Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

From Hell to Happiness with Dylan Hunter Olson



The tabloids and media platforms of our modern society have been inundated with words like “toxic masculinity” and “patriarchy,” almost always pointing out the detriments of the collective masculine without any sort of an inkling of a healthy solution. It goes without saying that we have all witnessed the bearings of a man who is lost unto himself - isolated, abusive, violent, withdrawn, and in a great deal of pain. It isn’t just men who experience this sense of overwhelming disconnect from themselves; it has become a very common ailment in our day and age. As it becomes more and more about what is “fast” and “easy” and less about what is true, difficult, and right, more human beings are feeling beset by their very own programming and conditioning. This is particularly true for men—young and old—who are operating out of the same programs their fathers and grandfathers passed down to them. But where does this behavior come from? Why do so many subscribe to such an archaic form of humanship? IS THERE ANOTHER