Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

The Art of ET Experiencers with Miguel Mendonça



Extraterrestrial contact is not rare. In fact, many people have had ET contact, and for some people, this has transformed them forever.  One of the ways ET experiencers are expressing themselves in an expanded consciousness is through art and it’s often highly euphoric! Much of this art is from a higher consciousness which is highly mystical and healing.  In ordinary human consciousness, we are often closed off from our extraordinary gifts and capabilities to connect with our Superpowers, however through ET art, we become “opened” to new beautiful possibilities and dimensions.  Is it possible that musicians, artists, inventors, or scientists that stretch our imagination are channeling information from benevolent highly-evolved beings from beyond Earth? Maybe YOU can be a channel too! Have you ever felt compelled to draw? Paint? Sing? Sculpt? Dance? Write? Spontaneously without any overtly preconceived outcome. Only because you just feel like doing it. During this episode on Light Warrior Radio, Miguel Men