Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Waking up to Your True Self with Indra Rinzler



That survival drive helps us to navigate life, whether we call it the ego, the mind, or the personality. Humans began as animal nature with a thinking mind, a survival drive, and a need to look outside the self for energy to survive. The two (mind and nature) developed together to realize that by identifying and comparing survival information and learning to evaluate the inputted information, humans had a greater chance for survival through learning and intelligence. This is how the separate “I” was developed, something we feel we need to protect ourselves and develop into the believed source of life. The human baby, three to six months old, grabs his or her foot. They don’t know it’s a foot, and they don’t know it’s “theirs” because it's pre-concepts. A year later, mommy says to the baby, “baby’s blanket.” Six months later, the toddler says, “my book, my blanket, my mommy.” The misidentification has occurred. The misidentification is that we are separate beings in charge of cause and effect, replacing Divin