
3 - Books in Movies and TV



This week we follow up on our talk about books, this time about books being made into, and from, movies. You can contact us on Twitter: Davina is @developmentnerd Daryl is @barbariangeek or you can use the contact form on our website at facet.fm. Green Mile Shawshank Redemption Silence of the Lambs The Hunger Games Interview with a Vampire The Princess Bride Lion the Witch and Wardrobe The Wind in the Willow The Hobbit 50 Shades of Grey Twilight Eragon The Scarlet Letter The Three Musketeers Hercules Pompeii Davinci Code Game of Thrones George R. R. Martin’s Involvement in season 6 of Game of Thrones True Blood The Secret Circle Firefly Article: Name of the Wind rights are in a “bidding war” Podcast Episode on Kingkiller Chronicle rights Article: Movie Novelizations Still Exist Star Wars books James Bond books Doug the Pug Unicorn Chaser Dresden Files Gentlemen Bastards Snow Crash Wicked series Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Pride & Predjudice