Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Seeking Truth During the Great Awakening with Jason Shurka



As you may know, I was booted off Facebook three times, and then was christened a Conspiritualist by my new friend and co-conspiritualist, Denby, after being cen-sored on YouTube. As a medical doctor, I didn’t realize that I wasn’t allowed to talk about informed consent publicly, let alone provide free downloadable resources to give people essential information about inoculations that they may be offered.  I do my best to not be anti-anything. Instead, I prefer being pro-healing, pro-informed consent, pro-freedom, pro-transparency... I like staying in the energy of curiosity rather than conformity. During this episode, I will be interviewing Jason Shurka, an author, entrepreneur, and truth-seeker, who has made a big splash in the spiritual leadership arena with his compassionate and cutting-edge videos with non-mainstream spiritual and wellness leaders (whom I will not name).  Publisher of the Pyramid Code, Jason and I speak the same language. We both resonate with Unity and Harmony rather than Division an