Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Soul-istic Medicine with Angie Ates



Are you a Health Professional? Are you challenged with how to integrate your intuitive talents? During this episode, I interview an Integrative Practitioner, Angie Ates who has trained over 10k practitioners and will being sharing tangible tools to implement in your clinical practice. Whether you are trying to figure out how to “talk” about the intuitive, energetic side of what you do, or trying to manage the clinical pitfalls of client care, you will love Angie as she brings “real” experience to the interview. Soul-istic Medicine is all about aligning your work with your purpose fueled by your passion for helping others.  She will discuss the simple 4 pillar blueprint of an effective wellness plan protocol and how your intuition can shift the results. This blueprint is remarkable to use regardless of your clinical experience or practice model.  As we harness our intuition in our clinical practice, we all have had those moments when we wish we had another colleague to “lifeline” call. Many professionals ar