Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Blue Light Toxicity with Meredith Kelly Oke



I have to be honest - I love my devices; computers, smartphones (yes I use more than one), etc. For my business, they are indispensable and a great way to keep connected to family over the last two years since I haven’t been able to safely visit Canada.    However, I’ve recently been made aware of the “dark” side of “light”, blue light, specifically. Artificially created light beaming out from our light bulbs, phones, computers, and televisions. I was shocked to learn how it can damage collagen (who wants more wrinkles? And a saggy butt?) as well as interfere with our circadian rhythms and sleep.   Not cool.   I decided to have an expert on Light Warrior Radio to help us learn more about blue light and how to mitigate this “toxin” by answering the question, “How important is this, really?” Tune in as we discuss: Why blue light is the new sugar Why light has a major impact on our health Do full spectrum light bulbs work? The "free" way to start healing with light today And so much mor