#spiritchat By Jennifer O'neill

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 148:06:00
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Where spiritual guidance and life strategies meet in a way that fits into your everyday life. #SpiritChat Radio is a radio show offering spiritual mentorship to those who are interested in learning more about spiritual awareness. Jennifer is your source for spiritual and practical advice bringing you her expertise live on the air. The focus is to simplify the process of using the spiritual tools and gifts you were born with in a way that fits into your everyday life. She has spent the last twenty years as a professional psychic and spiritual teacher helping people all over the world with their spiritual growth. For more information on online classes and FB Live Streaming #SpiritChat sessions you can go to www.keystothespiritworld.com or ask for an invite at: https://www.facebook.com/groups/405615596232631/


  • ✨ ENERGY REPORT - Super Intense Energy! Watch for this... ✨

    17/08/2022 Duration: 28min

    We are facing some really intense energy right now... So buckle in, it's gonna be a rough ride! You will want to focus on these things right now: ~ Sleep is gonna be an issue, so just ride it out. You might find that you're wide awake during the night, or just not tired. No point in fighting it... ~ Use your head right now. The energy is so chaotic that it might cause mixed signals with your intuition, which usually results in freezing up and getting you nowhere. You're just not sure what to do. Just relax, and handle things in a more logical thinking manner. You know what needs done or handled. (I know, weird I'm saying this right? LOL!) ~ Relationships are brewing. So steer clear of any major relationship issues, or hashing important things out. Table it for a bit because emotional energy surrounding relationships is really high right now, so you might think or act irrationally. Never good.


    04/08/2022 Duration: 30min

    The Lion's Gate Portal is open...which means manifestation energy is on the higher side! But there are definitely some other things you will want to be aware of... You will want to focus on these three things this month: ~ Ridding yourself from the same old systems, habits, and patterns. No more readjustments, because it's time to scrap those and start fresh, brand new. \~ Resistance and triggers. Paying attention to what's causing resistance, because resistance is going to hinder any type of proper energy flow and interfere with manifesting in a major way. ~ Renewing your manifestation goals. It's time to create and manifest from a different vibration, from a more current energy flow. Now is the perfect time to do that. In this weeks podcast I talk about this as well as why you might find yourself currently feeling stuck or in a state of limbo. It's a powerful time and a great time to take advantage of a do over... :) ★ Podcast (Apple) - https://apple.co/3R84P9t ★ Podcast (Spotify) - https://spoti.fi

  • ✨ Clearing Your Energy From Low Vibrational Frequencies ✨

    20/07/2022 Duration: 31min

    Energy Clearing is one of the most important things you will ever do for your spiritual body... But why? Simply put...because it's necessary to maintain your spiritual health. Your spiritual body is being exposed to low vibration frequencies and spiritual influences day in and day out each and every day. These influences are basically "toxic" to the spiritual body on an energetic level.  How are they toxic? They spread through your energetic system causing low vibration emotions, thoughts, and feelings. But these frequencies and influences will also attach themselves to you and spread through your energetic body. And that is no good for your spiritual immune system.  However, there's a very simple technique that can keep your spiritual house clean and clear. So you will want to make sure you are doing this routinely... 


    13/07/2022 Duration: 25min

    First let's talk about fear...for the last few weeks, fears from your past, (this lifetime and others), are being pulled to the surface. And you might find they are also affecting your dreams... Because dreams are where you get a glimpse of your "energetic story". Now is not the time to ignore these fears however, but to use this wonderful information and embrace the fear. It gives you the opportunity to learn how to rework your story so these fears are not "stuck" in your energetic system causing imbalance. With this Full Moon it's time to figure out what you need to release (fears and negativity), and start the process of moving forward by restructuring. It's time to...  ~ Release old habits and patterns of any kind (emotional or physical). ~ Let go of old systems, as many old systems don't work with this new frequency. ~ Simplify everything! And don't overthink things. ~ Develop new systems that better match the current frequency. ~ Revisit opportunities that you've put a hold on. And it's t

  • 01/07/2022 Duration: 43min

    Do you feel like you are struggling? Do you also feel like you might be an Empath? It's super common for Empaths to feel confused, directionless, unhappy, and just sort of hopeless at times...and it leaves them with some very good questions. "Why do I even have this gift?" "How is this helping me?" "Why do I feel unhappy?" Many people who find out they are an Empath are more confused than before. So I wanted to help give struggling Empaths some clarity. In this podcast I talk about: ~ Defining who you are as an Empath ~ How is being an Empath useful to you ~ What are some of the biggest mistakes Empaths make ~ Is being an Empath affecting your happiness I'm going to give you a little insight on these things and more. Enjoy! * WEBSITE (FREE EBOOK, WEBINAR, QUIZZES & MORE!): https://keystothespiritworld.com/ * ONLINE CLASSES/TRAINING/COACHING (EMPATH UNIVERSITY): https://empath-university.com/courses *  Join my SPIRIT COMMUNITY (Ask for an invite here): https://www.facebook.com/groups/keystothe

  • 21/05/2022 Duration: 27min

    I'm just wanted to give you a heads up on some things you might be experiencing right now...because...whoa! This energetic weather is the perfect storm! And if you are sensitive, most likely you will be experiencing some or all of these things: ~ Anxiety - higher anxiety than normal ~ Feeling Triggered - many things are triggering you ~ Over Reacting - feeling like you are having extreme emotions to things that normally don't bother you ~ Feeling A Bit Nuts - experiencing feelings that are not making sense ~ High Emotional Energy - feeling emotionally charged ~ Business/Work is Slow - Money energy is very slow, stagnant, or lethargic right now. If you are part of the Empowered Empath & Energetic Awareness tier (on Patreon), I've done a podcast for you on what's happening, and what to do about it. :) Unfortunately, this will last into June!


    05/10/2021 Duration: 37min

    Right now there's a strong battle between two different "yin yang" energies. For those of us who are sensitive, you will most likely be affected by this tug of war which is resulting in many of us feeling "imbalanced" to say the least. In this podcast I will be talking about what to be aware of and what to look for, how to tell if you are being affected by this energetic pull, and how to help balance your energetic system. WEBSITE (FREE EBOOK, WEBINAR, QUIZZES & MORE!): https://keystothespiritworld.com/ ONLINE CLASSES/TRAINING/COACHING (EMPATH UNIVERSITY): https://empath-university.com/courses Join my SPIRIT COMMUNITY (Ask for an invite here): https://www.facebook.com/groups/keystothespiritworld/ *MEDITATIONS* DOWNLOAD CHI MEDITATION: Ready to raise your vibration? https://www.empowered-empath.com/empath-chi-meditation/ DOWNLOAD ANGEL CLEARING MEDITATION: Do you need energetic protection? https://www.empowered-empath.com/angel-clearing-meditation/


    10/09/2021 Duration: 40min

    Energetically this year is a "rebirth" year. Which means for those of us who are sensitive, we will most likely be facing some high anxiety, confusion, and delays. In this podcast I will be talking about a lot of these things as well as September energy, what to expect, and things to do to help maintain better energetic balance. Here are the links I talk about in this podcast ~ CBD study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7987002/ CBD links: https://keystospirit.innov8tivenutrition.com/ https://cbdfx.com/collections/cbd-gummies/ Larimar Bracelet: https://spiritualgurubox.com/collections/new-arrivals-1/products/larimar-gemstone-gold-bangle-cuff-bracelet-serenity-relaxation-stress-relief WEBSITE (FREE EBOOK, WEBINAR, QUIZZES & MORE!): https://keystothespiritworld.com/ ONLINE CLASSES/TRAINING/COACHING (EMPATH UNIVERSITY): https://empath-university.com/courses Join my SPIRIT COMMUNITY (Ask for an invite here): https://www.facebook.com/groups/keystothespiritworld/


    06/04/2021 Duration: 32min

    Energy update for this week :) ONLINE CLASSES/TRAINING/COACHING (EMPATH UNIVERSITY): https://empath-university.com/courses WEBSITE: https://keystothespiritworld.com/ Join my SPIRIT COMMUNITY (Ask for an invite here): https://www.facebook.com/groups/keystothespiritworld/ VITAMIN PATCHES (CBD, ENERGY, COMPLETE, ETC): https://keystospirit.innov8tivenutrition.com/

  • ENERGY REPORT 3/16/21

    16/03/2021 Duration: 28min

    Energy update for this week :) ONLINE CLASSES/TRAINING/COACHING (EMPATH UNIVERSITY): https://empath-university.com/courses SPIRIT COMMUNICATION CLASS: https://empath-university.com/p/spirit-communication Join my SPIRIT COMMUNITY (Ask for an invite here): https://www.facebook.com/groups/keystothespiritworld/ VITAMIN PATCHES (CBD, ENERGY, COMPLETE, ETC): https://keystospirit.innov8tivenutrition.com/

  • 4 Signs of Dimensional Shifting

    11/03/2021 Duration: 27min

    So what's up with this crazy energy?  ~ People are acting kind of crazy ~ The stock market is all over the place ~ Inflation worries ~ Anxiety all over the place ..what's next? And why is this happening? It has a lot to do with dimensional shifting and how everything and everyone is adjusting to it. Some are adjusting well, others not so well. But one thing is for sure...it's definitely helpful to be aware of the 4 signs that come with it. * SPIRIT COMMUNICATION CLASS: https://empath-university.com/p/spirit-communication * ONLINE CLASSES/TRAINING/COACHING (EMPATH UNIVERSITY): https://empath-university.com/courses * Join my SPIRIT COMMUNITY (Ask for an invite here): https://www.facebook.com/groups/keystothespiritworld/ * VITAMIN PATCHES (CBD, ENERGY, COMPLETE, ETC): https://keystospirit.innov8tivenutrition.com/


    19/11/2020 Duration: 38min

    When you are a "sensitive" person, you have to take extra special care of your physical body as well as your spiritual self. And this can be easily overlooked. If you are sensitive your physical body becomes "hypersensitive" to the energy which surrounds you. And this ability to be more energetically aware, comes with pros and cons. Some of the cons are how it can take a toll on your physical body. It's very important to maintain a strong physical and spiritual body because they work together. Which means you need to pay extra attention to your physical health. So in order to stay properly balanced and "healthy" when you are sensitive your physical body will require some extra care: ~ More & Consistent Exercise - to ground the body and release excess energy. ~ More Earth Energy - to help balance spiritual and physical energies within the bodies. ~ More Nutrients - to help keep the physical body strong as it's required when dealing with energy surge and energy drain. So when I find things to help yo


    12/11/2020 Duration: 56min

    Do you ever wonder about your past lives? Such as how many lives you've lived? Which traits do you carry with you from lifetime to lifetime? Even things such as recognizing people from other lifetimes... Well you're not alone. I had 142 comments in my FB group of people wondering these very same things. In this podcast, I will be answering many of these questions! Comment below if you found this helpful. :) ~ SPIRIT COMMUNICATION CLASS: https://empath-university.com/p/spirit-communication ~ ONLINE CLASSES/TRAINING/COACHING (EMPATH UNIVERSITY): https://empath-university.com/courses  ~ Join my SPIRIT COMMUNITY (Ask for an invite here): https://www.facebook.com/groups/keystothespiritworld/  ~ VITAMIN PATCHES (CBD, ENERGY, COMPLETE, ETC): https://keystospirit.innov8tivenutrition.com/


    28/10/2020 Duration: 24min

    October has been quite the pressure cooker. Relationships, jobs, situations, you name it has felt very volatile and it's not been much fun. But there's good news...November is bringing in some much calmer waters (energetically speaking). 1) Shifts & changes to schedules - so it's important to be adaptable. 2) Out with the old and in with the new - things that you've been waiting on, will begin the process of wrapping up. 3) Opportunities will be surfacing - wrapping up the old will bring in new opportunities. 4) Unexpected returns - regarding finances such as money you didn't expect, gifts, or unexpected savings on things or bills. Also, I just finished recording the last of my videos for the Spirit Communication class, I will be giving you an update. Plus, I talk more about sensitive children and the vitamin patches that I'm super excited about. :) If you want to take a look at the VITAMIN PATCHES I talk about you can do that here: https://keystospirit.innov8tivenutrition.com/ FREE EMPATH MASTERCL


    01/10/2020 Duration: 31min

    OCTOBER ENERGY REPORT: I wanted to do an energy report for October because there's a lot going on not just spiritually, but physically.  Even though we are experiencing an intense frequency shift with our spiritual bodies, this shift is currently beginning to spill over into our physical environment and affect our physical bodies. So needless to say, there's a lot going on. 1) Karmic issues and revisiting old wounds. 2) Emotional issues such as frustration, fear, and worry. 3) Relationship issues causing us to adjust and shift relationship dynamics. 4) Physical issues that seem to be appearing out of nowhere. Also, I've discovered something new that I wanted to share with you. Transdermal vitamin patches. I was going to save this information for another podcast but I felt as if this was a good time to discuss my experience with them. And lastly, there will be an update on my Spirit Communication class at the end. :) ~ If you want to take a look at the VITAMIN PATCHES I talk about you can do that here:

  • FULL CORN MOON IN PISCES || SEPTEMBER 2020 || Energy Update

    04/09/2020 Duration: 36min

    FULL CORN MOON ENERGY UPDATE: Lot's of heavy energy going on right now for those who are sensitive. 1) Feeling like you're stuck in energetic mud, or chasing your tail. 2) Lethargic and tired, you just can't get motivated. 3) High spiritual activity. 4) Yet, there's a spark of desire surfacing...new ideas that you're excited about stirring around. Yet how do you get motivated? And is it even worth your time? I've got some good stuff for you in this podcast! Also don't forget to comment below and let me know if you have any questions or you're experiencing any of these things. :) SPIRITUAL GURU (store I talk about for gemstones): https://spiritualgurubox.com/collections/new-arrivals-1 FREE EMPATH MASTERCLASS: 5 Simple (But POWERFUL) Energy Management Techniques! https://www.empowered-empath.com/everwebinar-master-your-energy/  ONLINE CLASSES/TRAINING/COACHING (EMPATH UNIVERSITY): https://empath-university.com/courses Join my SPIRIT COMMUNITY (Ask for an invite here): https://www.facebook.com/groups/ke

  • Are You Feeing Burned Out? Moon Child Energy Update!

    13/07/2020 Duration: 33min

    Are you feeling burned out lately? Or emotionally spent? The energy waves right are not only causing emotional chaos, but everything is coming to a head as we move forward towards our higher frequency self. The thing is our higher frequency self feels like it's at the top of Mt. Everest!  We are experiencing an intense storm of transitional energy which might be causing you to feel "caught" between past and future. And your feelings tied to this might be emotionally on the higher side. Don't let your emotions from the past, dictate your decisions for the future because it will not be helpful. Especially, if those emotions are of low vibration. Low vibration emotions are bubbling to the surface to be cleared for a powerful higher vibrational frequency to come through. This frequency will move in August/September. Think of it like spring cleaning of your old "emotional" baggage, to allow room for some new cool stuff that you wanted. (Out with the old junk to bring in the new).  Like a spiritual rummage sale

  • Solar Eclipse Energy Update 6/24/20

    25/06/2020 Duration: 23min

    The energy has been super intense this week, especially with the solar eclipse. However, it won't go away as quick as the eclipse, this energy will last about 2 more weeks. Here are some things you might be noticing or experiencing: 1) Emotions are on the higher side...(You may feel more emotional than normal). 2) Anxiety is higher than normal...(You might feel more anxious than normal). 3) Deep emotions bubbling to the surface. (Emotions you think you've resolved, may pop up out of nowhere). 4) Finances are more of a focus than normal. Comment below and let me know if you have any questions or you're experiencing any of these things. :) FREE EMPATH MASTERCLASS: 5 Simple (But POWERFUL) Energy Management Techniques! https://www.empowered-empath.com/master-your-energy-masterclass/ ONLINE CLASSES/TRAINING/COACHING (EMPATH UNIVERSITY): https://empath-university.com/courses Join my SPIRIT COMMUNITY (Ask for an invite here): https://www.facebook.com/groups/keystothespiritworld/ TAKE EMPATH QUIZ: Do you

  • Are You Experiencing High Anxiety? Energy Update 5/1/20

    04/05/2020 Duration: 11min

    ENERGY REPORT: I haven't had time to do a report as I'm preparing for more classes, readings, etc. But I've had a lot of people asking about it. So here's some things that you might have been experiencing. Starting last week: * Spirit energy was on the high side again. It's starting to slow down a bit now. * Pet's were really noticing the high spirit energy. They were also reacting to it. Barking, acting out (my puppy/dog ate everything it could in the house one night) :/. * ANXIETY in very sporadic waves. High anxiety, then calm, then high again, then calm. * Sleep is all over the place. Same pattern as anxiety, good, then no good, then good again. The energy is starting to relax a little bit now. So spirit energy will start to calm down a bit. Emotional energy will relax a little. These waves are also carrying heavier emotional energy with the vibe of frustration, anxiety, and irritation. Because people are feeling cooped up and they are ready to get back to more of a normal routine. We are so

  • 4/1/20 Energy Update! - Plus, Healers Summit

    02/04/2020 Duration: 34min

    ***You can register for the Healers Summit I talk about here: https://www.empowered-empath.com/healers-summit/ This is an Energy Report I did for the week of 4/1/20...enjoy! :) Unexpected hiccupsRelationshipsSpirit ActivitySplit Energy Join my SPIRIT COMMUNITY (Ask for an invite here): https://www.facebook.com/groups/keystothespiritworld/ ONLINE CLASSES/SCHOOL: https://empath-university.com/courses FREE EMPATH MASTERCLASS: 5 Steps to Living A Healthier Happier Life as an Empath! https://www.empowered-empath.com/master-your-energy/ TAKE EMPATH QUIZ: Do you wonder if you are an Empath? Find out now…https://www.empowered-empath.com/empath-quiz/  DOWNLOAD CHI MEDITATION: Ready to raise your vibration? https://www.empowered-empath.com/empath-chi-meditation/  DOWNLOAD ANGEL CLEARING MEDITATION: Do you need energetic protection? https://www.empowered-empath.com/angel-clearing-meditation/ 

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