Divine It Girl

Gratitude and the Secret Sauce - the Big Why



I'm taking a quick break from the Invoking the Muse interview series to bring you a quick, bite-sized episode on this beautiful Thanksgiving Day 2015.  And what's the episode about?  It's a quick foray into the adventures of gratitude and it's power - so appropriate on this holiday that's all about giving thanks!  I reveal the big secret behind a gratitude practice - how to make it more authentic to you and how to really enjoy the process so that you feel better after doing it.  It's so easy you can do it right after the show and still have time to spend with your family and eat up all the fixings of Thanksgiving dinner!And a quick note to all my listeners - SUPER GRATEFUL for all of you for listening in!I'll be back next week resuming the Invoking the Muse interview series with a whole new episode just for you.Love and sparkles to all!