Play Your Position With Mary Lou Kayser

373: Jenna Cooper on Owning and Communicating Your Authentic Story



This episode is dedicated to Dr. John "Jack" Cooper May 14, 1932 - March 29, 2021   A seasoned public relations professional, Jenna Cooper, APR is Founder/President at The C3 Collective. Her nose for news has transplanted her in television broadcast markets across the country including Boise, Austin, Atlanta, and Seattle. Cooper has successfully woven her award-winning journalism skills together with high-profile public relations and communications positions, serving as a strategist and front-line spokesperson and President of the Public Relations Society of America, Portland Metro Chapter.   Cooper’s communications campaigns have won several PRSA Portland Spotlight awards. The Associated Press and the prestigious Texas Headliners Foundation have awarded her for her excellence in journalism. Career highlights include reporting on the numerous court challenges and recounts stemming from the 2000 Presidential campaign, the 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia disaster in North Texas, and the volcanic activity in 2004 on