Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Declutter with Purpose with Lianne Hofer



In our homes, we see clutter stacked on counters. We see clutter stuffed behind cabinet doors and piled in closets. All that stuff is dragging us down. It is weight keeping us held in one place like an anchor at sea. When we release that clutter, that stuff, we are allowed to grab the wind, find the current to sail on with the wind in our hair, under our wings, and experience the wonder life has in store for us.  It can be scary. Scary to let that stuff that is holding us in place. Staying in place is safe, we know what to expect. It is also stagnating our growth. It is keeping us from moving forward. Removing clutter allows us to be who we want to be.  Working through clutter also means we may have some feelings, memories, and unresolved “stuff” the work through.  Lianne Hofer has seen the effects of clutter first hand growing up with a “clutterbug”, her mom. Her mom suffered from depression and piles of stuff. Lianne spent her childhood trying to relieve her mom’s unhappiness by tending those piles. As a