Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

The Divine Code of Abundance: Tapping into Your Legacy with Jennifer Watson



Abundance has become a “buzzword” and a bit “elusive” to many. Although, everyone wants it! And accessing it can shift every aspect of your life, including your wellness.  We have all seen people around us that seem to have abundance. Who seems to have the “key” to accessing success in the things they want to be abundant. Research shows there are similarities among these people, an equation to access your abundance consistently & powerfully.   Abundance does not have to be “elusive,” overwhelming, or inaccessible. You have the tools inside you to create your abundance now. It starts with accessing your Wellness. The science behind creating more powerful Wellness is advancing every day. But how we translate our Wellness to other areas we desire to be abundant in, how we bridge the gap of Wellness to abundant life is still often misunderstood. But science is here too! We want to help you access your Wellness, in particular, your Emotional + Spiritual Wellness to crack the code of Abundance in your life.