The Rich Roll Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 1699:06:46
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life + performance + spirit


  • Surfing For Change: Buy Local, Surf Global

    28/04/2014 Duration: 01h33min

    So many things wrong in the world. Melting ice caps. Greenhouse gas emissions. Global climate change. GMO Frankenfoods. Depleted soils. Poisoned fish. Rampant childhood obesity. Unsustainable food systems. Horrifying school lunch programs. Unprecedented hurricanes. Insane tsunamis. Constant forest fires. And oh yeah – how about that Texas-sized flotilla of plasticized garbage goo floating out in the Pacific somewhere? I could go on like this all day. We all could. Because in truth it's easy to identify — and become despondent (if not just altogether passive and nonplussed) about the state of the planet, the environment, our citizenship and basic humanity when you take an honest look at the havoc we have wrecked upon ourselves. F-it. I give up. It's too late. Then you meet a guy like Kyle Thiermann. Pro Surfer. Filmmaker. Public Speaker. Environmentalist. Humanitarian. 24 years old. Suddenly, all that despondency is replaced with hope – optimism for the future of the planet and humanity courtesy of the next ge

  • IN-Q On Reimagining Your Truth

    21/04/2014 Duration: 01h44min

    The past couple weeks we went deep into nutrition. Now it's time to take a new direction. To delve into spirit. Creativity. And art. All powerful vehicles for connecting with, unlocking and ultimately expressing the authentic truth of who you are — the crux of life transformation. Today we Reimagine Your Truth. Today we meet IN-Q. Rapper. Actor. Teacher. Songwriter & internationally revered spoken word artist. Wait a minute — what?? A poet? How could spoken word, rap music and this guy possibly have anything to do with the themes of this show? I can read your mind. I get it. But I ask you to please reserve whatever preconceived ideas or opinions you may have about what's to come. Because ignorance is contempt prior to investigation. I promise you this — after this interview you won’t be asking yourself that question. I first met IN-Q up at a thing called Summit Series — an organization that began in 2008 with a small group of young entrepreneurs harboring a giant collective dream to change the world. Led by a

  • Rethinking the Science of Nutrition

    14/04/2014 Duration: 01h30min

    Wow! Last week's guest, T. Colin Campbell, got a huge response. It's only a week since publication and the episode is well on its way to becoming one of the most popular editions of the RRP to date. Glad you enjoyed it and — as always — thanks for tuning in. Because the Dr. Campbell conversation introduced a large new population to the show, thought I would take a brief moment to clarify what we do here. You may think this is just another podcast focused on running & triathlon. I love those subjects and feature plenty of guests in those arenas. But my focus is broader. In short, each week I do my best to bring to you the most forward thinking, paradigm busting minds in health, fitness, wellness, diet, nutrition, spirituality, creativity, entrepreneurship and life transformation. My goal is pure and it is simple. To help motivate and inspire you take your life to the next level. To help you discover, unlock and unleash your best, most authentic self. BOOM.  If you have yet to check out last week's episode, I u

  • China Study Critics & How Plant-Based Nutrition Can Prevent & Reverse Disease

    07/04/2014 Duration: 01h36min

    This week we hit a huge milestone – 2 MILLION DOWNLOADS!  Wow. I was blown away when we hit 1 million after about a year since we started this experiment. Then just five months later, we hit the second million. I am beyond words. I love doing the podcast, love it. I do this for you. So it means more than you can imagine that it has found a passionate and loyal audience. With utmost sincerity, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and promise to honor your commitment to the show by striving to always do better and be better. In honor of the milestone, I thought it appropriate to bring you one of my most compelling and important interviews to date. A conversation with a man I owe my life. A man whose studies, books and tireless advocacy have transformed countless lives across the globe. A man absolutely instrumental in paving a path for my own personal transformation – a journey that begins and ends with my adoption of a plant-based diet. T. Colin Campbell Dr. Campbell may not have invented the whole food pla

  • The Spiritual Road to Athletic Supremacy

    31/03/2014 Duration: 02h12min

    I had to put my dog down the other day. I want to tell you about it. It might seem unrelated to introducing today's podcast guest, but it's not. So bear with me. Bodhi was a great dog. Indeed, a prince. But over the last several months, cancer took the upper hand. Tumors filled his left lung until it shut down, diseased cells metastasizing at a horrible pace until the poor guy could barely lift his head, let alone stand up. Stalwart, Bodhi hid his pain well. But it was there; unmistakable and unrelenting. I felt helpless.  It’s the humane thing to do. You did the right thing. The words of the kind veterinarian who handled the Kevorkian end of this pyrrhic victory to cease my dog's suffering. I gently cradled his head and locked my eyes with his as the needle sank deep beneath his fur. What followed were my tears as the fragile life force dwindled from his limp body until his beautiful soul had vanished altogether. All the while, my only thought: this doesn't feel like the right thing. In fact, it all feels t

  • Leveraging Plant-Based Nutrition to Treat, Prevent & Reverse Disease

    24/03/2014 Duration: 01h23min

    A few weeks back I had the pleasure of being a keynote speaker & instructor on the Holistic Holiday at Sea — 1500 people cohabiting for 7 days on a Caribbean cruise ship for the specific purpose of learning more about health. How to eat better. And live more fully. When I agreed to participate, I had no idea the magnitude of this event. The incredible scale of this thing. I’m not a cruise ship kind of guy. Quite honestly, I prefer a shack on a deserted beach to a floating mall housing 2200. I was leery. In the aftermath, I can't say the experience converted me to cruising as a lifestyle. But I will say it ended up being an extraordinary experience — an event I highly recommend to those out there looking for something different to kick things into a new gear. I got to meet and spend time with some of the leading minds in the plant-based wellness Universe. Some I already knew, like legends T. Colin Campbell, author of The China Study* and Whole* (podcast coming soon!), PCRM founder Neal Barnard, Chef AJ ( RRP E

  • From Chubby Kid to Plantpowered, Marathon Running Host of Australian Idol

    17/03/2014 Duration: 01h56min

    I'm told that Osher Gunsberg is quite the thing Down Under. Under former stage name Andrew G he lit up Australian airwaves as host of the popular Channel V– the Oz version of MTV's TRL– and went on to host Australian Idol, Live to Dance here in US with Paula Abdul, and more recently was the guy giving out roses back in his homeland on The Bachelor. That stuff is cool I suppose. Good on ya mate. But that's not how I know Osher. In fact, I've never seen him once on television and didn't even know about any of that stuff until we had hung out several times. Moreover, it really has nothing to do with why I wanted to sit down and bend his ear. I know Osher just as a good friend. We met about a year ago and he has become one of my closer friends over this period of time. I guy I can call up, and with whom I can talk life things through — because he has endured and overcome similar challenges and always has a wise word or two that helps me navigate whatever I happen to be going through. A guy who knows how to really

  • Why You Should Choose Yourself

    10/03/2014 Duration: 01h38min

    I love people who ask questions other people aren't asking. See trends others don't see. Have the courage to try a new approach. Risk the illusion of security. Think differently. Jump into the abyss with nothing but faith and their own resolve in search of answers. And refuse to wait for permission to simply do. In a certain sense, this dictate can be boiled down to a singular principle — people who Choose Themselves. And this is what today's guest is all about. Enter James Altucher. Where to even begin with this multi-talented hyphenate. Hedge fund manager, investor & serial entrepreneur, James has founded or co-founded over 20 companies; chess master; inspirational public speaker, radio, television and successful podcast host ( his show debuted at #1 on all of iTunes a few months back); bestselling author with 11 books to his name, both self-published and with the biggest publishing houses; husband, and father. I first stumbled upon the world of James Altucher about a year ago through his prolific, always h

  • Leveraging Mindfulness to Change Your Life

    03/03/2014 Duration: 01h32min

    Jonathan Fields is a super popular guy. There is a good reason for that, which I'm going to get into in a minute. Before I do, I wanted to check in with you in a bit about what we do over here at the RRP. I have the feeling that Jonathan's appeal will attract some cool new people to the audience (welcome!), so I wanted to take a quick moment to recap the mission. Yes, I am a plant-based endurance athlete. And yes, I do have many plant-based enthusiasts on this show. But this is hardly a narrowly defined “fitness” or “vegan” themed podcast. It's far more about inspiration. I cast a very broad net. When thinking about guests, my litmus test is finding fascinating people and personalities that span a variety of disciplines. People who push boundaries. Live extraordinary lives. Think different. Blaze their own path. Question the status quo. And live large and on their own terms – in service not just to themselves, but in devotion to others, catalyzing life changing improvement in the quality of people's lives, an

  • Making It Count and How To Do More

    24/02/2014 Duration: 01h10min

    Simple yet profound words from this week's guest, a man in full embrace of the ethos of living an impactful, creative, authentic life in overdrive. Uncompromising. Unapologetic. Filmmaker, photographer, builder, father, humanitarian, athlete. But most of all, an artist leveraging his boundless creative energy to tell personal stories that inspire all of us to find the adventure in life. To invest in experience. To be bold. And to do more — both for yourself and for others. I first became aware of Casey around 2010 when his show “The Neistat Brothers” aired on HBO and was immediately captivated by Casey's DIY sensibility. His fearlessness. His acute ability to find the wonder in the seemingly banal. And his refusal to await permission from the gatekeepers to create. I've been a fan ever since, eagerly anticipating each new upload to his wildly popular YouTube channel – 82 movies he refuses to monetize; a network that enjoys a quarter of a million rabid subscribers; and dozens of viral sensations with 50+ milli

  • Breaking the Shackles of Apartheid in Medicine

    17/02/2014 Duration: 01h39min

    We need more doctors in the world like Dr. Frank Lipman. Western medicine is astounding when it comes to treating acute, isolated conditions — a catastrophic injury, an arterial blockage or a serious infection, for example. But how does it fare when it comes to preventing disease, particularly chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, obesity and countless other conditions sweeping the globe like a modern day plague? Well, not so well. On this I think we can all agree. On that note, when was the last time your doctor focused his inquiry on things like increasing energy levels and general vitality, elevating mood, sustaining optimal body weight, or enhancing mental acuity and focus? Not recently I would imagine, if ever. He or she might advise you to reduce the stress in your life, “eat better” and/or “start taking care of yourself” — but these proclamations are rarely combined with an actual specific protocol to implement. And that, my friends is a shame. Dr. Lipman is working to break this paradigm. Ea

  • How Adam Transformed His Life, Dropped 50 lbs & Became the 1st Person to Run the 163 Mile Pan-Mass Challenge

    10/02/2014 Duration: 01h37min

    Straight up, this conversation encapsulates every aspiration I ever had for the show when I embarked upon this podcast journey a little over a year ago: inspiration, in the form of a relatable everyman guest sharing his personal story openly and honestly with absolute humility and a vulnerability that is rare in today's panoply of admirable role models. We get emotional. We get real. We get authentic. There's even a few tears. If you're not moved by Adam' story, then check yourself for a pulse. ” Adam Scully-Power ? Never heard of him.” I get it. Adam certainly isn't a household name. But that’s a shame, because we need more guys like Adam. So I'm doing my part to help change that, because Adam's story is extraordinary. And one that needs to be more widely heard. I'll start off with this — talking to Adam was like staring in a mirror. Not because we look alike – we don't. But I have never met anyone with a story that so closely tracks the facts and emotions my own experience. In fact, it's downright eerie. So

  • On the Spirituality of Peak Athletic & Life Performance

    29/01/2014 Duration: 01h45min

    American Ninja Warrior. Calisthenics freak. Battlebar champion. Muscle Beach staple. Parkour artist. Spiritual crusader. Social entrepreneur. These are just a few labels we can attach to the badass known as Travis Brewer. But what is truly inspiring about this airborne athlete with a conscience is his mission to live life to the fullest. Catalyzing positive impact through movement to make the world a better place. And inspire others to become more of who they are. For Travis, it's an inside job. His ability to walk through fear, break barriers, push past physical, mental and emotional plateaus to perform the impossible with death-defying body movement begins and ends with one thing – his devotion to spirituality & meditation. Today Julie and I sit down with Travis to explore the boundaries of human potential – both athletic and beyond the monkey bars; what it truly means to unlock the best of who you are; the crucial extent to which devotion, spirituality and meditation play into his holistic health and peak

  • On Running Across America For A GMO-Free USA

    23/01/2014 Duration: 01h50min

    What do you do when your twelve-year-old son announces he’s going to run across America? That's the dilemma Brett & Kris Wilcox faced, hoping that in time their son David would simply forget about his crazy idea — “it's a phase….he'll grow out of this fantasy eventually……right?” Well, David refused to let up. In fact, he doubled down. On the heels of becoming the fastest freshman cross country runner in his region of Alaska, David became more determined than ever to become the 2nd 15-year old ever to complete a transcontinental run. Needless to say, his parents had a decision to make – quash their son's dream, or dig deep to help make it happen. I am happy to say they chose the latter. And on January 18, 2014, David and his father — supported by his mother Kris and 13-year old sister Olivia — began their coast-to-coast attempt, launching from Huntington Beach, CA en route to Washington, D.C. David has his motivations. But in order to run alongside his son, Brett needed his own. As a Licensed Professional Coun

  • Plantpowered Dietitian & Author on Blue Zones, BigFood, Straight Edge Punk & Eating For Ultra-Endurance Performance

    16/01/2014 Duration: 02h10min

    Matt is a cool dude. Can't believe it took the podcast for us to finally meet in person. Not only do we have plenty of common points of interest and intersection — plant-based nutrition, eating for performance and ultra-endurance athletics topping the list — Matt knows from whence he comes. With a Nutritional Science degree from Pennsylvania State University and a Public Health Nutrition degree from Loma Linda University (yes – that “Blue Zone*” Loma Linda where everyone eats plants and lives like forever – don't worry we get into this), as well as certification as a Registered Dietitian ( the only professional nutrition credential available ), Matt has distinguished himself as a leading expert in the field of vegan nutrition. In addition to working one-on-one with clients and athletes, Matt is the Past-Chair of the Vegetarian Nutrition Group of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics , and co-authored both the No Meat Athlete book with RRP #54 guest Matt Frazier and the best-selling cookbook Appetite for Red

  • On Sobriety, Prison & His Quest to Become The Fastest Human To Run Across The United States

    09/01/2014 Duration: 02h29min

    People ask me all the time, “Who inspires you, Rich?” For the most part, the people that inspire me are people you've never heard of. Everyman guys like Josh LaJaunie who toil tirelessly yet essentially anonymously to actualize profound personal change. The single dad working two jobs that still finds a way to lose 50 pounds, get off his statin medication and run his first 10K. Or the soldier stationed in the Middle East doing his best to eat plant-based despite confronting tremendous daily obstacles. Then there are guys like Charlie. The story of Charlie Engle first found it's way into my consciousness back around 2006 or 2007. I still vividly recall hearing Charlie relate the facts of his experience in a radio interview he did with a host I cannot recall. What I do recall is just how moved I was by his journey. A story that didn't just click with me, but one I related to with every fiber of who I am. Addict. Alcoholic. Sober. Ultrarunner. Father. Felon. Inspiration. Charlie is a man of very high highs and v

  • [EXPLICIT] The Punk Iconoclast on GMO’s, The “V” Word & Expanding Consciousness

    23/12/2013 Duration: 02h18min

    S$#*t's about to get raw. Authentic. And real. Back by popular demand, Cro-Mags' frontman John Joseph– aka “Bloodclot” — returns to the podcast today to do what he does best – light fires, blow stuff up and burn the house down. All for the sake of getting people to wake up, expand consciousness and take control of our lives. Weaned from the ailing womb of Scorsese's Mean Streets, JJ is a true American original. Lower East Side thief, abuse survivor, drug dealer & brawling gutter rat reborn as spiritual warrior. CBGB Street Poet. Punk-ass Robin Hood. Plantpowered Ironman. Spiritual evangelist. A life story so astounding it echoes some demented amalgam of Bukowski, Hugh Selby, Jr., Jerry Stahl, Eckhart Tolle & Paramahansa Yogananda. Plus he can write. His tale of survival is so vividly depicted in his autobiography Evolution of a Cro-Magnon, it's currently being adapted into a movie. And July 2014 brings Harper Collins' wide release of his previously self-published (and currently out-of-print) cult hit Meat is

  • On Chasing Dreams & His New Book “Beat The Devil”

    16/12/2013 Duration: 02h08min

    Third time's a charm. Show favorite Mishka Shubaly returns to the podcast today for round 3 to chat about addiction, sobriety, rock ‘n roll, ultrarunning, relationships, writing, creativity and his fantastic new Kindle Single, Beat The Devil. But mostly we talk about chasing dreams. The inherent force, value & gestalt of a dream. How much you are willing to sacrifice in pursuit of a dream, even when it constantly deludes and eludes you, undermining, derailing and even destroying other important aspects of your life. How to know whether the dream you seek is the right dream. And when — and if — it ever makes sense to abandon a dream that persistently fails to materialize. Mishka and I have a shorthand. A large percentage of our friendship has taken place on microphone, but there is a palpable sense that we have always been friends. And that's because — although our life experiences are very different — our mental & emotional points of reference share powerful common turf. Indeed, Mishka is my brother-from-anot

  • The Best of 2013 Anthology Episode

    09/12/2013 Duration: 02h44min

    Now for something a little different. In celebration of our 1st year anniversary and the quickly approaching new year, I thought it would be fun to compile a “Best Of” edition of the show, with excerpts from some of the more popular interviews over the course of the past twelve months to create a year-end mashup episode. So Tyler, my son and esteemed podcast producer, audio engineer and musician (he writes, produces and arranges all the music for the show as well) rolled up his sleeves and went to work, spending hours culling through the best and the brightest of 2013 to create today's show – a full-length compendium of awesome, it's a veritable grab-bag cornucopia of amazing conversational clips edited together to create a complete show. Excerpted interviews include the following past guests, in chronological order: THE BEST OF THE RRP – 2013 * Founder Dr. Michael Greger ( Episode 7 ) * Julie Piatt on New Year's Resolutions ( Episode 9 ) * Ironman World Champion Chris “Macca” McCormack ( E

  • How One Man Overcame Incredible Obstacles, Lost 200 lbs & Transformed His Life Wholesale

    02/12/2013 Duration: 01h58min

    This interview is like nothing you have heard before on this show. It will move you. It will inspire you. It will erase whatever obstacles and excuses you rely on that perpetuate bad habits, keep you stuck, and reinforce denial. By listening, my hope is that you will realize that no matter what your circumstances or environment, we all have the power to implement profound personal change beyond our collective imagination in miraculous and fantastic ways. A couple weeks ago, a guy called Josh LaJaunie tweeted me his before and after pictures, thanking me for helping him along his journey of total transformation. Bear in mind, I get many such images sent to me. I absolutely love this stuff – It's why I do what I do. But something about this post was different. The change was so astounding, my first thought was, “Can this be real?” The 400+ pound guy on the left bore almost no resemblance to the guy on the right, a super fit, super handsome young man running with a big smile on his face. And yet when I looked cl

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