Primal Potential - The Anti-diet Solution To Mastering Fat Loss Naturally



The Primal Potential Podcast is the anti-diet approach to mastering fat loss NATURALLY. Everyone knows they should eat better and exercise regularly but Primal Potential talks about strategy for the tough stuff - HOW to overcome emotional eating, hormonal imbalances, unhealthy habits and your all-or-nothing dieting mindset. Each week we tackle a mainstream myth or challenge, we talk about weight loss facts, strategies and practical solutions for implementation. This isn't another preachy, weight loss show - we get to the root of FAT LOSS and how you can eat, live and think to optimize your body's ability to burn fat and keep it off! Primal Potential is here to help you lose weight, get healthy and master fat loss NATURALLY.


  • Q&A 6: How To Make Breakfast a Fat Burning Meal

    07/02/2015 Duration: 12min

    Sometimes people feel stumped for breakfast ideas once they realize that the bagel, cereal and oatmeal aren't the best options for fat loss. There often isn't time to spend 30 minutes preparing breakfast when you're trying to get out the door. In this episode we talk about healthy, fat loss breakfast options that work when you have time and when you don't. I give tons of recipes & meal ideas and talk about what to go for and what to avoid. 

  • Ep 013: Hormones & Fat Loss Part 3 - Your Thyroid

    05/02/2015 Duration: 24min

    The thyroid hormones tend to take a lot of the blame when it comes to an ability to burn fat or chronic low energy levels. The thyroid hormones are incredibly sensitive to our diet, lifestyle and environment and then can totally derail our fat loss efforts if they are out of balance. In today's episode we talk about the factors required for optimal thyroid function and how we can implement specific nutritional, exercise and lifestyle strategies to optimize our thyroid function naturally!

  • Q&A 5: Bulletproof Coffee for Energy, Fat Loss & Satiety

    03/02/2015 Duration: 20min

    We are talking everything bulletproof coffee!!! Why I drink it, what it is, why low toxin, high quality coffee is important, what grass fed butter is and why it matters, what MCT is oil is and how it improves your health. We go into how to make bulletproof coffee, where you can buy the ingredients and how it will make you feel!

  • Episode 012: How To Balance Hormones Naturally Part 2

    31/01/2015 Duration: 30min

    Your hormones control your ability to burn fat. They can put you in fat storing mode or fat burning mode. But most people don't know whether or not their hormones are balanced! It's easier than you think! Our hormones are CONSTANTLY signaling us and letting us know when there is a problem, we just don't know how to interpret the signals! In today's episode we talk about how you can quickly identify if your hormones are balanced, which hormones are out of balance and we talk about specific steps to take to achieve balance where you need it most! 

  • Q&A 4: How To Tame Your Sweet Tooth

    29/01/2015 Duration: 23min

    How do you handle your sweet tooth? In this episode we're talking about both long term and immediate strategies for taming your sweet tooth WITHOUT restriction & deprivation so you can reach your fat loss goals and enjoy your food along the way.

  • Ep 011: Eating to Optimize Hormones for Fat Loss Part 1

    27/01/2015 Duration: 28min

    Hormones have EVERYTHING to do with fat loss regardless of your age or gender! Most people seeking weight loss don't know how or why to balance their hormones. In this episode we talk about how your hormones influence fat loss and specific diet and lifestyle changes you can start making TODAY to get your hormones balanced for effortless fat loss. 

  • Q&A 3: Vegetables, Exercise & Family

    24/01/2015 Duration: 12min

    In our 3rd QA episode we're answering a question from a reader who doesn't like exercise or vegetables and needs to balance weight loss with her many other priorities including kids, husband & work. We talk about how to navigate weight loss when you don't like vegetables or exercise and establish what matters MOST when it comes to getting results. 

  • Q&A 2: What's Your Carb Tolerance

    22/01/2015 Duration: 25min

    We talk a lot about how avoiding carbs in the morning and limiting them to your evening meal or post workout is best for fat loss. In today's episode we're talking about how and why some people can eat carbs all day and stay very lean or how some people lose weight eating oatmeal for breakfast. We'll describe the different factors that influence your own unique carb tolerance AND how you can improve it! 

  • Ep 010: How to Create YOUR Unique Fat Loss Formula

    20/01/2015 Duration: 27min

    Everybody wants a plan. They want to know what to eat, what to avoid, when to exercise and how. They want approved food lists and meal plans. But what if that's actually not the best way to reach your goals? Here's a hint: it's not. In this episode we talk about how that approach might be holding you back and how you can actually accelerate your progress to your fat loss goals by creating your OWN plan. But how do you do it? How do you know where to start? We'll tell you!!

  • Q&A 1: Overcoming Nighttime Overeating

    17/01/2015 Duration: 11min

    Lots of people stay on track all day but blow their progress by overeating at night. They've exhausted their willpower, they're tried, they can't stand up against the strong cravings and the inevitably undo their daily progress by overindulging at night. Today we address that issue and give 7 specific strategies for overcoming nighttime overeating. 

  • Ep 009: Carbohydrate Spillover - Is the WAY You Eat Carbs Making You Fat

    15/01/2015 Duration: 29min

    Carbs aren't evil. But the way we eat them might be making us fat. In this episode we talk about how carbs have the potential to make us fat. We get into carbohydrate spillover, or the conditions under which carbs are actually converted to fat and stored as body fat. Fortunately, we talk about how to avoid that! We talk about how you can enjoy carbs without having them contribute to weight gain! 

  • Ep 008: Creating & Maintaining Motivation

    11/01/2015 Duration: 24min

    Anyone can get motivated for a few days or weeks but how do we actively sustain motivation for the duration of our weight loss journey? In today's episode we talk about concrete steps you can take to constantly fuel your motivation and transform your life in every way you can possibly imagine.

  • Ep 007: Carbs & Fat Loss - Timing Matters

    10/01/2015 Duration: 23min

    There are so many different strategies out there as it relates to carbs and fat loss. Carbs are NOT the enemy of fat loss but they can be if you aren't careful! When it comes to carbs there is a true right time and wrong time to eat them and achieve your fat loss goals. In this episode we're talking about what happens when you eat carbs at the wrong time, what is the right time, and how to enjoy carbs and still burn fat. 

  • Ep 006: Want to Lose Fat? Eat More Fat!

    09/01/2015 Duration: 21min

    What you know about dietary fat is wrong. Politics, greed and ignorance painted a picture of dietary fat that is not only wrong but dangerous. It has perpetuated the obesity epidemic and allowed us to become addicted to sugar and processed frankenfoods. In this episode we talk about the TRUTH about dietary fat - why it's important, how it can actually help us BURN stored body fat and the ways in which is keeps us healthy. You'll learn the best fats for fat loss and the fats you want to avoid for optimal health.

  • Ep 005 - How To Overcome Sugar Addiction & Cravings

    08/01/2015 Duration: 20min

    Sugar addiction is real. If you feel like you're failing to reach your weight loss goals because you can't overcome your cravings, its not that you're weak - it's that you've trained your brain to crave and desire sugar. In this episode we talk about the science of cravings and sugar addiction but more importantly we talk about steps you can take to break the cycle and free yourself from your sugar addiction.

  • Ep 004 - Getting Started with Weight Loss

    07/01/2015 Duration: 20min

    Getting started with weight loss can be daunting. Most of the time we bite off more than we can chew and end up frustrated and overwhelmed. Today, we establish a few key strategies for getting started, staying motivated and making progress that will last! 

  • Ep 003 - Do Less To Get More

    06/01/2015 Duration: 21min

    The 80/20 rule tells us that 80% of our results come from only 20% of our efforts. This episode will help you identify the SMALL list of activities that generate the most results. We'll talk about how focusing on a smaller number of tasks or goals can dramatically accelerate our progress towards our weight loss goals - or any goals in life! 

  • Ep 002 - Hormones Trump Calories - Why, How and What To Do About It

    01/01/2015 Duration: 28min

    In today's episode we debunking the myth that calories are king when it comes to fat loss. There's no question that calories matter, but its our HORMONES that determine if our body burns the energy we consume via calories, or if we store it as fat. One hormone in particular will determine if we're feeling hungry, experiencing cravings and storing fat OR if we're burning fat and feeling satisfied. We're going to talk about concrete steps you can take to make sure you're eating to optimize your hormone balance and keeping your body in fat burning mode all the time! 

  • Ep 001 - Diets Don't Work

    01/01/2015 Duration: 21min

    The traditional "eat less, move more" model is a recipe for rebound weight gain, hunger, and an ultimately slower metabolism. That is the OLD way. There is a newer, happier, healthier way that avoids rebound weight gain, hunger and cravings. It will leave you feeling energized and allow you to master fat loss naturally. But first, we've got to bust this eat less, move more myth!! 

  • Ep 000 - What is Primal Potential and Elizabeth's Story

    29/12/2014 Duration: 16min

    Primal Potential is the incremental, anti-diet solution for effective, permanent weight loss. The Primal Potential Podcast will help you overcome emotional eating, hormonal imbalances, unhealthy habits & your dieting mindset through education and inspiration. We don’t just talk about what you should eat and what you should avoid – we talk STRATEGY. Primal Potential is bridging the gap between KNOWING and DOING. Each episode will leave you with concrete tips for making positive changes that make a difference. We have a really powerful format. Each episode tackles a common challenge or mainstream myth, reviews the actual facts or solutions and then provides practical implementation strategies so you can start making changes TODAY. Lots of other podcasts present one new approach after another, bringing on experts to share what they feel is the secret to weight loss but honestly, those shows can just leave you feeling more lost and confused than ever! The Primal Potential Podcast is committed to helping you f

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