force behind all of these seemingly disparate conditions? You may be shocked to hear that, if you reside in the United States and you survive to age 75 or beyond, you have a nearly 1 in 3 chance of developing age-related macular degeneration - also known as AMD. AMD can rob you of your central vision -- and around 10 to 15% of all those affected lose central vision in at least one eye, with varying degrees of vision loss in the opposite eye. Around 1.5% end up blind in both eyes.  Now the good news!  Dr. Chris Knobbe, ophthalmologist, shares his revolutionary hypothesis and supportive research, which supports the belief system that AMD is not just about aging or genetics, as ophthalmologists and optometrists have traditionally believed.  This disease, Knobbe contends, is a