World Harvest Ministries - Bro. Fernando Millan

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Messages by Bro. Fernando Millan.


  • Fernando Millan - Send Us


    This is a prophetic word that speaks of the parallels between the days of Isaiah and the modern state of our nation and church. Bro.Fernando brings out how God is speaking to the shepherds that lead his flock in these last days! The Lord is asking the question: "Whom Shall I Send?".. Will you go? Keeping Looking Up!

  • Fernando Millan - We Are In The Days Of Jeremiah


    A prophetic word that every believer must hear concerning the times that we are living in. We are spiritually seeing the decline of a nation as Jeremiah did in his day! Do we have spiritual eyes to see that the judgements of God are upon our nation? May this message lead us to pray for our nation and one another. Keep Looking Up!

  • Fernando Millan - Searching The Mind Of God


    This message will bless your heart. For those that are seeking a deeper walk with the lord, this is a must hear! Bro. Fernando shares how we can know the eternal purpose of God, that he has destined for us! Keep looking up!