Humboldt Last Week

212. Crabs doc | Scotia overnights | Flights | Girls5eva 2 | Anthrax | Eureka world-blogged | More



More parking-lot-to-housing proposals in Eureka, a drive-in movie reminder, an upcoming Crabs baseball documentary, overnights soon at the old Scotia Inn, lots of flight options, a hip-hop show, Eureka export Sara Bareilles gets another comedy season with ‘Girls5eva,’ an Anthrax member gets some localized Mr. Bungle ink, childcare woes, safe swimming is encouraged, a brother-on-brother murder has a mental-health-related outcome, a travel blogger recommends Eureka, proposed new degrees at Humboldt State, and more. Humboldt Last Week is Humboldt County’s news podcast brought to you in collaboration with Belle Starr Clothing, Kristjana Graham Massage Therapy, North Coast Co-op, Bongo Boy Studio, Photography by Shi, The Ganjery (save 15% at The Ganjery by mentioning Humboldt Last Week), NCJ, RHBB, and KJNY. New!