The Rich Roll Podcast



life + performance + spirit


  • Ditching Dairy: The Doyenne of Vegan Cuisine on Food as a Portal for Transformation

    12/06/2017 Duration: 01h19min

    “I would totally go vegan but there’s no way I can give up cheese.” If this is you, then today's episode is required listening. This week my wife and creative partner Julie Piatt returns to the podcast to discuss the hows and whys of ditching dairy in celebration of her brand new book, This Cheese Is Nuts! Delicious Vegan Cheese At Home, hitting bookstores everywhere Tuesday, June 13. Equal parts mother, author, yogi, musician, and doyenne of vegan cuisine, Julie spent the last two years ensconced in her kitchen lab, dutifully pushing plant-based culinary boundaries to create an extraordinary new work to empower each and all with the required tools and techniques to prepare over 75 facile vegan cheese recipes for home and family. Introducing Cheese 2.0. As her taste-tester in chief, take it from me — it doesn't mimic dairy cheese. It's better. Way better – for you, your family, the planet and of course the animals. If you loved The Plantpower Way, then you're going to flip for This Cheese Is Nuts — a next lev

  • John Joseph Returns: The Evolution of a Cro-Magnon, Overcoming Insurmountable Obstacles & The Transformative Power of PMA

    08/06/2017 Duration: 01h44min

    Back by popular demand, my good friend, podcast favorite and provacateur-at-large John Joseph returns for an unprecedented 5th appearance on the show to share more of his extraordinary story. A story that lays bare the indelible power of the human spirit to face and transcend unimaginable, seemingly insurmountable obstacles and ultimately transform one's life wholesale. If you're a longtime listener, Johnny Bloodclot needs no introduction. For the uninitiated, John is a sui generis American original. The very definition of hardcore. A survivor. A spiritual warrior spouting straight talk directly from the streets of the Lower East Side with one singular, driving purpose: getting people to wake the f&*k up. Conceived and raised in abuse, deprived of opportunity and left to his own devices, John turned to violence and drugs on the rough and tumble streets of New York's Lower East Side in the 1970’s. It's a path that predictably led to violence, crime, addiction and incarceration. Spending his teens as a drug mul

  • How To Achieve Peak Performance — And Sustain It — With Brad Stulberg & Steve Magness

    05/06/2017 Duration: 02h08min

    Plenty has been written about achieving peak performance in sport, career and life. But there is a black hole in the literature when it comes to the tools and practices required to consistently perform at your absolute best over the course of an athletic season, a long professional career and ultimately an entire lifetime. Until now. This week I convene with Brad Stulberg (@BStulberg) and Steve Magness (@stevemagness), two high performers who both quested for greatness but fell short, succumbing to the paralyzing burnout that all too often destroys the hopes and dreams of even the most talented, determined and capable. Once a rising star at McKinsey & Co. with a stint consulting on health care at The White House, Brad was a golden boy determined to maximize his seemingly unlimited career potential. Instead, he worked himself right out the door of his chosen profession. Reinventing himself as a writer and author, today Brad specializes in the health and the science of human performance, known for his ability t

  • John Mackey On Conscious Capitalism, Building An Empire & The Power of Plants To Heal and Thrive

    29/05/2017 Duration: 01h25min

    Creating a huge business is one thing. Building it on principles of conscious awareness? Another thing altogether. This week I sit down with John Mackey, the father of conscious capitalism and the unlikely entrepreneur behind a $16 billion grocery behemoth that ushered in a global organic food movement and permanently changed the way we eat, live and think about business. The Bill Gates of organic food, John is the original, current and sole CEO of Whole Foods Markets, which he founded in 1980 and has parented to Fortune 500 status, employing over 90,000 people across 450+ stores in the United States, Canada and the UK. A strong believer in free market principles, Mackey is the co-founder of the Conscious Capitalism Movement and co-authored the New York Times and Wall Street Journal best-seller Conscious Capitalism, which encourages business grounded in principles of ethical consciousness. Consistent with this ethos, John has birthed a myriad of philanthropic efforts, including the Whole Planet Foundation to

  • Jordan Harbinger On The Art of Communication

    26/05/2017 Duration: 01h47min

    In all honesty, I don't put that much thought into how I communicate. Jordan Harbinger thinks that's a mistake. Because the signals all of us routinely emit — verbally, physically and often quite subtly — have a profound impact on how we feel about ourselves, how we are perceived by others, and how we navigate the world. Indeed, the social cues most employ by habit, and without conscious awareness, fundamentally forge our entire human experience, more often than not leading us astray from the relationships, career, goals, and reality we desire. The good news? Social acumen is entirely teachable. To be sure, it's an inside job. And that job is hard. But by committing to that work and embracing certain scientifically proven practices and strategies, we can indeed dramatically improve our communication skills and thus positively impact our ability to relate to and with others. Over time, the result is enhanced connection, self-esteem, empathy, authenticity and influence, all of which translate into an enhanced q

  • David Clark: When An Audacious Goal Becomes An Obsessive Addiction

    22/05/2017 Duration: 01h49min

    Goals are great. Audacious goals? Even better. But what happens when that quest to touch the outermost edge of your capabilities tips into maddening obsession? David Clark has been there. And this week he returns to the podcast to tell us all about it. Longtime listeners will remember well our first conversation — one of my most popular episodes to date — in which David vividly recalled his extraordinary journey from morbidly obese, full-blown alcoholic into sober, vegan, ultra-running warrior. Not too long ago, David tipped the scales at 320 pounds. Fueled on a steady, death-defying diet of booze, pills and fast food, he was a man hell-bent on wrecking havoc, destruction and woe in the lives of loved ones and anyone unfortunate enough to cross his path, He wasn't just unhealthy. He was broken. Ultimately Dave met his breaking point. Understanding that if he didn't change he would surely die, he summoned the will to finally face and overcome his demons, transform his life wholesale and ultimately accomplish f

  • Growth Is Our Mandate

    18/05/2017 Duration: 01h52min

    Twenty years ago I was a hope to die alcoholic — lost and alone. Despite achieving sobriety, ten years ago I remained lost — overweight, depressed and utterly rudderless. Five years ago this week, I published a book about how I found my way out. A spiritual journey that entailed extreme faith and relentless persistence called Finding Ultra.  Today I celebrate the journey of my rebirth — and pause to honor this five year landmark — by taking a look back. Because the growth I have been blessed to experience isn't mine to covet. It's a choice available to all. So today, Julie asks the questions. And I answer them. I sincerely hope you enjoy the exchange. Peace + Plants, Rich

  • JD Roth: The Big Fat Truth Behind The Controversial King of Weight Loss TV

    15/05/2017 Duration: 01h51min

    Despite our cultural obsession with weight loss, we've never been fatter. Right now, one out of every three U.S. adults are obese. Another third are overweight. Even worse? 18% of our children are morbidly obese with rates continuing to soar. In lockstep with our obesity epidemic is a shocking escalation of chronic lifestyle illness, including high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, liver disease, and stroke. One out of every three Americans will die of heart disease. Close to 30% of the adult population is diabetic or pre-diabetic. The problem is so bad, 75% of all U.S. healthcare costs are attributable to these conditions — illnesses that quite ironically are avoidable and often reversible through some fairly simple diet and lifestyle changes. So why can't we lose the weight and keep it off? This is the question JD Roth has devoted his life to answering. The man behind a television empire built on the shoulders of a prime-time juggernaut called The Biggest Loser — which aired for an astonishing

  • Turia Pitt Unmasked – How Choosing Gratitude Turned This Burn Victim Into A Global Inspiration

    08/05/2017 Duration: 01h46min

    Close your eyes and imagine yourself running a trail ultramarathon in the beautiful Australian outback. You're enjoying the experience when suddenly you find yourself trapped in a gorge, surrounded by a raging brushfire. The flames quickly close in until you're surrounded on all sides. No escape. This is how it ends, you think. Then darkness. Against all odds, death is averted. Instead, you lie comatose. Months pass in dormancy. Finally your eyes open, awakening to discover you're miraculously alive, yet somehow less than whole. A glance at your left hand reveals several fingers missing. On the right? No thumb. And the reason you can't move? 65% of your body is covered in life threatening burns. Overwhelmed, you allow your eyes once again close, welcoming the comfort of darkness. 200 operations follow. Over the next two years, you will die three times during surgery. Miraculously, you somehow survive. Not as a victim, but as a hero. This is the powerful story of Turia Pitt – humanitarian, athlete, and beacon

  • Bruce Friedrich Is Innovating The Future of Food

    01/05/2017 Duration: 01h27min

    7.5 billion people currently share this spinning blue planet we call Earth. By 2050, that number will escalate to 9.7 billion. By 2100? 11 billion. How can we possibly feed 11 billion people sustainably? To answer that question we must turn our gaze to the industrialization of animal agriculture. On the surface, what we commonly call factory farming appears incredibly efficient, creating massive economies of scale. But peer just below the surface and you'll discover a vast operation of mass suffering that is irreparably polluting the environment, eviscerating our dwindling natural resources and destroying human health to boot. Beyond wasteful. Utterly unsustainable. Indefensibly cruel. Ladies and gentlemen, our food system is in dire need of innovation. So let's talk about it. This week I sit down with Bruce Friedrich, a man who has devoted his life to reforming animal agriculture and innovating the future of food and food systems. Bruce is the executive director of The Good Food Institute and founding partne

  • Louis Cole Is Living The Life of Adventure

    24/04/2017 Duration: 02h23min

    Ever wonder what it would be like to get paid to travel the world, jetting from one exotic port of call to the next in search of adventure? Now imagine sharing these experiences with millions of people all over the world on the daily. Few could pull this off. But if you feel the allure, then you're in for a treat with this week's guest — because Louis Cole is the master. With almost 2 million subscribers on his Fun For Louis YouTube channel (plus 1.5 million on Instagram), this British-born dreadlocked globetrotter was one of the first (if not the very first) daily travel vloggers to break out — an internet personality so sensational, YouTube crown prince Casey Neistat (RRP 73, 144 & 174) dubbed Louis the godfather of daily vlogging. Louis has crossed India on a rickshaw and skydived high above Dubai. He has skateboarded along Sydney Harbor and sailed a hot air balloon in Kenya. From kayaking in New Zealand to salsa dancing in Cuba, it's just another day of fun for Louis — a guy committed to sucking the marro

  • Leo Babauta’s Mission To End Human Struggle — Ruminations on Suffering, Simplicity & The Power of Mindfulness

    17/04/2017 Duration: 02h01min

    As longtime listeners know well, minimalism, mindfulness & sustainable living are favorite recurring themes of this show. Guests like Andrew Morgan and Joshua Katcher have elucidated our our cultural addiction to fast fashion. Andy Puddicombe, Jason Garner,Light Watkins,Dan Harris,Charlie Knoles,Guru Singh,WuDe and others have espoused the benefits of meditation. And people like Joshua Fields Milburn have shared the strategies and value of learning to live better with less. Perhaps you even watched Joshua and Ryan Nicodemus' documentary, Minimalism*. If you did, you may recall seeing Leo Babauta featured. A husband and father of six, Leo is the creator of Zen Habits, one of the largest single-author blogs in the world with a fanatic global fanbase in the millions. Named one of TIME magazine’s Top 10 blogs, Leo was indisputably one of the first prominent voices on the internet advocating the power and beauty of embracing simplicity and mindfulness to transcend the chaos of our daily existence. Through his writ

  • Danielle LaPorte On Becoming Your Own Guru

    10/04/2017 Duration: 01h49min

    From fire walks to ice baths and juice cleanses to intermittent fasting, silent retreats, talk therapy and everything in between, the world of personal development is limitless. And that's not counting all the podcasts, audiobooks, online courses, weekend seminars, weeklong symposiums, webinar tutorials and mastermind intensives that can occupy a well-intentioned seeker dawn to dusk for the next 10,000 years. Beyond the overwhelm, the self-help universe is fraught with snake oil slinging charlatans obfuscating truth from fiction — and all too often salvation from predation. Efforts to divine truth from bullshit render imperfect results. Anxiety ensues. To cope, we double down on improving upon our self-improvement until we wake up one day and realize what began as a laudable quest for growth has suddenly become an obsessive malignancy — a sort of spiritual eating disorder gnawing away on our very soul. Danielle LaPorte has been there. And she's got a message for you: You're the answer to your question. Named

  • Jessica Lahey On The Gift of Failure

    03/04/2017 Duration: 01h54min

    We all want what's best for our kids. So we roll up our sleeves and insert ourselves in their education, pitching in on homework and managing school projects. We stimulate them with an endless revolving door of activities. We do what we can to foster good grades, college application-worthy experiences and self-esteem. Along the way, we celebrate victories as if they were our own. And swoop in to protect when things go south. The instinct is laudable: set up our children for success, by any means necessary. But what if we have it all wrong? What if all this hyper-competitive, overly-protective micro-management is doing more harm than good? As a parent of young girls, I desperately want to do everything I can to serve their long-term interests. To learn more, I sat down with educator, writer and speaker Jessica Lahey (@jesslahey). A graduate of the University of Massachusetts with a J.D. concentrating on juvenile and education law from the University of North Carolina School of Law, Jessica is an an English and

  • Adam Braun On Lightning Moments, Reimagining Education & Blazing A Life of Purpose

    27/03/2017 Duration: 01h39min

    It’s no secret that aspects of our current education system are at best antiquated, at worst broken. Whether it's quality education in the developing world, properly training people to meet our rapidly changing workforce needs or the crippling student loan debt that onerously burdens millions of young people, we're long overdue for some systemic upgrades. This week's guest has devoted his life to tackling these problems. A young man with a bright future, Adam Braun graduated from Brown and threw himself headfirst into a burgeoning career in finance when an extended backpacking trip across the developing world forever changed his perspective. Inspired by a sense of purpose and a call to service, in 2008 Adam walked away from Wall Street to launch Pencils of Promise – a for purpose philanthropic endeavor with the mission of building schools in countries across the world. A massive success, Pencils of Promise is responsible for over 400 new schools to date, distinguishing itself as one of a handful of charitable

  • How To Be A Little Bit Better Tomorrow Than You Are Today — Sydney Q&A

    24/03/2017 Duration: 57min

    This mid-week episode of the podcast is a fun, dynamic Q&A session from our recent Plantpower Way event at Paddington Town Hall in Sydney, Australia. Some of the topics covered include: * raising vegan kids * incorporating podcast guest wisdom into your life * becoming your own self-sustaining ecosystem * carving a career out of your passion * pushing through when discipline wavers * the benefits of mutual partner support * effective advocacy methods I hope you enjoy the offering. #StayJedi! Peace + Plants, Rich

  • Conor Dwyer: An Olympic Gold Medalist On Why Hard Work Beats Talent That Doesn’t Work Hard

    20/03/2017 Duration: 01h29min

    I know what you’re thinking. It's rather convenient for any Olympic athlete to say that hard work trumps talent. For perspective, take a glance at the palmarès of this week's guest: * 2012 London Olympics: Gold in the 4×200 meter freestyle relay * 2016 Rio Olympics: Gold in the 4×200 meter freestyle relay * 2016 Rio Olympics: Bronze in the 200 meter freestyle In total, Conor Dwyer has won seventeen medals in major international swimming competitions: nine gold, six silver, and two bronze. I could geek out on his statistics forever but you get the picture. The dude is super fast in the pool; one of the fastest swimmers of all time. An extraordinary athlete, Conor is obviously immensely talented. So this idea that hard work beats talent can't possibly apply to him, right? Not so fast. Conor was the furthest thing from a natural talent right out of the gate. His performances out of high school were so mediocre in fact, he couldn't even get the attention of college coaches let alone a swimming scholarship. I simp

  • “What The Health” – How Corporate Collusion Is Making Us Sick & Costing Us Trillions

    13/03/2017 Duration: 01h58min

    Imagine four commercial airliners crashing every single hour of every single day of every single year. It's unfathomable. And yet that is how many Americans die from heart disease annually. In fact, an unbelievable 1 out of every 3 people in the U.S. will perish from this one disease. Meanwhile, 70% of Americans are obese or overweight. In the coming decade, 50% of Americans will be diagnosed diabetic or pre-diabetic. An economic disaster, 75% of all health care costs in America are attributable to these and a few other chronic lifestyle illnesses. It's devastating. And yet the most heartbreaking aspect of this crisis is that 80-90% of these illnesses are very easily preventable and often entirely reversible via some rather simple diet and lifestyle alternations. It's the food, stupid. This week I'm joined by Kip Andersen and Keegan Kuhn, the filmmaking dynamic duo behind the groundbreaking documentary Cowspiracy, to talk about their brand new follow up. Equally groundbreaking, What The Health explores the re

  • Brogan Graham On Igniting A Fitness Revolution

    06/03/2017 Duration: 02h01s

    There are leaders and then there are followers. The best leaders engender devotion to a big, new idea. But only a few successfully grow their conceit into a thriving a enterprise that withstands the test of time. Fewer still scale to mainstream cultural impact. Then there are the charmed select who simply see the world differently. Not how it is, but how it could be. How it should be. The rare figure who infuses his or her vision with a contagion of enthusiasm and connectivity so infectious and powerful, it ignites a revolution – catalyzing a movement that penetrates the mainstream, hypnotizes the masses and forever alters the perspective and behavior of all who fall under its spell. This is the story of Brogan Graham — an irreverent, way-outside-the-box fitness fanatic who, along with partner-in-crime Bojan Mandaric decided to flip the fitness industry on its head and make the world a better place with a creation dubbed November Project. No gyms or machines. No fees or dues. Just two dudes, wide open public

  • Why You Should Be Devotional, Not Emotional — And How Insistence Trumps Resistance

    03/03/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    Julie Piatt joins me for another mid-week installment of the podcast — a twist on my normal format where we go deep on a specific topic. This is a conversation about how to best bridge the emotional landmines of our expanding cultural divide. It's about how to be insistent rather than resistant. It's about the power of devotion over emotion. And it's about inner strength and the importance of cultivating your inner Jedi warrior. I hope you enjoy the offering. #StayJedi! Peace + Plants, Rich

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