Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Brain Patterning and Procrastination with Adele Spraggon



Have you tried to “force” yourself to do something because you thought you should? Or procrastinated and felt horribly guilty for it later? Or maybe feeling inundated with everything going on and just overwhelmed? I hear you. Been there. Done that. But what if there was a way to “delete” the brain patterns that were set in place when you were a child that causes all these problems? Wouldn’t that be cool? During this interview, we’ll be covering: Why anxiety and overwhelm patterns is rampant in highly sensitive peopleWhat procrastination is really about, and why you don’t need the guiltHow you can release things like sugar addiction with brain repatterningThe difference between trying to muscle your way to your goals and effortlessly manifesting themHow brain patterns are like an old operating system that doesn’t really work and how you can delete them and create a new operating system that does Adele is an award-winning author, thought leader, international speaker, and trainer. She was awarded the 2020 Wo