Grace At Fort Clarke Podcast

Give More



God is calling us to give more intentionally and relationally. That means giving more of our time, our energy, our memories, our talents, our presence. It’s a both/and. Spend less money and give more of yourself to the ones you love. It sounds obvious, yet we seem to have drifted away from this liberating, straightforward truth: The Father gave his one and only Son. God’s answer for the world’s problems has never been material things. God did not give us more stuff – even good stuff like work, food, or health. He gave us himself. The most priceless and personal gift of all. When we give relationally during the Advent season, this is what we remember: it’s an opportunity to worship as we remind each other of the gift that was given for our sake. QUESTIONS: • What was the most meaningful gift you’ve ever received? • In what areas of your life do you long to experience Immanuel? • When it comes to giving relationally, what most excites you? What will be the biggest challenge? • Which bin from the example in the