Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Let Your Light Shine with Kim O'Neill



The Let Your Light Shine Movement aims to inspire and empower everyone on the planet to shine their light and be more of their authentic, beautiful self. In doing so, collectively, creating "Heaven on Earth". It's about choosing to be more of who you authentically are and allowing that to be seen and felt by the world around you.  Like a diamond, we are all fractals of the same radiant light. Every person alive is light. Is love. Some of us see our own light and we are excited to be who we are and shine that light. Some of us feel our light but are afraid to shine it. Some of us don’t see or feel our own light at all. It’s time for all beings to rise to the calling of their soul’s true nature! It's time to shine! During this episode, I will be interviewing Kim O'Neill, creator of the Let Your Light Shine Movement, a Confidence Coach, and the Host of the Every Day is a New Day Show. She will share how to be all of who you are and how that creates an inspiring, empowering ripple effect for others to sh