Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Nourishing your Multidimensional Body with Cathy Hohmeyer



During this episode, I interview my good friend and colleague, Cathy Hohmeyer who began her career in Washington D.C. as an Occupational Therapist. Although, deep down, she always knew there was more to healing than her professional training had led her. In fact, this inner-knowing led her to take a chance by following her “Life's Mission”, and took over a small resort called The Lake Clear Lodge. Now, 30 years later, she has transformed it into a property dedicated to healing, nourishment, and so much more! She has also written a cookbook called Common Roots.  Cathy will share with us what she calls The 9 Levels of Healing and why creating communication between them is imperative to our body, mind, and soul's health. She will explain why you need to pay attention the nourishment, in relation to how the organic energies are different than the “inorganic” energies, and the importance of how it relates to the human blueprint. Cathy will teach a quick alignment and resonance exercise at the beginning of the sh