Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

How to Turn a Hobby or Craft Into a Business with Sue Monhait



Do you consider yourself to be a Maker?  According to Sue Monhait (MOAN HEIGHT), you’re a Maker if you are someone who creates something tangible that you, bakery or food products, crafts, artistry, etc.  Many of us business owners are Makers. And the reason I brought Sue on the show today is because she is a GENIUS at helping Makers approach their businesses as businesses, so they can ultimately build companies that allow them to produce products they love and enjoy the process of doing it!   The years Sue spent in her corporate job helping small and large companies with their products acted as a powerful education when she started her first business, The Ribbon Print Company 10 years ago.  This multi-six figure business helps supply businesses who want to make custom print ribbons.  Along her own journey of building her successful Maker business, she came across so many people who wanted to do business with her or who craved to make their own craft or hobby into a thriving business, but just