In Your Pants With Dr. Susie G

Keepin' it real sex talk and the BIG ⭕️ w/ Dr. UC Ossai



In this day and age, there’s no lack of misinformation out there regarding sex and intimacy, shaping our lives and the world we live in. So, on today’s In Your Pants podcast, Dr. UC and I bust common sex myths and fairy tales around intimacy.  Here are the cliff notes from today’s episode: - Intimacy is not just this feminine thang - “It’s about being seen and heard” - Sexy time is not usually the issue, it’s the intimacy and the underlying relationship - Judgement is a human thing but the underlying issue is being aware of our judgements of others but most importantly the judgements that we have about ourselves - Sex is not porn, it’s entertainment, but yet it compromises a lot of the education around sex and intimacy - Porn is an incomplete picture of how sex and gender work - “It’s an incomplete picture of life” - Dr. UC - Expectations are a buzz kill in the bedroom - Sex is about people experiencing pleasure - Normalizing common sexual experiences like performance anxiety - When life happens, your sexual