Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Luminous Life: How Light Unlocks the Art of Living



I’ve been surprised by how many Sensitive Souls have significant vision problems. Their psychic abilities are more pronounced than others (inner vision), but their “outer vision” seems compromised. Some even have significant eye diseases. When I asked Source why my vision hasn’t spontaneously improved (not that I’ve been doing specific healing on it), I got the answer “habit”. As is often the case, the Universe presented to me a teacher who can give us IN-SIGHT to the whole vision problem. Through one of my TOLPAKAN™ Healing Certified Practitioners, Diana, I found out about Dr. Jacob Liberman. He “cured” his own near-sightedness. I bought one of his books and knew I had to get him on my Light Warrior Radio show so he could share his wisdom with the tribe. During this EnLightening interview, Dr. Liberman reveals How his eyesight spontaneously cleared after wearing glasses for many years and has remained clear for 45 yearsWhy it is so common that eyesight deteriorates over time for most peopleWhy wearing one