Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

How to “Create” a Healthy Heart with Laurie Morse



Listen in during this episode as I interview Laurie Morse, the author of Reverse Heart Disease Naturally: The Woman's Guide to Not Die Before Your Time  While rising cholesterol, blood pressure, blood sugar, and inflammation may be common, it’s not natural. It’s not the original design for a human being. So we ask, “Why are the statistics rising rather than falling with medical technology for the heart being as advanced as it is? Even some cardiologists admit that there’s more to a healthy heart than they can offer. As one leading cardiologist says, “Each heart has a biography, language, and method of revealing its truth if we know how to listen.” Some of the language of the heart includes a story, image, symbol, creativity, and/or meditation, and importantly, being witnessed. Every heart has a story and woven into that story is the unique personal medicine for each heart to heal. It’s never too late to start thinking about your heart health. Even though the most important components of heart health aren’t