
8 - Applications



The week we talk about the applications and computers that we use. We get pretty geeky in this one. You can contact us on Twitter: Davina is @developmentnerd Daryl is @barbariangeek or you can use the contact form on our website at facet.fm. The Topic - Applications Retina MacBook Pro Should be in the OS Dropbox 1Password Can’t Live Without Davina: Day One Clarify TextMate Daryl: Alfred OmniFocus SublimeText Really Nice to Have (little gems) Davina: Caffeine DiskAid Now iMazing Mou Daryl: iTerm2 BetterTouchTool Acorn Markdown Wikipedia Article MacSparky Field Guide - A great way to learn markdown Markdown Basics The Sendoff Davina: The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Daryl: Team Treehouse