Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

The Science Behind the Healing Power of Pyramids with Ken Rohla



Ever since my mentor, Marcus Bird taught me the pyramid meditation for rapid manifestation in Fiji a number of years ago, I’ve been fascinated by pyramids. I found out that the Pyramids in Giza are actually octahedrons! And that sitting inside a pyramid is one of the safest places you can be - negative energy can't harm you there! During this episode of Light Warrior Radio, I interviewKen Rohla about his pyramid experiences and the science behind their healing properties. He says they are scalar wave antennae that can produce amazing healing effects from even deadly illnesses. They can also offer EMF protection, improve plant growth, and, as I already experienced, accelerate the manifestation of thought into reality. With a background in electrical engineering, physics, and computer science, for 23 years Ken worked a variety of jobs in the medical industry, from the patient level to the national policy level. A cutting-edge researcher, Ken has studied with many pioneers in the natural health field, includin