Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Aligning Your Work and Career with a Deeper Soul Calling with Rhys Thomas



You finally make your mind up to leave the job you have had for years and do what feeds your soul! Or want to give your personal business that has plateaued a makeover or energy infusion that is more in alignment with your inner self that has been evolving spiritually. But you are caught not being sure how to make that shift and don’t want to find 10 years from now that you made the wrong choice again. You can feel you have a destiny that is calling you to what you should be doing in the world, but also feel a fear of failure that doubts your inner callings and goes for safety instead.  What if you could be absolutely sure of what your purpose and destiny are? How it will look when you see it, and how will you best express it? Do you think knowing that would help with making the shift from to let go of your past and step into a new future?  If you are ready for a new adventure in business or life and you need some great practical advice and guidance on how to do it, look no further.  In this episode, Rh