Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

The Secret to Foundational Beauty with Dr. Kellyann Petrucci



I recently bumped into a number of friends that I hadn’t seen since before the lockdown. What struck me was that almost everyone looked different to me. What I noticed most was that their skin was missing the youthful glow I was used to seeing. There was one exception - my friend who makes and drinks a lot of bone broth. Could that be the elixir of youth? In this episode, my guest is a naturopathic doctor who has made drinking bone broth an international sensation. Her name is Dr. Kellyann Petrucci, author of multiple NY times books, including the famous Bone Broth Diet. It’s taken my team well over a year to get her back on the show, and this time, she’s going to be sharing her wisdom on how to look gorgeous from the inside out - the secret to foundational beauty. Dr. Kellyann is going to go beyond bone broth, and it’s going to get raw and real, especially when she explains how she hit burnout after she became an international star. In fact, she ended up on the floor of an airplane, passed out. She gives u