Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

How to Create and Promote a Successful Online Wellness Business from Scratch



Are you a wellness practitioner who wants to know how to expand your business online but are lost as to what to do first? Maybe you don’t like “tech” or you are inundated with “how to get online” training programs from people who don’t specialize in wellness and healing, and their advice just doesn’t align without values. I’ve got some great news for you! My personal coach and mentor, Marcus Bird, Wellness Leadership Mentor, and Wellness Futurist, agreed to share with my subscribers the pitfalls of the 1-to-1 model of wellness care and how more than ever before, wellness professionals need to utilize the online space to share their wisdom and magic with people who desperately need it. In this interview, we touch on the mindset needed for wellness professionals to succeed on and offline as well as how you can get a copy of Marcus’ blueprint of how to set yourself up for online success right away as a wellness practitioner. Whether you’re a naturopath, chiropractor, Reiki Master, energy healer, massage therap