Talking Shop With Theresa And Bri

Talking Shop with Theresa and Bri: Working with Publishers



When you’re self-published, you call all the shots - and do all the work. But when you’re traditionally published, your book becomes a partnership. It no longer just you. Which means you need to know how to successfully navigate your working relationship with your publisher. For example, they will have a say in your book design, title, and even the marketing. Learning how to navigate the process will make the experience a win/win for both the publishing house - and you. Our mission this year is to give you the information you need to get your book out of your head and into the world. From writing habits, to collaboration, to marketing, we’ve got you covered. In the latest Talking Shop, we’re talking about what it’s like to work with a publisher - including how to make it work for you and your book.