Light Warrior Radio With Dr. Karen Kan

Tao Healing with Dr. & Master Zhi Gang Sha



Millions of people have suffered physically, mentally, and emotionally during this difficult time. CV-19, climate change, and economic and political concerns have all been causing worry and stress. This is also a time that has made many of us focus on our need for more self-care, peace of mind, and finding more joy in life. Dr. and Master Zhi Gang Sha has helped people to heal and transform their lives. A doctor of both Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture and a master of several Eastern Arts, he teaches simple but powerful practices that anyone can do in minutes a day to uplift their health, relationships, finances, business, and every aspect of life. He discovered the keys to well-being, success, and inner peace. While he acknowledges the benefits of meditation and mind over matter, he teaches that soul over matter is even more powerful. Sharing ancient wisdom and practices updated for modern times, he explains how everyone has a soul, heart, mind, energy, and matter. By teaching peopl